Extracts from the Minutes for 1973

List of Meetings

  • Friday, January 12th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, January 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, February 7th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • EGM, Friday, February 9th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, February 21st, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Tuesday, March 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Tuesday, March 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Thursday, April 12th, 1973 at Swanmore School
  • Tuesday, April 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Thursday, April 26th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, May 21st, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, June 11th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, June 18th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, July 16th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, August 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, September 19th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 15th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, November 19th, 1973 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, December 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Friday, January 12th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

After the minutes of the previous meeting had been approved the Committee proceeded to the matter of the course reconstruction. Two plans were produced for this work; one showing the layout if, in fact we were able to make a small exchange with Mrs Chappell, and the other showing the proposed layout on the land at present owned by the Club.

A rather heated discussion developed as to whether the proposed exchange of land was a fair one form the Club’s point of view. It was admitted that the Chappells will bargain hard and tacitly agreed that unless we gain some advantage the exchange would not be worth while.

It was at last agreed that we would arrange the exchange of land on the Bishops Waltham Road for land on the south side of the course in terms most advantageous to the Club and that professional advice be sought from Mr Judd of Austin & Wyatt on these terms.

Following this it was discussed briefly what method we would adopt to put plans into operation. It was unanimously agreed by the Committee that, if we do the job ourselves with the help of outside contractors that Mr W. H. Wilson shall be employed as general overseer of the work.

Further discussion was then suspended until next Wednesday by which time the Secretary will have contacted Mrs Chappell and also obtained the advice of Mr Judd. It was also generally agreed that we shall hold an EGM to put our proposals before the members.

Wednesday, January 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

In the absence of Mr Wilson no Greens committee report was submitted.

For the House and Bar Mr Haigh said that plans for rebuilding the Clubhouse were being prepared. He could give no further information regarding the Club tie. The Secretary enquired about the licence for the Club and was given information that it did not expire until 1974, but Mr Lindley will confirm this and let the Secretary have the licence.

Two societies had applied for dates for meeting, the Hants Fire Service and B.T.U. These are small societies and a Thursday date was approved by the Committee. A meeting of the handicapping sub-committee will be held this month.

The Secretary read a long letter of explanation from Barclays Trust Co. regarding the events leading up to the loss of the land we wanted to buy. They offered to pay us only half of the fees we had paid, and it was considered unsatisfactory by members and the Secretary was instructed to write again.

A letter from Mrs Chappell’s solicitors was also read concerning possible adjustment of our mutual land boundaries. It is expected that we shall be asked to meet the solicitors (with Mrs Chappell) and it was decided that the Secretary, Mr Wright and Mr Haigh should attend any interview arranged. The Committee also felt that the surveyors bill (Austin & Wyatt £45) is connection with the land we lost was, at least, partly the liability of Rowsell. The Secretary will write to him.

Under A.O.B it was agreed that in future a small prize will be given for monthly medal and Stableford competitions; to be paid for out our entrance fees. Half the entrance fees to be divided between winners in proportion of two-thirds to one-third.

The subject of the Dacombe memorial to be brought up at the next meeting.

The Secretary informed members that he had joined the Association of Club Secretaries and it was unanimously agreed that the Club would pay the annual subscription of £5.

Wednesday, February 7th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

The meeting is called to discuss and plan the Committee’s approach to the EGM called for the 9th inst.

A long discussion immediately developed on the possibility of extending the course to 18 holes now that it has to be done on the land that we already own. Several members expressed doubts while others, quoting other courses with similar areas who have 18 holes.

It was eventually established that the Committee would like to see an extended course, but would wish to have professional advice as to its feasibility.

On being put to the vote it transpired that 10 members were in favour and one against.

EGM, Friday, February 9th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Present were 104 members. An apology for unavoidable absence was accepted from the President, Mr F. Lindley.

The Chairman (Mr J. Wright) in his opening remarks stressed that the meeting was called under Rule 16 by eight members but that the Committee was about to call a meeting in any case. There were no resolutions on the agenda and the Committee was looking for guidance from the members as to future policy following the falling through of or previous plan to reconstruct the course.

The Secretary then read the letter from members asking that an E. G. M. should be called.

The Secretary then gave a resume of events of the past two years culminating in the abortive attempt to purchase some 37 acres of land from Mr Rowsell. The final episode when the land was sold to another purchaser without prior advice to us was explained. The Secretary then went on to describe negotiations he had had with Mrs Chappell (the new owner of the land we had hoped to obtain) regarding the exchange of our land against the Bishops Waltham Road for a similar acreage on the south side of the course. This had also proved abortive. The negotiating solicitors had presented terms which were not acceptable to the Club.

Mr Wright then proceeded to explain to members the alternative scheme put forward. It was that we might be able to extend to 18 holes on our existing land, rebuild the Clubhouse and increase membership. Professional advice would be taken on the feasibility of this scheme, but in the meantime rough plans had been drawn up showing how this could be done. These plans were available for members to look at. Mr Wright stressed that 18 holes on 85 acres was not unknown. Romsey G.C. was having 18 holes built on hat acreage under much more difficult conditions than obtained at Corhampton. Similarly Waterlooville was an 18 hole course on less than 85 acres. As to the increased fees, it was pointed out that rising costs would have made this inevitable, in addition to which we will have V. A. T. to contend with after April 1st.

The meeting was then thrown open to questions. This elicited many questions on all angles of the problems with which we are now faced and showed conclusively that the members were divided on the idea of making our present course in to a full 18 holes.

In view of the work the Committee still feel ought to be done towards getting professional advice on the feasibility of any scheme, the Chairman asked for a show of hands to show approval or otherwise on the lines the Committee proposed to proceed. On a count it showed that 102 members present approved of further work to this end with two members voting against.

Wednesday, February 21st, 1973 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary told committee that the full amount (£200) of expenses incurred to the Trust had been recovered. The recovery of £45 from Mr Rowsell had not been achieved.

An account of expenses and receipts for the period was given. A bank balance of over £3300 was also advised.

For the Green Committee Mr Wilson said that he was disturbed to find that our gang mowers had been sent for overhaul at a cost of £170 without reference. He will speak to Crockford about this. He is also unhappy about the work being done on the course (or lack of it) and after some discussion it was agreed that a list of jobs that required to be done should be prepared and the greenkeeping staff should adhere to it. It was suggested that Crockford should appear before the Committee to have the position out to him.

For the House and Bar Mr Haigh had nothing to report. The Secretary was concerned regarding the security and Committee was informed that the alarm system was ready for installation. Mr Haigh is to purchase a stronger padlock for the doors. Mr Wright gave notice of the social to be held on 7th April.

H. M. S. Daedalus was granted a date for a meeting. Secretary informed members that Hampshire P.G. A. had applied to hold annual stroke play championship at Corhampton on 30th or 31st May next year. Some extra organising will be necessary but Committee agreed that it would benefit the Club.

Under A. O. B. the Secretary brought up the matter of new members and said that about 40% of subscriptions so far paid this year had opted to become 5-day member, country or veteran members. It was agreed that 40 full members should be recruited over the next four months.

Mr Wright suggested that following his term of office he thought that, in view of the increasing expenses being incurred by captains at the present time, an allowance for expenses should be made to the Captain for the year. An amount of £50 was suggested and this will be proposed at the next A. G.M.

Following the visit of Lawrie, it was agreed that he should be asked to provide specifications for the course extension and recommend subcontractors to prepare the new greens we need.

Finally Mr Haigh presented the partly prepared plans for the new Clubhouse and members agreed that it should be completed Mr Haigh’s rough personal estimate of the cost of the building when complete was £30,000/£35,000.

Tuesday, March 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under matters arising Mr Haigh reported that the alarm system will be attended to within one month and that the new door lock had been purchased.

The balance in hand was £4218. Mr Lewis introduced the accounts prepared by the auditors for the year to 31.12.72.

For the Greens Committee Mr Wilson reported that the mower repairs were to cost more than the £170 due to damage to the cylinders. Following a discussion on the condition of the course and the maintenance and management hereof, the following decisions were taken. 1. Mr Wilson be asked to investigate the possibility of obtaining a tractor trailer for approx. £150. 2. Mr Wilson be authorized to purchase 6 tons of peat at £11 per ton. 3. The gang mowers be overhauled.

Mrs Fletcher complained at the movement of markers on the ladies tees and asked that if they had to be moved could they please be replaced in the proper position.

The decision to bring Mr Crockford before the meeting was deferred.

Under the House and Bar it was agreed that the responsibility for emptying the shoe cleaning bin, putting out and replacing the kitchen refuse bin should be firmly placed on the greenkeepers. Mr Wilson was asked if would inform the greenkeepers of this special duty.

The Committee sanctioned the action of the Captain in ordering a new carpet for the Gents cloakroom and it was also agreed that Mr Haigh would see that the floor at the doorway was repaired before the carpet was laid and that a special door must be provided to take the tread. It was agreed to provide a new divided door with serving ledge on the lower half to replace the existing door between the lounge and the kitchen.

With regard to the Course Extension letters dated 22.2.73 and 3.3.73 from Lawrie were read to members. The Chairman introduced a general discussion by stating that, in his opinion, it was essential that we place the work of the course extension through a course architect. After a lengthy discussion and bearing in mind that it was necessary to have adequate breakdowns and figures for presentation with our application for a grant it was agreed that we write to Lawrie and ask him to draw up a specification and tender documents and estimates of costs and to generally act in an advisory capacity to the Club who intend to organise the work. To also ask Lawrie to improve on our plan as to the run of the holes etc..

Under competitions it was reported that W. D. & H. O. Wills has withdrawn their support of the ‘Embassy’ medal competition and that the event was therefore cancelled.

Disappointment was expressed over the very low number of handicap revisions made at the end of January. It was emphasised by the Captain that a more detailed revision would be made later in the year.

Under A. O. B. it was agreed that G. Langridge’s request for one week’s holiday pay in lieu of holiday be granted.

It was agreed that all new members would be interviewed separately at a special meeting and are not members until notified in writing following the interview. The interview panel to consist of three officers of the Club i.e. the Captain, vice-Captain and Hon. Secretary.

It was agreed that a salver suitably inscribed be presented to the retiring Captain at the A.G.M.

Tuesday, March 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under matters arising the members felt that an interview should take place with the committee before entrance fees and subs were accepted. The secretary said that this would be done in future. On security the secretary again expressed the urgency of this matter. We had been promised this system for months. The secretary now has the address of the company who will fix it and will write urgently.

The treasurer gave his report stating that there was a bank balance of nearly £5,000.

For the Greens Committee Mr Wilson said that the mower was now back, the peat had been delivered but a trailer had not yet been found. New tee markers had been ordered.

For the House and Bar Mr Haigh said that it had been arranged that repairs to woodwork in the clubhouse had been arranged. Mrs Ruddle was asking for assistance(paid). The Secretary will see her and see what can be arranged.

As for the course extension, a letter form Lawrie was read and noted. He will be asked to come down on 26th April to finalise details regarding specifications and estimates etc.. Mr Haigh gave a resume of his address regarding the extensions. This was edited by the Committee and approved. During this period of advisability of bringing up the question of 14 or 16 holes was discussed. Mr Haigh said he would, in his address, give his assessment on the question of 14, 16 or 18 holes.

Under competitions the secretary stated that the club had entered the County Inter Club knock out and would play Leckford. For the ladies event on 6th May the course will be closed after 10.30 am. A mens invitation meeting has been arranged for 23rd September.

Under AOB notice was given of an unpleasant incident which occurred during the visit of a golfing society. It appears that a member was considered discourteous but after some discussion it was decided that as no official notice was posted concerning the visit of the society no action would be taken at this time. Committee felt that a notice should be displayed stating that players, mainly visitors, must have proper equipment and not play out of someone else’s bag of clubs.

AGM, Thursday, April 12th, 1973 at Swanmore School

There were 87 members present.

Mr Wright gave the Captains report. He said he looked back on his year of office with mixed feelings. Socially and golf wise it had been a very successful year, but, along with a great majority of members he was disappointed at the progress made towards the course enlargement. He went on to say that out of twelve matches played we had won 6, lost 4 and halved 2 and he thanked members for support in this direction. Social events had been so successful that tickets had had to be restricted. On the loss of the land we hoped to buy Mr Wright stressed that it was no fault of the Committee who had worked hard for a successful conclusion. Mr Wright also mentioned the success of the invitation meeting and hoped that it would be continued by future captains. Mr Wright also drew attention to the sad loss the Club had suffered by the death of Peter Dacombe and, his remarks were preceded by the members standing for a few moments in silent tribute to his memory. A fund to raise money to purchase a shelter had been started and had already reached a sum of £80, and further subscriptions should be sent to Dr Sneezum who had volunteered to be the official collector.

Mr Lewis presented the auditors report and gave a breakdown showing that the overall picture was still in a satisfactory financial position. At this point Mr Pugh asked for an explanation as to why green fees were so much down. The explanation was that the fees had been deliberately raised to eliminate some of the damage to the course done by inexperienced golfers and although this meant a reduction in the number of visitors, the improvement to the course had been achieved.

The election of officers resulted in the following appointments: President – Mr F Lindley, Captain – Mr A Haigh, Vice-captain – Mr G. F. Smith, Hon Sec & Treasurer – Mr E. P. Payton, Auditors – A. Daniels & Co.

The following were elected to the general committee: Mr Hartwell, Mr W G Smith, Mr Heathcote, Mr P Reeves, Mr W H Wilson, Mr Dunne, Mr Lewis and Mr Linnell.

At this juncture the new captain Mr Alan Haigh took the chair. Mr Haigh opened his remarks by saying that he much appreciated the honour and would do his best to uphold the standard of traditions incumbent upon him. He then paid a tribute to the Secretary for his work.

Passing on to the item on the agenda of course extension, Mr Haigh said that there was a division amongst members as to whether 9, 14, 16 or 18 holes was desirable. He then went on to specify the advantages and disadvantages of each. Stressing that the 18 hole plan is the one which the committee feel is the right one and one which has the approval of the course architect, Mr Lawrie, Mr Haigh went on to say that there several methods by which this cold be achieved, by putting the whole of the work out to contract and by part contract and partly done by our own efforts under Mr Wilson, supervised by Mr Lawrie.

Several members put their own views forward and many questions were answered particularly on the question of the uprooting of trees. On this members were assured that the Committee’s intention was to preserve as many as possible and indeed plant many new ones.

Finally Dr Sneezum made the following amendment advised to members as follows – “That the Committee proceed with the extension of the course to 18 holes on our existing land as soon as possible without jeopardizing the obtaining of a Government grant which may be available”. On being out to the vote the amendment was carried.

Under AOB, Mr Grove raised the times of playing for junior members, saying that, not being allowed to play at weekends, even in the evenings, made it difficult for fathers and sons to play together. This matter will be discussed in Committee.

Tuesday, April 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under matters arising, Mr Lawrie would visit us at 4pm on the 26th instant. The gang mower was now returned at a cost of some £220. Mr Heathcote is still trying to obtain a suitable competitions notice board for outside.

Various sub-committees were elected.

On the course extension Mr Haigh said that he had phoned Mr Bisset of the Sports Council to inform him of our position and elicit information regarding work which we could now commence without upsetting our chance of a grant. Apparently Mr Bisset said that we could go ahead with work by our own staff, but full details will be forthcoming in writing. Once we had seen the architect, Mr Wilson could go ahead with ground preparation.

Water storage was an urgent matter. Mr Wright will contact contractors concerning the installation of a water storage tank of 10,000 gallons or more.

Discussion developed as to what exactly was to be Mr Wilson’s role in the scheme of things. Mr Wilson said that he felt that if he was to be employed by the club he should resign from the Committee. Members were reluctant to admit this, but decided to discuss the position later when Mr Wilson will have left.

Now that we have definite plans regarding the course, the secretary will submit plans of that part of the course adjoining Bishops Waltham Road to which the authorities had objected.

The matter of loans from members was raised, and it was felt that if a satisfactory scheme could be worked out, it would relieve the Club of some high interest borrowing. Mr Lewis will try and work out such a scheme.

Mr Wilson said that he was in favour of the purchase of a tipper for use with the work to be done on the course, and this was agreed by all.

Members were concerned about the cutting down of some of the yew trees. Mr Wilson assured us that it would be minimal and the committee would be informed before this was done.

Under AOB it was stated that the interviewing committee will see 7 new members on Sunday 29th inst. at 11 am.

The secretary asked for guidance regarding public liability insurance during the PGA meeting at the end of May. It was agreed that he should approach the insurance company.

Regarding competitions for concessionary members it was agreed that all members other than 5-day members and juniors are entitled to participate fully in club activities. It was agreed that junior members could play after 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays accompanied by a full member, also that they shall become liable to pay an entrance fee on attaining the age of 20.

It was agreed that the Captain be allowed to purchase drinks at the Bar at a 205 discount and that he should not be expected to pay for tickets for Club social functions.

At this juncture Mr Wilson left the meeting and the matter of his employment by the Club was discussed. After some opinions had been given it was agreed by all that he should be employed as Course Manager at a salary of £1600 p.a. plus £100 car expenses as from 1st May. This of course being subject to agreement with Mr Wilson.

Thursday, April 26th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

A special committee was convened subsequent to the visit of Mr Lawrie, the course architect, this afternoon.

Discussion soon developed on the advice given by Mr Lawrie. It would appear that he is not in favour of diversifying the contractors. He feels that it could lead to errors and clashes of interests.

However, the Club will employ Mr Wilson as course manager as it is felt that there is a great deal of work that he can do and supervise, with the help of a little outside work by contractors and our own staff.

A letter which has been edited by the Committee is being sent to Mr Wilson regarding his appointment and the remainder of the staff will be advised of the change.

A suggestion was made regarding the collection of green fees now that more staff will be available, but no definite scheme could be put forward. It will be discussed again at a future meeting.

Finance committee will compile figures for future financing of the club as soon as costs and estimates are to hand.

Mr Wilson, following his appointment, has resigned from the Committee and it was agreed that Mr J Firth be co-opted to fill the vacancy.

Monday, May 21st, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Mr Haigh began proceedings with an expression of distress at learning of the death of our stewardess Mrs Nellie Reeves yesterday. The Committee stood for a few moments silence as a tribute. The funeral will be next Thursday and many members will attend. Flowers will be sent by the Club which Mrs Fletcher will arrange.

The treasurer read the details of payments and receipts for the period since the last monthly meeting and gave the current bank balance.

Mr Hartwell had purchased some goblets for prizes for the monthly medal and Stableford competitions. Four dozen are being purchased at about £2 each. A match is being arranged with the Royal Yacht for one Wednesday in the future.

The Greens Committee reported that new tee markers which have been made by Mr G F Smith are now in use and are excellent. The Captain congratulated and thanked Mr Smith for this effort. New rakes on stands have also been provided. It was decided that more rough should be left uncut on the north side of the 4th fairway. The fairways which have been fertilised are now in much better shape after the recent rains. Turning to the greenkeeping staff, Mr Dunne suggests that time sheets should be kept as he is not satisfied that a full days work is being done. It was agreed that the Greens committee should have a meeting with the staff when work rules should be laid down and enforced by Mr Wilson with the full backing of the Committee.

The Secretary then read a letter from R. Crockford concerning his pay etc. including his responsibility for the alarm system.

The whole question of our staff would have to be reconsidered on completion of the new course. The practice fairway needs cutting and greens committee agreed that it should be done by the rotor mower.

The House and Bar committee stated that if the replacement for Mrs Reeves could not be filled locally the secretary would have to advertise for a person in a suitable local paper. Wages to be negotiated but should be around £15 p.w in summer and £10 p.w in winter. A new till is needed for the bar and Mr Firth said he would make enquiries. Mr Heathcote reported that an outside notice board for competitions was in preparation.

On the course extension the secretary read an estimate from Lin-Hire Ltd which amounted to £21,750 and after some discussion it was agreed that it was reasonable, but the following suggestions were made by the Committee: a) that the plan of the greens referred to in the estimate be inspected by the Committee, b) that the mens and ladies tees be constructed as one unit, c) the top soil that we have purchased be included in the estimate for the purpose of obtaining a grant. The secretary will write to Lawrie on these lines.

The cost of the clubhouse was then discussed and it was agreed by all that the overall cost would be in the region of £30,000. Mr Wright told us that Mr Pinhorne had offered to build the clubhouse at £5000 less than any estimate we could obtain. This is a generous offer and the secretary was instructed to write to him and thank him. He will be offered a life membership in recognition of this generosity.

Under AOB it was pointed out that the course was becoming deserted on weekdays. The Secretary was instructed to write to 40 waiting applicants offering them 5-day membership pending completion of the 18 holes or at the Committee’s discretion. Members whose 1973 subscriptions remain unpaid are to be written to for the last time and if still unpaid will be struck off.

Monday, June 11th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

This meeting was called following a visit by some of the Committee members to Romsey G.C. to inspect the course which has been constructed by the contractors Lin-Hire which we propose to employ.

The greens at Romsey have been seeded and this was the controversial issue. A discussion developed on the merits and demerits of seeding and each committee member was asked his opinion individually. Most admitted to no experience in such matters but were inclined to the opinion that the natural turf that we have now would be far better on the new greens provided enough turf could be taken from our own ground. Mr. Wilson, the Course Manager, was of the opinion that there was enough turf available for perhaps eight new greens.

Eventually a vote of members was taken on the matter and a proposition by Mr. Kindley Sec. by Mrs. Henning that “The new greens be prepared by contractors for turfing and the turf to be laid by our own labour.” This was carried by 9 votes with 2 against.

Secretary will so advise Mr. Lawrie.

Contractors are willing to start work during the week commencing the 18th. inst. but it is pointed out that we cannot commence this work without completion of planning permission and the admission of the grant.

The estimates from the contractors together with the clubhouse plans will be sent immediately with a covering letter to the Sports council.

Under any other business it was agreed that with the advent of a new steward on Wednesday next, a stock take must be completed monthly by the House and Bar committee.

Monday, June 18th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

The minutes of the last meeting, and the special meeting last week, were read and approved.

Under Matters arising, Mr. Pinhorne had been thanked for his generous offer of help to the Club and Mr. Wright conveyed Mr. Pinhorne’s thanks to the Committee. The outside notice board was completed and the cost is £5.

A shortened Treasurer’s report was given as for personal reasons the Treasurer had been unable to complete last week end work.

On the Course Extension, following the committees decision to favour turfing the proposed new greens with our own turf, Secretary explained that our Architect was against this method and had said that if the Committee insisted he would withdraw. Subsequently he offered to send his turf expert down to examine the turf we proposed to use as to quality and quantity and he (Lawrie) would abide by his advice. We now await the visit by this gentleman.

It was pointed out that the estimate of some £22,000 we had received was subject to V.A.T. but would be recoverable.

Mr. Hartwell has produced cash flow estimates and forecasts of the Club finances for the next few years taking in to account the cost of the course reconstruction, the rebuilding of the Clubhouse and other ancillary expenses. They show, in his opinion, that, at a membership of 450 and the fees remaining as at present, the club receipts would be insufficient to cover expenses and so was not a viable proposition. In his opinion the project should be amended.

A discussion at length suggested that some of the figures produced were a little on the pessimistic side, but nevertheless the committee was forced to admit that the margins would be low even by optimistic standards.

The finance committee would be meeting shortly (probably with our Bank Manager attending) and thrash out the position. Mr. Hartwell asked for terms of reference in this respect and it was suggested that the project be examined to include the course plus half the clubhouse.

The provision of water was now critical, but Mr. G. F. Smith Was able to tell the committee that at a cost of some £1300 the storage tank had been ordered and the work would shortly be put in hand. As a capital cost it was proposed by Mr. Wright and seconded by Mr. Reeves that this work be carried out. The proposition was carried unanimously.

The Greens Committee reported that We were advised by Mr. G. F. Smith that the question of Langridge’s wages was cropping up. It appears that the Water Board are offering him considerably more money to return to them, and in view of the increase recently given to Crockford it was agreed that Mr. Wilson should negotiate with Langridge up to £3.50 p.w. increase. We have been unable to buy a second hand trailer, but thanks to Mr. Smith we are to hire one from him at £2 p.w. for the time being. Asked if a drinking stand pipe could be included in the water project, Mr. Smith said he would see what could be done.

The House and Bar Committee reported that the new steward appears to be satisfactory but his difficulty is his travelling from Bitterne some 7 times a week takes a lot from his wages. It was, after some discussion, agreed that he should be given £1.25 p.w. as car expenses. We need a new ice bucket and some bottle pourers which will be obtained from the Cash & Carry next visit.

Under Competitions, Mr. Hartwell wished to have minuted his thanks to the Ladies section for their help on Club Championship day. The holes on the course, together with the new holes to be made, will be remeasured in due course.

With reference to the Club championship Mr. Hartwell proposed that some means of reducing the field would have to be considered. It was agreed that the two previous medal competitions to next years championship be used as qualifying rounds for the club championship.

Under AOB, the 40 5-day members are to be recruited and will be interviewed in batches during the month. The Secretary raised the question of expenses in entertaining guests at matches etc. These were getting rather high and it was agreed that, in future, members playing in matches should pay 5Op both home and away.

Monday, July 16th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed without dissent.

Under Matters Arising the matter of excessive charges to the Club for visitors meals appears to have been resolved. It will, in future, apply to Ladies and Veterans.

The Secretary notified the Committee of an impending writ being issued on behalf of Crockford in connection with his accident last August.

The Treasurer gave details of expenses and receipts and the current bank balance which at the moment tops £5000.

Under Competitions, Mr. Wright said that the formalities for the invitation meeting should be started. Mr. Haigh will be away on holiday shortly so Mr. Wright said he would attend to this.

The Handicap committee reported that one of our new 5-day members is a 4 handicap player and it was agreed that he should be offered full membership in January next.

The annual dinner dance will be 23rd. November in Waterlooville. Mr. Reeves is the organiser.

The House and Bar committee reported that members are satisfied with new steward. Suggested that, on retirement of Mr. Clarke, he also assume responsibility for the stock ordering.

For the Greens Committee, Mr. G. F. Smith reported that the water tank was expected very soon and installation could then begin. White posts are being erected to mark out of bounds limits. A new stand for diesel storage has been erected. Removal of trees has been left for the time being pending visit of course architect.

On the Course extension, the Secretary read long reports by the Turf expert (Mr. Arthur) and also one from the Forestry commission representative detailing reasons for opposition to turfing in the first case and advice on tree planting in the second place.

A further letter from the planning authorities setting out their requirements, particularly covering the new 8th and holes bordering the B2035 road, was read. This was passed to Mr. G.F .Smith who is in close touch with Mr. Hargreaves and he will ascertain exactly what is required.

Regarding the decision to change the Custodian trustees of the Club land, Barclays Trust have written a letter setting out certain difficulties regarding their resignation as trustees for a legal standpoint. This matter will be settled and it was proposed by mutual assent that the new trusteeship should be offered to some of our original trustees namely Messrs Lindley, Linnell, Lewis and, as a new name, Mr. Jefferies. Mr. Linnell volunteered to contact these gentlemen concerning the matter. A new Trust deed would then be prepared by Messrs Burley & Geach, who have already been sounded out on the matter.

Under AOB with reference to the Club tie, Mr Haigh now has a design in course of preparation which will shortly be seen by members.

A further bulletin of course extension progress will be posted by Mr. Linnell.

Monday, August 13th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters arising, The new Trustees of the Club are to be Mr. Lewis, Mr. Linnell, Mr. Lindley and Mr. Banting. Correspondence is still going on concerning the relinquishment by Barclays Trust of their Custodian Trusteeship but it now seems that subject to the passing of certain resolutions by the Committee, this matter can be resolved. Secretary will be in touch with Messrs Blake, Lapthorn, Rea and Williams who are advising the Bank on the matter.

The Treasurer gave his account of expenditures and receipts, for the period since the last meeting. Satisfactory position indicated with the bank balance up to £5700. This figure, of course, includes money received from some 30 new 5-day members recently enrolled.

The Greens Committee reported that the new water tank is not yet to hand, but expected daily. Mr. Reeves brought up a matter that the competition tees on the l4th. were in the wrong place. This will be looked into. The Sec. said he felt that the provision of a practice green at this time was a little premature as we were going to need all the top soil we can get for the proposed new greens on the 18 hole course. Mr Smith said he would look in to this with Mr. Wilson.

On the Course extension, correspondence was read from Arthur regarding landscaping and trees. He suggested that up to £1000 be put aside for this purpose. Was not in favour of small trees, and in view also of the importance given to this aspect by the planning authority it was proposed by Mr Wright and sec. Mr. Dunne that £1000 should be earmarked for this purpose. This was carried by seven against two. Mr Arthur also suggested the purchase of a shredding machine to provide top dressing in quantity. While the committee agreed that this machine would be an essential part of the club equipment when the new greens were our own responsibility, it was decide to postpone this purchase until next year. The cost would be some £400. Letters from Lin-Hire suggest that their work is about to be commenced.

Under House and Bar, Mr Haigh gave his account of events leading up to the resignation of Mrs Ruddle from her cleaning and catering duties. Apparently it has been Mrs Ruddle’s method to clean the clubhouse only once a week and, because of the use made by the clubhouse by many visiting players on weekday evenings, the Steward had found it necessary to do a certain amount of cleaning to keep the floor tidy. In bringing this to he notice of Mrs Ruddle in the most informal manner possible, it appears she took umbrage. Both Mr Haigh and Mr Wilson have been to see Mrs Ruddle and the Secretary has written to her, but, so far, she has not found it possible to reconsider her attitude.

The matter of the internal redecoration of the bungalow has been raised by the Crockfords and in the course of the conversation with Mrs Crockford the whole question of the future of occupation was raised. The committee decided that we should provide the materials for them to do the decoration themselves and, as to the future of the bungalow, it was proposed that Mr Haigh and the Secretary should interview the Crockfords at a convenient time.

Reverting to the course extension, the matter of the new clubhouse was raised and it appears that plans for it are in a state of flux as it has now been suggested that a two storey building would be acceptable to the planners.

Under AOB Mrs Fletcher raised the matter of dogs on the course and the necessity for proper control of Crockford’s dog. Efforts will be made to resolve this.

Steward has suggested that to catch morning custom he should open the bar in the mornings (in the Summer months only). Secretary will institute such a system and see how it goes.

Committee agreed to the application of Mrs Uwins for membership being accepted.

Monday, September 19th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary read out a letter from Mr Parsons concerning an accident to his wife while in the car par being struck by a ball, and our reply thereto. Committee felt that not much could be added except to reimburse Mrs Parsons for any expenses suffered in the replacement of her spectacles etc..

A letter was produced from Mr Johnson concerning congestion on the course when two societies turned up on the same evening, apparently unknown to the Club. Sec. will answer this letter.

Under House and Bar, complaints have been made about the behaviour of Mrs Trivess in the Clubhouse. The Captain will have an informal word with Mr Trivess about the matter.

Mr Reeves complains that, as chairman of the House and Bar committee, he is not kept informed of changes being made in the bar routine. This will be rectified.

Ladies wish to have their room re-carpeted at a cost of about £50. Committee generally agreed that this should be done.

Shortage of change was a problem in the bar. Treasurer will arrange a float to be kept which should solve the problem.

The clubhouse will be closed on Sept 29 in the evening for a private party. Mr Linnell will put up a notice to this effect.

The morning opening of the bar as an experiment is not proving too successful and will be discontinued after the end of Sept. except of course for weekends.

Under the Course Extension, Mr Haigh produced the new plans for the proposed clubhouse which have been submitted for planning permission. The Secretary then explained what arrangements he had made with the Bank for financing of the course extension work which is about to be commenced. The Bank will not expect us to exceed an overdraft of £20,000 and further finances for the clubhouse would have to be negotiated with the Bank. Secretary pointed out that at the present exceptionally high rates of interest, an average overdraft of £20,000 in a year will cost us £2600 p.a. Additionally further borrowing for the clubhouse of say, £30,000 at the present rate (13%) would involve a further £4000 p.a. Allowing for capital repayments, which the Bank would expect us to effect, the club could be involved in payments of up to £12,000 p.a. for these items alone and it behoves the Committee to bear these matters well in mind.

Members are getting somewhat impatient with Lin Hire over delay in commencing work on the course. Several commencing dates have been suggested with no result. Sec. will write to Lawrie urgently pointing this out to him.

We have a scheme already prepared for submission to members asking for loans to the Club, but it is felt that we cannot make this approach until members can see that work is being done.

We have spent a considerable amount already in preparation for the course extension and committee felt that we should submit the bills to the Sports Council and obtain a proportion of the grant.

The Greens Committee that all materials for the water storage tank are now in hand and work should be completed shortly. It was suggested that we should purchase a sprayer bar for the tractor. While we cannot make full use of it at this moment it will be invaluable once the new fairways are constructed. Cost to be about £125. It was agreed to make the purchase.

Under Competition s it was reported that the invitation meeting is next Sunday and arrangements are complete with the exception of the purchase of prizes which Mr Reeves will see to. The Bucks Head Trophy will be on 27th Oct which Mr Wright has in hand.

Under AOB there is some discrepancy in the entries in the Green fee book regarding ‘Starkie’. Sec. will liaise with Mr Wilson and see that this is rectified.

Monday, October 15th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising the Captain reported that he had asked Mr Trivess to stop his wife from coming up to the clubhouse. Mrs Trivess was very upset and had been telephoning several people on the subject, saying that she was not responsible for the trouble caused in the Ladies Room. The matter was discussed and it was agreed that the decision should stand as she was not a member of the Club. The Captain would inform Mr Trivess of this.

The Captain read out a letter from the Secretary to the Sports Council re the amount already paid for the topsoil. Letters were also read from Barclays Trust re the Custodian Trusteeship and also the replies from the Secretary. A further letter from Blake Lapthorns on this subject had been received with some helpful suggestions. They considered that Counsel’s Opinion was not necessary, but a change of club rule would fit the bill. The Club would hold an EGM as soon as possible for this purpose. All the rest of the correspondence was deferred until the next meeting.

On the Course Extension, Mr Smith reported that he thought a very good job had been done on the field between the 6th and 8th fairways, and that without any topsoil very few stones remained on view and the ground had been seeded. Mr Wilson was also impressed with the work and favourable comments had been received from several members. Mr Smith had been round the course with the planners and Mr Wilson and various matters had been discussed and altered. Fairway bunkers would be arranged at a later date. It was suggested that the hedge by the road be planted as soon as possible. Mr Wilson had already obtained a replacement for Gary who had left, and he had started work. Mr Wilson was going into the matter of a new type of cup for all the greens. Mr Smith thought it was best to leave the filling of the new water tank until the Spring. The Captain reported that a brandy firm were offering free tee markers advertising their products plus £50 per annum. He said he would get further information.

Mr Wright said that the team had been arranged for the Bucks Head Trophy and asked of a notice should be put up giving the players names. This was agreed and done.

Under AOB Mr Reeves said that the Dinner Dance was organised but that tickets would cost £3-50 this year. He also asked about complimentary tickets for the steward, but it was decided not to allow this. Mr Crockford should have the usual two tickets. Mr Dunne said that on Sunday two people who were not members were playing on their own and said that they had been given permission by the Secretary. It was agreed that the Secretary should be asked about this. Mr Dunne also pointed out that there were entries in the green fee book where no payment had been made. The Captain explained that as these were his guests no payment was necessary. A discussion then took place on letting people play at weekends without a member when the course was quiet. Mr Smith thought that there were many occasions when this could be allowed. Committee members were asked to think over this matter an it would be discussed again at the next meeting. Mr Dunne thought that all members including 5-day members should have a badge prominently displayed, a different colour for full members. Mr Wright suggested that these should be sent out with the next notices, the Secretary to be asked to obtain these badges. The Lady Captain, Mrs Henning then thanked all the Committee for their help and kindness over her year as Captain. She was thanked in return by Mr Wright and Mr Haigh for all the help she had also given them during the year.

Monday, November 19th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under matter arising, Mr Haigh reported that he had not been able to see Mr Trivess in the delicate matter of Mrs Trivess. In the matter of non-members playing on Sundays and weekends it was decided that the club rule must be upheld and that 5-day members must play with a member and pay a green fee. It was agreed that a member may play with one guest at the weekend. It was also agreed that 5-day members should have a different coloured tag for their golf bags. The Secretary said he would try to obtain these.

Mr Haigh then read out several letters received from Messrs Blake Lapthorn & Co regarding the substitution of new trustees for the land. The solicitors have also sent us specimen resolutions which will have to be passed by the members so that the rules may be altered to allow for the substitution to be made. An EGM will have to be called and it was agreed that this should be just before the January committee meeting, on a Sunday morning in the Clubhouse.

The treasurer gave his account of the expense and receipts for the last two months.

The handicap committee announced that a list of 5-day members was to be posted up.

It was agreed that extra diaries should be purchased next year if found to be necessary.

Southsea GC has asked for fixtures next year and this was agreed.

The Greens Committee reported that all greens had now been winter dressed. Mr Smith said that there had been a little trouble over the cutting of new holes. Evidence was given that the Professional was indifferent to orders given by the course manager. It was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to interview Mr Crockford about these complaints.

The course extension work has been progressing for all to see.

The House and Bar committee reported that a coffee vending machine be hired for one month and it was agreed that one may be purchased if satisfactory at £150. With reference to the dinner dance Mr Reeves said he was disappointed at the response and that numbers would be a little down on last year.

Under AOB Mr Haigh produced the new shield designs for the Club tie. The one chosen by the Committee comprises a combination of the Wyndham and Long coat of arms and will be on a tie of green or blue.

The suggestion book plea that junior members be allowed to play at weekends was not allowed.

Mr Haigh told us that the plans for the new clubhouse had been declined and would have to be re-thought.

Monday, December 17th, 1973 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising Mr Haigh said that he had seen Mr Trivess and that matter was now resolved. He also gave an account of the interview held with Mr Crockford which also appears to have cleared up many difficulties that were being experienced. The club ties would shortly be ready and 50 of each colour (blue, green and maroon) were being ordered.

On the course extension the Secretary read out a letter from the Bank which asked for clarification on several points in view of our amended scheme. The Secretary read out his reply and, after some amendments, this was agreed.

Under Club rule 27(4) the following resolution was proposed – ‘That Barclays Bank Trust Co. be removed from the Trusteeship of all land being the property of the Club’. This proposition was carried unanimously.

The thorn hedging round the perimeter is progressing. Mr Smith urged the planting of some bigger trees in copses and thought he had a source for obtaining 15ft high birch trees. Otherwise we shall have to purchase such trees as our provisional planning permission demands that tree landscaping, especially on the Bishops Waltham road., is done to the planners satisfaction.

Mr Hartwell is resigning his job as competitions secretary owing to pressure of other work. It was suggested that J. Browning take on the job. He will be asked.

It was agreed that the ‘out of bounds’ rule whereby the fairways to the left and right of the 5th and 6th holes be discontinued.

Under House and Bar, The cleaning problem is not yet resolved. Mr Reeves will have another attempt. The Secretary will purchase some mouse traps to be set in the kitchen. No mention was made of bait!

The Greens Committee reported that a new mechanical saw has been purchased. This is a necessary tool for scrub clearance.

Under AOB it was announced that a profit of some £30 had been made on the Dinner Dance this year.

The Secretary asked whether it was still worth while employing the pest control firm to do our ‘Moleing’. It will be discussed with Mr Wilson before we pay another £8 for the year.