Minutes 1974

Extracts from the Minutes for 1974

List of Meetings

  • EGM, Sunday, January 6th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, January 7th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, February 18th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, March 18th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, April 8th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Friday, April 19th, 1974 at the Swanmore School
  • Monday, April 29th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, May 20th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, June 17th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, July 15th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, August 19th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, September 16th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 21st, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 28th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, November 25th, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • Saturday, December 1st, 1974 at the Clubhouse
  • EGM, Wednesday, December 4th, 1974 at Swanmore School
  • Monday, December 9th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

EGM, Sunday, January 6th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

There were 52 members present with the Captain, Mr A. Haigh, in the chair.

The following proposition, proposed by Mr J. Sneezum and Mr D. Harvey-Kelly was put to the meeting – “That the property of the Club may be invested in corporate or individual Trustees (hereinafter referred to as Ordinary Trustees) who are not empowered by the Public Trustee Act of 1906 and the rules made thereunder to act as custodian Trustees and any reference in rule 27 hereof to custodian Trustees or Ordinary Trustees and the said rule shall apply to the vesting of the Club property in Ordinary Trustees” (To be known as Rule 28)

There were no amendments. The proposition being put to the meeting was carried unanimously.

Monday, January 7th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising the Captain informed us that 75 club ties of each colour had been ordered. It was agreed that the house committee should take a careful look at the new vending machine to finally decide on its suitability. The trees mentioned in the last minutes were in hand by Mr Smith and should shortly be available.

The Treasurer gave an account of receipts and expenditure during the last month and the bank balances which showed that while the general account was overdrawn some £600 the membership loan account was in credit by some £2,500, so showing a substantial net credit position.

The Greens Committee reported that work on the course is held up by bad weather.

The House and Bar Committee reported that the opening times of the Club are not satisfactory; many members complain that the clubhouse is not open when they arrive to commence play. Crockford will be reminded that the Clubhouse should be opened at 8:30am.

On the Course Extension it was reported that work was slow at present owing to bad weather, but contractors are merely waiting to replace top soil on the green sites prior to seeding in the Spring. They do not anticipate being behind with this work. In connection with the course extension and at the request of the solicitors the following resolutions were passed so that the deeds of the Club land may be legally transferred to Trustees of our own choosing.

It was proposed by Mrs Fletcher and Mr W.G. Smith “That it is resolved that Harry Gregory Pettit Lewis of Greenup, Kiln Road, Fareham and Robert William Linnell of Chimneys, The Avenue, Fareham and Frank Lindley of Crossways, Meonstoke, Southampton and Frederick Banting of East Street, Hambledon, Hampshire shall be nominated to act as Trustees of the property described in a Conveyance dated the 12th March 1970 and made between the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Limited and Barclays Bank Limited and that said persons hereby nominated to act as Trustees aforesaid shall deal with the property as directed by the Committee for the time being of the Corhampton Golf Club in accordance with Rule 27 (2) and 28 of the Rules of the Corhampton Golf Club and FURTHER it is resolved that the President of the Club be directed to enter into a Deed appointing as Trustees the persons hereby nominated to act as such.”

On being out to the meeting this resolution was carried unanimously.

It was then proposed by Mr F M Hartwell and seconded by Mr G F Smith “That it be resolved that Barclays Bank Trust Company Limited presently holding certain lands upon trust for members of the Corhampton Golf Club be directed to convey and transfer all land held by them as Custodian Trustees for members of the Corhampton Golf Club to Harry Gregory Pettit Lewis of Greenup, Kiln Road, Fareham and Robert William Linnell of Chimneys, The Avenue, Fareham and Frank Lindley of Crossways, Meonstoke, Southampton and Frederick Banting of East Street, Hambledon, Hampshire being persons nominated by this day by resolution of the Committee of the Corhampton Golf Club to act as Trustees of the land now held by the said Barclays Bank Trust Company Limited as Custodian Trustees”.

On being out to the meeting this resolution was carried unanimously.

Under Competitions, following the resignation of Mr Hartwell as competitions secretary, an event regretted by the Committee, Mr Hartwell will get together wit Mr J Fletcher to see if he (Mr Fletcher) may be able to assume these duties on behalf of the Committee.

With regard to the presentation of trophies it was agreed that they should be presented to winners as soon after the event as possible and again at the AGM or at some other suitable function that may be arranged.

The new handicap board is now positioned, it also enumerates all 5-day members.

Under AOB the matter of the professional’s dog again arose. It appears that there has been another incident since the one which was taken up with Crockford some two weeks ago. Committee instructed the Secretary to write a strong letter to Crockford indicating that the dog must from now on be entirely excluded from the course.

The matter of Mr Carter’s application for membership was mentioned and it was agreed that he should be offered 5-day membership pending full membership.

The whole matter of 5-day members being offered full membership was deferred until the next meeting on the 18th February.

Monday, February 18th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising Mr Haigh said that he was under the impression that Crockford’s dog was to be put down. The Secretary’s letter to him was read which did not insist on this drastic action, but in view of the strong terms of the letter the matter was left for the time being.

The Treasurer reported that there was a credit balance of £1400 in the bank.

Mr Smith reported that trees had been planted along the Bishops Waltham road but the bad weather lately experienced had made conditions very difficult. If wet weather continues trolleys may have to be banned from the course for a time, and temporary greens provided. The prevalence of moss on some fairways was brought to the notice of the greens committee and this will be attended to when conditions permit.

Under Competitions, Mr Hartwell said that the matches for 1974 were all set up and that the diaries would shortly be received. The club championship this year, it was agreed, will be limited to handicaps of 18 and under.

Under House and Bar, Mr Reeves conformed that the Steward had given in his notice but was prepared to stay on a little until we get a replacement. Mrs Ruddle would not be resuming her catering duties this year. It was agreed that the Secretary should advertise for another steward who might also do the catering. It was agreed that we should have to pay a retainer of some £2 weekly to a caterer in addition to the profit made from the supply of food. It was pointed out that the Alliance meeting on 14th March might be difficult without a caterer. Mr Lindley proposed that this meeting be cancelled or postponed but could find no seconder. It was agreed that an outside caterer would have to be employed if necessary. The date for the annual dinner was fixed for 22nd November and would be at the Solent Motel.

Under Course Extension the Secretary produced a letter from the bank asking for information. He also read a letter he had sent to the Sports Council informing them of our intention to postpone building of a new clubhouse for the time being and asking that that portion of the grant made to us be carried forward. The Secretary was able to state that the Regional Sports Council has suggested that the full grant might be paid on the work now in progress, but that this would be confirmed (or otherwise) by their London office.

A letter form Blake Lapthorn was read as were the enclosures which were a draft Deed of Appointment, a draft Conveyance and a draft Declaration of Trust. These were all agreed and it was resolved

“The following documents, that is to say:-

1. A draft Deed of Appointment made between Frank Lindley of Crossways, Meonstoke, Southampton as President of Corhampton Golf Club and Harry Gregory Pettit Lewis of Greenup, Kiln Road, Fareham and Robert William Linnell of Chimneys, The Avenue, Fareham and Frederick Banting of East Street, Hambledon, Hampshire (hereinafter referred to as ‘the new Trustees’)
2. A draft declaration of Trust made by the new Trustees
3. A draft Conveyance made between Barclays Bank Trust Co. Ltd and the new Trustees.

be approved by the Committee on behalf of the Club subject to any amendments considered necessary by the Club’s solicitors Messrs Blake Lapthorn Rea & Williams of 8 Landport Terrace Portsmouth”.

Mr Smith said that some 300 trees had been ordered and would soon be planted. Time was now for members who had subscribed to buying trees were approached and a notice would be displayed to this end.

Following Mr Pinhorne’s generous offer last year re the building of the clubhouse it was agreed that the Secretary would write to him explaining the delay and hoping he would still be able to help us when the time came.

Under AOB it was agreed that lady members be admitted to the Club in a proportion to men of 10-2. There were two 5-day members of under 18 handicap and it was agreed that they should be offered full membership.

Monday, March 18th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising Mr Haigh immediately raised the question of the course extension and the payment by the Sports Council of pro rate sums against Architects certificates. Several members argued that items such as the water storage tank, purchase of soil and other items should be included in the claim against the Sports Council. Finally it was agreed that this should be done and Mr Lewis will write to the Secretary setting out how he thinks this should be done.

The treasurer reported that there was a healthy balance of £4,700 thanks mainly to loans from members which now amount to £5,475.

Under competitions it was stated that Crookhorn wish to play us an evening match in the Summer. The Secretary has dates and will submit the to Mr Hartwell for final arrangement.

The House and Bar committee reported that a stock take would be made on the 31st March and a new system of stock keeping be instituted. The key of the fruit machine will be held in the custody of the Treasurer.

Mr Smith went on to other matters. The tin roof of the old cricket pavilion, he suggested, would be an excellent roof for the new water tank and he suggested the demolition of the pavilion with this in mind. Mr Smith said that the remaining amount due on the new water tank should not be as much as expected. We have already paid £800 towards the total cost.

On the Course Extension Mr Haigh said that he was having difficulty in getting the plans for the new Clubhouse accepted by the planning authorities. The sang appeared to be that the plans had not been drawn up by a certified architect. Mr Dunne suggested that the plans be submitted to Mr Rickman for any alterations or amendments to be made in order to get the plans passed. This, Mr Haigh said he would do.

Under AOB staff salaries and wages were raised by the Captain. Mr Smith will confer on this matter with Mr Wilson and present his findings to the finance committee.

An increase in subscriptions may be necessary next January. The matter will be raised by the Captain at the AGM. An extraordinary meeting may be necessary later in the year.

Some discussion then developed on the handling of the Club’s finances. It was eventually agreed that cheques will be signed by any two of the Captain, Vice Captain and Treasurer. This will be arranged with the bank as soon as possible.

Monday, April 8th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Minutes and Matters Arising, the Captain said that as the Minute Book was not to hand, these could not be read but perhaps some items could be remembered by the Committee. Mr Linnell said that the bar stocktaking had been done on April 1st and that the key of the fruit machine had been removed from behind the bar. At the last meeting it was decided to change our architect for the plans for the new clubhouse and Mr Dunne recommended an architect. The Captain read out a letter he had received from him stating that he gathered a panoramic view from Winchester Road was required and this would make his fee more than at first estimated. Mr Dunne kindly offered to look after this matter. Letters were also read form Barclays Bank re the Trustees, and a letter from the Secretary to the Solicitors asking for advice on the matter. Mr Lewis stated that he wished to have no part in any joint and several guarantee and it was agreed that a meeting should be arranged with Barclays Bank, Mr A Haigh, Mr G F Smith and the four Trustees and the Secretary in order to clarify the matter. Mr Dunne said he would like this meeting to be arranged as soon as possible.

A letter was read out from Lin-Hire Ltd. Stating that as from March 1st, 1974, all golf courses are zero-rated, therefore no VAT would be charged on further certificates, and asking us to deduct VAT from certificate No. 4 amounting to £296-90.

A letter was then read out from the Golf Course Architects stating that they were concerned that some of the trees had been planted too close to the new tees thus making it impossible in several cases to use machines for this work. Mr Smith said that it was unfortunate that the architect could not be here at the right time but thought it would be possible to move some of the trees without damage if really necessary.

A letter was read from Huxleys re the amount being queried for repairs to the gang mowers. It was agreed that as the account had been paid, nothing further could be done, but that it must not happen again.

The Captain of Rowlands Castle Golf Club had sent a notice re the forthcoming Pro-Am Tournament on May 27th with application form for tickets. The Secretary was asked to put up this notice as soon as possible.

Under House and Bar, Mrs Fletcher said she though it was an unnecessary expense to provide so many towels in the changing rooms, and Mr Dunne suggested that a paper towel dispenser be obtained, and Mrs Fletcher agreed to see to this.

Under Social Functions the Captain said he was pleased with the Prize giving party and thanked all for coming and making it a success. He was sorry that some of the prizewinners were unable to be present.

For the Greens Committee Mr Smith said he had spoken to Mr Wilson re a rise in wages. After a general discussion, it was agreed that as Mr Wilson had already had a rise last November this should be left as was for another six months, but that he should be given another £50 p.a. on his travelling expenses. Mr Hoff his assistant should be given a rise of £2 per week.

Mr Wright said he would like a list of duties of the new greenkeeper given to the new committee when it was formed, and Mr Smith was asked to see to this. Mr Linnell asked if the lane through the trees at the back of the 7th green leading to the 8th tee could be diverted slightly. Mr Smith reported that a representative from Fisons was calling shortly re fertilisers.

The work on the course extension was progressing very favourably.

Under AOB the Captain read out a letter from the Club Secretary, but said he had managed to get him to re-consider his decision for the time being. Committee members were very sorry that anything had occurred to make the writing of this letter necessary as Mr Payton had worked so hard for the good of the club over the past years.

Mr Wright proposed that a silver salver be bought from Club funds for the retiring Captain and this was carried unanimously.

AGM, Friday, April 19th, 1974 at the Swanmore School

There were 68 members present.

Under Matters Arising Mr G F Smith said that the Dacombe memorial fund had now topped the £100 mark and asked that any further donations should be made soon as the shelter for which the funds were raised would shortly have to be purchased.

As to junior members it had been agreed in committee that junior members could play with their relations after 5:30 at the weekends.

Mr Haigh rose amid acclamation to give the Captain’s report and to give the members a more detailed resume of the year’s happenings than they may have got from notice boards etc.

He began by giving details of the year’s inter-club matches which showed a successful outcome and much enthusiasm, for which Mr Haigh paid tribute.

Mr Haigh announced that Club ties would shortly be available and had specimens of the designs to show the members.

Passing to the dinner dance, it was an unqualified success. The function in 1974 would be, however, at a different venue.

Mr Haigh was able to announce that a splendid new shelter had been erected close to the 4th green thanks to the generosity of Mr John Wright to whom the Club’s grateful thanks were extended. The Peter Dacombe shelter would also be shortly available.

Mr Haigh then went on to explain to members why it had been found necessary to dismiss Mr Crockford from his post as Pro/Greenkeeper and enter into negotiations to employ him as a professional only. Relations between him (Crockford) and the rest of the staff had not been happy, work had been neglected or not dome to the satisfaction of the Greens Committee and it was considered by the Committee that we should dispense with his services as greenkeeper. There has also been trouble with Crockford’s dog which is still being dealt with. Mr Haigh stressed that relations with Crockford as a greenkeeper only was at issue and said that if he accepted the job of full time professional it was hoped that members would support him.

Passing to the extension of the course Mr Haigh said that things were going well and the Architect was well satisfied with the progress. Contractors work should be completed by he end of next month. The ancillary work we are doing ourselves is coming along well. A great many trees have been planted and the water project was progressing well. Mr Haigh then went on to ay tribute to our course manager Mr Bill Wilson who had worked untiringly on many aspects of the course extension. This tribute was received with acclamation.

We are having difficulty providing plans for he new clubhouse which are acceptable to the planning authorities, but we think that this problem has now been solved. When the new plans are passed they will be displayed in the clubhouse for all to see.

In anticipation of a report from the Auditor, Mr Haigh touched only briefly to say that our financial position was very satisfactory in view of all the expenses we have had to bear. He was very appreciative of the result of the appeal for loans to the club from members which has topped £5000.

Future financing of the club was then mentioned. We expect to take in another 100 members as soon as the new course is in playing condition, but to finance the new Clubhouse and escalating costs it is inevitable that subscriptions will have to be increased. One suggestion is to increase considerably the entrance fee so that new members may share in the costs we are now bearing. MR Haigh encouraged members to come up with ideas for fund raising.

Finally Mr Haigh paid tribute to the new Captain, Mr G F Smith and thanked the committee as a whole for their efforts during his year of captaincy. Mr Haigh then sat down to much acclamation.

Mr Lewis gave the Auditor’s report and said that the year’s accounts had been circulated to all members and proceeded to explain some of the items in the accounts. Asking for questions Dr Sneezum asked why the bar profits were down as compared with last year. The reason given was that we lagged behind in the price rises to a certain extent and also during the year we had trouble in providing bar staff which had resulted in the bar not being opened as often as might be.

It was agreed that the honorarium to the Secretary should be £300.

The following officers were elected without opposition: President – Mr F Lindley, Captain – Mr G F Smith, Vice Captain – Mr G Davis, Hon Sec/Treasurer – Mr E P H Payton, Auditors – A Daniels & Co. The following members were elected to the general committee; Mr H G Lewis, Mr J Wright, Mr J Firth, Mr P Reeves, Mr F Hartwell, Mr M Dunne, Mr R Linnell, Mr J Heathcote.

At this point Mr Gimblett rose to pay tribute on behalf of all members for the excellent work done and the admirable way Mr Haigh had carried out his duties during the past year. This was received with acclamation. A suitable salver is to be presented to the retiring Captain at a later date.

Mr G F Smith then took the chair amid applause and said that he would do his best to uphold the high standard set by his predecessors. Mr Smith’s first duty was to explain to members that Mr J Fletcher, as assistant competitions secretary would be co-opted on to the Committee.

Under AOB Mr Carter asked of 5-day members could be allowed to play in Club matches. It was explained that this would be unusual but that they could play in mid-week matches.

Mr Gimblett, as secretary of the Veterans Section appealed for more veteran members.

Mr Grove again brought up the matter of junior members and suggested that they should be encouraged to play more often as they were the golfers of the future. This matter will be discussed in committee to see what can be done.

Monday, April 29th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising the matter of Crockford’s dog was again discussed in the light of his reply to our letter to him. Eventually it was agreed that Crockford be informed that the dog must at all times be confined to the bungalow or chained up in the garden and exercised under restraint. Crockford to be informed that this action was only taken because he would be leaving the bungalow within six months.

The minutes of the meeting of 18th March were then read, not having been available at the last committee meeting, and approved.

Mr Smith explained that the final cost of the new water project may be a little higher than was anticipated as there had been more work done on the renewal of joints on the existing water points.

The treasurer reported that there was a credit balance of £8400 in the bank.

A letter from the Winchester City was read about the siting of the public right of way through the course and to which our neighbour Mr Chappell alleges is on his land. After some discussion it was decided that the matter should be considered by Mr Lindley and Mr Linnell who will decide after examination on site if a meeting of all parties concerned is necessary as has been suggested by the City of Winchester Rights of Way Officer.

The correspondence regarding bank guarantees to which Mr Lewis, as one of the Trustees, has great objection was discussed and it was decided that the Bank, Secretary and Captain should meet and thrash out the matter.

The various sub-committees were elected. The Greens Committee to remain as last year with Mr G F Smith as chairman. The House and Bar committee to consist of Mr G. Davis, Mrs Linnell, Mr Harvey, Mr Heathcote. The Handicap Committee to consist of Mr Fletcher, Mr Hartwell and Mr Reeves. It was agreed that a new sub-committee to be known as the New Clubhouse Committee be established with Mr G Davis, Mr Wright, Mr Firth and Mr Haigh.

Under AOB Mr G Smith reported that there had been a small theft from the tractor shed. The loss appeared to be a few tools, a spare battery and also some damage was done to one of the contractor lorries.

It was agreed by all that the application of Mrs Wright for membership be approved.

Mr Reeves asked that greater interest be taken and more encouragement be given to junior members. Mr Smith said he would look into this.

A Captain is wanted for the over 50s team and Mr Fletcher said he would make enquiries of a suggested name – Mr J Cooper.

Monday, May 20th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Dealing with matters arising the Chairman reported that Mr Crockford had got rid of his dog and that episode was now closed.

Mr Lindley said that he had studied the are of land over which the query of a public footpath had arisen and he thought that there was no doubt that the footpath was altered to be on Club land but he thought Mr Chappell was trying to claim land owned by the Club. He suggested that a plan to 1909 ordnance survey be obtained in order to confirm the boundary and that professional agents should be retained by the Club. The Chairman said at the request of the Secretary he had arranged to meet Austin & Wyatt’s surveyor tomorrow. It was agreed to consider a line of action before putting it into the hands of Austin & Wyatt.

The Chairman gave approximate financial details as follows – Balance at Bank £6500, Green fees £438, Bar receipts £308, Machine £44.75, Coffee machine £5.

Mr Lindley handed the Club Licence to the Chairman which had been issued in 1964 and expired in October 1974. It would be necessary to make an application at least two months before expiration.

The Chairman presented his report on the Greens Committee and enumerated the work being carried out on the course. He said the spiking of the fairways was done and fertilising them was in hand. Mr Reeves mentioned alterations to the seventh hole and put forward the preparation of soil etc and removal of trees whilst the contractors were here. He said these works could be paid for out of contingencies. Mr Lindley, whilst not objecting to ultimate alteration of the green thought this was not the time to do the work but to wait until the new holes were in play. Mr Reeves then pressed for immediate work to the banks approaching the green saying these should be cut down and two dished bunkers put on the right and left of the green. This proposal was carried by 4 votes to 1, Mr Lindley voting against and Mr Hartwell abstaining.

A report on the proposals for the Club championship and the Eclectic competition was given by Mr Hartwell. Mr Wright said he would help organise the Invitation meeting and would present a cup to be called the Corhampton Invitation Cup. He was thanked for his offer and generosity.

The Chairman reported that the bill for the solicitor’s fees from Blake Lapthorn & Co for course extension had been received and it was considered very reasonable (£35 approx) and had been paid immediately. The question of security of the professionals shop and equipment when he leaves the bungalow was discussed but no suitable and reasonable solution could be thought of.

The question of the conduct of the stewardess was mentioned by Mr Wright. The chief complaint was familiarity with members and being on the wrong side of the bar. The chairman of the House & Bar Committee said he would have a quiet chat with her on this and other matters raised.

Monday, June 17th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising nothing has yet been resolved concerning the boundary dispute with Chappell. After some discussion it was decided to communicate with the Boundary Enquiry Section of the County Surveyors Dept. for help. It was also decided that the Secretary should write to the solicitors of Chappell stating that we were satisfied that the public footpath was on Club land and inviting them to prove otherwise.

The Club Licence which will expire in October is in the hands of the Vice Captain for renewal.

The Captain and Vice will talk to Crockford and try and find a solution to the insurance of his shop once he has vacated the bungalow.

The Treasurer reported that the bank balance was in excess of £5000. It was agreed that the Finance Committee should meet prior to the Committee meetings to approve expenditures.

Under Greens a suggestion was put forward that the greens should not be cut so short. Favourable weather is awaited to commence fertilizing of the fairways. Improvements to the 7th green are to be borne in mind for starting when the new course is in operation.

Under House and Bar it was suggested that a cigarette machine be installed and Mr Davis is to look into the matter. In view of the recurring catering difficulties it was decided that Mrs Hope was no longer able to do the job. It was agreed that a sum of £8 for Saturday and Sunday work and £5 for weekday work be offered.

It was learned unofficially that the plans for the new Clubhouse are passed. Finance for the Clubhouse now becomes a concern and Mr Wright suggested that costings be obtained and certain small modifications be made to reduce the overall cost.

Under AOB in view of rising costs and the fact that the Course is now used to its maximum capacity at weekends it was agreed that the fees for temporary members be amended as follows: Weekdays £1.50 (playing with member £1.00) and Weekends and Bank Holidays £3.00 (playing with member £1.50). It was also agreed that junior members be allowed to play at weekends if accompanied by a playing adult.

It is to be borne in mind for the next AGM or EGM that the maximum age for juniors should be 18 and not 20 as at present stated in the Club rules.

Monday, July 15th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising the dispute with Chappell regarding the footpath on our boundary drags on. A letter from Austin & Wyatt, whose surveyor has had a preliminary look at the site, was read to the Committee and it agreed that the path was still within Club land. Committee feel that we have gone far enough and that it is up to Chappell to prove his point. Secretary will contact Hewitt on this aspect.

The committee were informed that a caterer had been taken on for week end catering. The cost to the club will be as agreed at the last meeting.

It was generally agreed that improvements to the 7th green should be started this winter and completed as and when possible.

The finance sub committee met prior to this meeting to approve expenditure. One account to Harvey for the balance of the water installations for some £700 was submitted to the full committee and it was agreed that this should be paid.

Under House and Bar Mr Hartwell presented his computation of the bar accounts for the past three months which showed a satisfactory level of profit. As already mentioned Mrs Chapman becomes the weekend caterer and Mrs Crockford will continue the cleaning duties.

Under Greens it was reported that the Hayter machine is now in working order. It was generally agreed that the course was in fine condition.

As for the new clubhouse, costings are being prepared and minor amendments are being made to keep the cost of the new clubhouse down to £40,000 maximum.

Under AOB it was agreed that Mr Wilson’s salary be raised to £1750 p.a. with effect from 1st April 1974. Adjustment will be made when the July salaries are paid.

In view of the wastage in membership this year it was agreed that full membership be offered to the present 5-day members.

It was also agreed that 5-day members who wish to play at weekends shall do so at a reduced fee of £1.50. This concession shall not apply to their guests.

It was agreed that Mr Pogson, in view of his specialised knowledge, be co-opted on to the Committee.

Monday, August 19th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising it was asked that, now the fees for Sunday visitors are fixed, the notice outside the clubhouse saying ‘No Sunday visitors’ might be removed.

The balance in the bank is £1,500.

Under House and Bar it was stated that some complaints are still being received about the new caterer at the weekends. Mr Davis suggested that everyone could not be satisfied though he personally thought that Mrs Chapman was doing her best. He suggested that there was no alternative to the present arrangement except to dispense with a caterer altogether and do our own catering by volunteers. Mr Davis will contact Mrs Chapman and ascertain her difficulties and also arrange about the open meeting coming up shortly.

As for the Greens some mowing has been neglected recently owing to priority work required on the new workings. We have not the labour force to do it all at once. Volunteers are still required for hand weeding of the new greens. Some selective weed killer has been applied to the new greens, but only a weak solution could be used at this stage. Fisons have advised a fertiliser for the new fairways which will cost about £100 per ton. Immediate requirement is for more topsoil for preparation and use on the new greens. It was agreed that the course manager should have a float of £50 so that casual labour which will be required this Autumn can be paid for on the spot. Mr Pogson said that stones were beginning to appear on some of the new fairways and this was noted for future treatment. Evidence has been seen of club marks on some new tees and it was agreed that posts and wire (or string) should be eracted to keep players off.

The coming open meeting still has vacancies. It appears that our date clashes somewhat at events at other local clubs. The Ladies asked if they could play their monthly medal and Stableford competitions on the same day as the men thus allowing at least two ‘free’ weekends in a month. It was agreed that they should do so for the month of September and, in light of observations taken, the matter be brought up again at the October committee meeting.

Under AOB Mr Haigh said that he had contacted the Sports Council regarding the Club taking out a mortgage to cover future large capital expenditure after the completion of the contract to construct our new nine holes. The Sports Council said that such a mortgage could not be allowed but it was suggested that we write to them setting out our case, specifying difficulties, and they would advise us the best way to go about it.

Mr Crockford is having difficulty finding alternative accommodation and is asking if his period of occupation could be extended beyond the 1st October when his notice expires. He also requires somewhere to store his stock of equipment, particularly if he leaves the bungalow. Mr Davis said that, in view of the fact that no contract of employment exists, there may be difficulties if we try and Crockford to vacate. There is also the matter of the new act of 1974 affecting tenants. Secretary will contact the Club solicitor and find out what the position might be. It was then agreed that, as a temporary matter the far garage of the bungalow should be adapted to house the professional’s stock pending the building of the shop in the proposed new clubhouse.

Notice was given that the steward would be on holiday from 18th September to 1st October and arrangements will be made for his relief.

Monday, September 16th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising the course manager’s float for casual wages has been in operation and now requires renewing. Secretary and Wilson will get together on this matter, and will check with Insurance company re insurance of casual workers. The arrangements made at the last meeting for the Ladies Medal will be extended into October and the matter reviewed in November.

The Treasurer gave his report. There is a credit balance of £1100 in the bank. An account for a broken windscreen has been presented by Hope – the caterer’s husband – broken while in the car park by a ball from the 9th tee. He will be re-imbursed for this damage and application made to Insurance Company.

For the Greens there was little to report. Mr Wright suggested that complaints of work not done on the course was because Wilson has far too much to do. We need a new mower for the new greens – a six bladed cutter is required. Greens Committee will sort this one out. In view of the amount of work to be done and on our Architect’s recommendations it was proposed that a new full time man be employed. Arrangements are to be made for the new parts of the course to be roped off.

The Bucks Head Trophy will be organised by the past Captain and Vice this year.

Mr Fletcher gave notice that, owing to pressure of his own work, he felt unable to carry on with his job of Competitions Secretary. Mr Fletcher will now continue with the assistance of Mr Heathcote. The Committee wished to record their appreciation of the work done by Mr Fletcher.

The car park does not appear to be out of bounds and will have to be considered for the future of the new course.

As for the New Clubhouse there is shortly to be a meeting of this committee and the surveyors who will in turn report to the full committee.

As far as the House and Bar, Mr Hartwell’s monthly stock take has shown deficiencies for two months and the Finance Committee have made alterations to strengthen the rules governing the safety of stock and also the tightening up of the records. It was agreed that the Steward be taken into confidence and given a copy of the monthly stock take.

While the Steward is on holiday for the next two weeks arrangements were made in Committee for the opening of the bar.

Under AOB Mr Reeves indicated that he would again undertake responsibility for the organisation of the Annual Dinner.

Monday, October 21st, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising it was agreed that the Club Solicitor be instructed to obtain legal possession of the bungalow at the earliest possible date.

The Finance Committee considered the accounts due for the period since the last meeting. The total amount outstanding was some £2900 including the final payment to the contractors for the course extension. Some queries were raised and these will be looked into before payment. The balance in the Club’s bank account this morning was some £1700. Treasurer will interview the Bank Manager with a view to obtaining overdraft facilities of up to £5000 to tide us over until the new year. With regard to Lin-Hire’s final account it was suggested that they be written to, thanked for the work done, and suggest that some small items which they promised to do for us should be completed.

Under House and Bar the Secretary explained to the meeting the circumstances arising in our application for our licence renewal being received by the authorities too late for the present sessions. It seems likely that the Bar will have to be closed for the sale of intoxicants for perhaps six weeks, until the new licence is granted. Our solicitor will be asked if there is any way round this impasse otherwise it was suggested that some method of credit sales might be instituted. The Bar Committee will consider this.

Mr Fletcher asked if there was a contract with the Electricity Board regarding sales of supply to the Club. He explained that, if the present Clubhouse was demolished we might find ourselves faced with a payment for guaranteed sales. He will look into this matter on our behalf.

As for the Greens, Mr Smith explained that Hoff has given in his notice to go to a better paid job. The Captain said that he had offered Hoff a similar rise of £5 p.w. to retain his services and asked for the Committee’s retrospective sanction. This increase was agreed unanimously, with an additional clause that the Greens Committee review Hoff’s wages from time to time in the light of the cost of living.

A discussion developed regarding junior members and Club competitions. It was agreed that all juniors, on attaining an official handicap of 24, should be allowed to enter the Club monthly medal and Stableford competitions.

In view of the rising list of applicants for membership, Mr Wright proposed that a sub-committee be elected to examine all applications and, when the Club can take them, decide on the acceptability of these applicants. The elected members of the committee were Mr Haigh, Mr Firth and Mr Dunne.

As for the New Clubhouse Mr Haigh report that preliminary costings were some £61,000. This figure was not acceptable and revisions and amendments to the quality and size of the building will reduce the figure to around £40,000.

Mr Wright then briefly outlined a scheme he has for raising money for the Clubhouse. It involves, for a sum of £500, advertising space in a Club diary to be produced and a transferable membership for one person for 20 years. He will get together with Cmdr. Pogson and produce a scheme on paper for further consideration.

Under AOB it was announced that following her illness it may be some time, if ever, before Mrs Banting is able to play golf. With this in mind it was proposed and agreed that Honorary Life membership be offered her.

As it was 11:15 pm and there were several other items on the agenda the meeting would be adjourned till Monday 28th October.

Monday, October 28th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

An immediate discussion developed on the scheme presented by Mr Wright for the raising of money for the new Clubhouse briefly mentioned last week. Opinions and suggestions for amendments were many and varied, and no firm proposition for presentation to the members was forthcoming. It was agreed that Mr Lewis, Mr Pogson and Mr Hartwell should form a sub-committee to formulate the scheme for presentation to members at the EGM which was fixed for 27th November at a venue yet to be decided. Also one concerning the increase in fees. A previous proposition that the scheme presented by Mr Wright should be agreed in principle was carried unanimously.

Under AOB it was agreed that the upper age limit for juniors be altered in the rules from 20 to 18.

Mr Hartwell brought up the question of insurance policies which appear either never to have been issued or lost. He will write to the insurers for copies.

It was generally agreed, in reply to a question by Mr Hartwell, that Bar stock should continue to be taken monthly.

Monday, November 25th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Mr Fletcher confirmed that we may expect no trouble about contract sales of electricity when present clubhouse is demolished. Enquiries are to be made concerning the temporary use of the bungalow as a clubhouse from the planning officer. A similar enquiry must be made concerning the licence.

The Bank balance at the moment is £2500 in credit but when contractors cheques are presented the Club account will be in debt. In this connection it was reported that our present bankers are not prepared to allow us overdraft facilities without adequate security – mainly a joint and several guarantee from our Trustees. This our Trustees are not prepared to give and to surmount this difficulty it was agreed that, with the object of a temporary overdraft in mind of perhaps £2500, the Treasurer and Mr Davis explore the possibility of transferring our account to Lloyds Bank, Fareham.

The Greens committee had nothing to report but favourable comments by many members and others on the excellence of our greens in spite of the current weather.

In view of the continued wet weather it was agreed that winter competitions should be from the “Tee of the Day”. It was reported that some of our boundary fence posts are down or missing. This is to be rectified.

The House and Bar reported that our licence renewal application is to be heard on the 28th inst. No complications are expected… It was pointed out by Mr Davis that more attention should be paid to the cleaning out of the pipes of the beer pumps.

A letter was read from the Sports Council in reply to ours asking for advice in raising money for building the Clubhouse. It was unhelpful in that it precludes us from obtaining a mortgage.

Under AOB a discussion developed on the EGM resolution concerning the £50 returnable loan from members. Some doubt was expressed as to the chance of getting it passed at the EGM. It was agreed that, if necessary, a period in excess of six months could be agreed for payment. It was agreed by 7 votes to 4 that the method of voting at the EGM be by a show of hands.

Saturday, December 1st, 1974 at the Clubhouse

At a meeting of the committee of Corhampton Golf Club the follwing resolution was passed and entered in the Minute Book.

RESOLVED that facilities by way of overdraft up to a principal sum of £4,000 (four thousand pounds) at any time outstanding, be arranged with the Club’s bankers, Lloyds Bank Limited.

This resolution does not in any way limit or affect the instructions to the Bank contained in resolutions of the Committee dated ……..

Present at the meeting: Mr Hartwell, Mr Davis, Mr P Reeves, Mr Lindley, Mr Firth, Mr Haigh.

EGM, Wednesday, December 4th, 1974 at Swanmore School

There were 160 members present. Mr G F Smith presided and formally opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

Mr A Haigh was asked to explain to the members the purpose and reason for the alteration to the fees – the first resolution on the agenda. This he did lucidly and there was no dissention from members. A member did enquire if 5-day members were entitled to vote. It was ruled from the chair they were not.

On being put the motion to increase annual subscriptions as follows:
Entrance fee – all members, except juniors – £50
Annual subscription- full members – Men £30, Ladies £27
Veteran, 5-day and Country £18
Joint – £50
Junior – £4.20

All plus VAT at 8% or rate in force

was, by a show of hands carried unanimously.

Mr Haigh then resumed by explaining to the assembled members the scheme for raising £20,000 towards the building of the new Clubhouse by a levy on every member of £50 as a returnable deposit. At present the return date was given as ‘resignation or death’.

This evoked a great many questions and interruptions from members as to the method of raising this cash. One member objected to the compulsory manner of the levy. Mr John Gimblett, speaking on behalf of the elderly veterans, proposed and amendment to the resolution as follows – “That members over 70 years who have been members for 10 years or more may be excused payment of the £50 levy if they wish”. On being voted upon this was carried unanimously.

A long debate ensued covering not only the £50 levy but the scheme the Committee had evolved admitting 40 new members on payment of £500 for a 20 year membership which was not intended to be a matter of vote. Some members, one in particular, projected the cost of the £500 scheme to a 20 year future of inflation wit a mass of figures and there is no doubt confused the issue.

Eventually the proposition, including the already agreed amendment was put to the meeting. The resulting count showed that there were 91 for the motion and 56 against. There were a number of abstentions. Therefore the Chairman declared that the following motion, not attaining a two thirds majority was defeated.

“That with effect from January 1st, 1975 continuation of membership will be conditional upon payment of a returnable deposit in accordance with the notice dated 31st October 1974 attached, but members over 70 years of age, who have been members for over 10 years may be excused payment of the £50 levy of the wish”.

Following this defeat and amid much shouting for another meeting, postal vote and more detailed explanations the meeting was declared closed amongst some confusion.

Monday, December 9th, 1974 at the Clubhouse

Our bankers are now Lloyds, Fareham with whom satisfactory arrangements have been made regarding a temporary overdraft.

The remainder of the meeting was given over entirely to discussion about last Wednesday’s EGM and on deciding what the next move shall be.

Most members were of the opinion that it was not that the club did not want a new Clubhouse but in the way that our schemes for raising the money were presented.

Already it appears that some members who voted against the motion of the EGM are prepared to reverse their decision.

Finally after a long discussion, it was decided that the Finance sub-committee should meet Mr Shea, who at the EGM appeared to have the most influence in getting the proposition defeated, and thrash out the details which could be acceptable to all. A prepared detailed statement will be circulated to members as a proposition for postal ballot (which has already been requested).

The tenders for the new Clubhouse will be delayed for a little while in the hope that some details can be circulated to members.