Minutes 1972

Extracts from the Minutes for 1972

List of Meetings

  • Wednesday, January 19th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Sunday, January 30th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Tuesday, February 22nd, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Sunday, February 27th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Tuesday, March 7th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, March 20th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, April 10th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Saturday, April 15th, 1972 at Swanmore School
  • Monday, April 24th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, May 15th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, June 19th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, July 3rd, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, July 10th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, August 21st, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, September 18th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, October 18th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, November 15th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Sunday, December 3rd, 1972 at the Hon. Secretary’s house
  • Wednesday, December 13th, 1972 at the Clubhouse
  • Saturday, December 16th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

Wednesday, January 19th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

Under matters arising, Mr Lindley pointed out that the sides of the new tees had not been turfed and suggested that this be done. Mr Wright explained that for reasons of expense this part of the tees were seeded and hoped it would prove satisfactory. The bar price list is still in the course of being produced.

There was no correspondence of importance to report.

The treasurer reported that the books were in the hands of the Accountants and last month’s accounts could not be listed. The bar check report was not yet to hand from Nicholas & Co., but the committee approved the principle of the bar check being done quarterly professionally.

Under the Greens Committee report a discussion immediately developed on the question of our spare ground. The Greens committee suggested that Ruddle should crop the piece by the road and keep the center portion clean as last year. A proposition to this effect could find no seconder. Mr Lewis again said that there was a danger of creating a tenancy, and would not advance the land towards a grassed playing area. Mr Reeves proposed that the Greens Committee contact a contractor to advise on the grassing of our spare land, and the cost. Mr Lindley seconded this and it was agreed unanimously.

The Secretary had had one applicant for the assistant greenkeeper who would be contacted and an interview arranged with Mr Wilson. Mr Lindley said that through Mrs Banting there was another applicant. The Sec. will get in touch with this one.

Under House and Bar, Mr Wright has paid 50p to a jobbing plumber for mending a tap. Reimbursement to be made by the treasurer. Miss Jenkins listed the following items which are need to improve the kitchen – New water heater for tea making, remove old and useless fridge, low tap to be raised to make it usable, new ring for cooker (or new cooker), new cupboard on the wall, new fridge for the bar. After some discussion it was agreed that £100 be allocated to the improvements. Mr Wright will see what can be done within these limits.

The Competitions Secretary, Mr Dacombe, quoted letters from Societies and Clubs regarding matches and competitions. It was regretted we could not play Alton this year or Southampton Police. A competition organised through Embassy received favourable consideration.

A letter from Crockford was read complaining of reduced business in the shop owing to reduced number of visitors. Sec. instructed to reply to letter saying that remarks were noted.

We are now in the position to recruit some new members. Committee decided we should take 20 and Sec. will circulate oldest applications.

Sunday, January 30th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The emergency meeting was held to discuss the proposed work to be carried out on the unused portions of the Club ground.

Mr Wright has obtained an estimate of £2900 for cleaning, stoning and seeding the ground, and a discussion developed in this matter.

A proposition to go ahead with this work could find no seconder and it was then decided that further thought must be given to the matter and a decision made at either the next committee meeting or a specially called meeting, the date of which was not decided.

Tuesday, February 22nd, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The treasurer gave an account of expenditure since 1st January and the present bank balance. The Auditor gave a brief resume of the year’s figures which will, in due course be circulated to members, showing a continuing flourishing position in the Cub’s assets. Most sections of the figures showed a marked increase in last year’s figures and liquid assets were up by some £500.

From the Greens committee, Mr Wilson reported that an assistant greenkeeper had been engaged and would start work on the 28th February. He also reported on the recent informal meeting held to discuss the quotation of £2900 for cleaning and seeding our two pieces of spare land, at which no decision was reached. The Greens Committee had met subsequently and felt that, unless this money to be spent on the land would advance the club towards and extension to 18 holes, it could be better spent on improving our existing amenities such as Clubhouse. At this point Mr Lindley wished it recorded that he had not been asked to be present at the Meeting to discuss this matter. It was left to Mr Wilson to arrange for Ruddle to crop the centre portion and keep the road portion clean.

The competitions secretary, Mr Dacombe, reported that Thorneycrofts would use the course on Mondays throughout the summer.

For the House and Bar Committee, Mr Wright reported that the items authorized for improvements to the kitchen had been installed. A discussion then developed on the fruit machine. It was generally considered that the one we have was not satisfactory, but little information was available as to the cost of a new one. Mr Dacombe said he would obtain information on this.

Under A.O.B., Mr Heathcote immediately raised the question of the introduction of new members and asked why they were not interviewed before their acceptance as members. It appeared that the Committee thought the Secretary was at fault and suggested that those who had sent their fees should have it returned to them pending acceptance at an interview with the Committee members. The Secretary was not happy with this arrangement, but at this point, because of the coldness of the Club room due to the power cut, members were anxious to leave, and the meeting closed, with no further business attended to at 10 pm.

Sunday, February 27th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

This special committee was called to receive a resolution concerning new members. It is the committee’s decision that it is desirable for all new members to be interviewed before their membership is complete and to this end, the following resolution proposed by Mr Lewis seconded by Mr Wilson was adopted unanimously in respect of new members taken on since 1.1.72.

“To complete their membership the Committee would be glad to see them at the Clubhouse between noon and 1pm on Sunday the 5th March.”

Secretary will so advise those concerned.

It was decided that a special committee meeting to deal with the course extension be held on Tuesday, 7th March, 1972 at 7.30.

Tuesday, March 7th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The meeting was called to consider its attitude towards the extension of the course to 18 holes if, and when, the matter is again presented.

After much discussion it was proposed by Mr Wright and seconded by Mr Dacombe that the outgoing committee shall submit a report on the course extension to the A.G.M. next month, and a draft copy of this report be presented to the Committee at its next meeting.

It was further proposed by Mr Lindley and seconded by Mr Heathcote that, during her illness, full wages be paid to Mrs Reeves and the temporary barkeeper be paid on attendance hours.

Monday, March 20th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The minutes of the last meeting were read and passed without comment on a proposition by Mr Wright seconded by Mr Lindley. The minutes of two special meetings were also read and agreed on propositions by Mr Dacombe, seconded by Mr Lewis and by Mr Lindley seconded by Mr Reeves.

The treasurer reported that there had been a small fall in green fee takings compared with the same period last year.

In the absence of Mr Wilson, Mr Lutman reported on behalf of the Greens committee that top dressings to the greens was in hand. It was agreed that Tarrant’s wages should be made up during his period of sick leave, which is likely to be three weeks. Mr Lutman also reported that temporary labour (Mr Miles) had been engaged for two days to help during this busy period. Miles will be paid by the hour.

On behalf of the House and Bar Committee, Mr Wright reported that the bar price list was on display and the kitchen improvements had been effected. It was agreed that the Hon. Sec. should make further enquiries about a new fruit machine and report to the Committee.

Under A.O.B. it was agreed that the engraving of the trophies should be brought up to date and that in future it would be the responsibility of the holders to have the cups suitably engraved.

Following on from the last special meeting of the Committee, Mr Lindley submitted a report and proposal concerning the future of the course to be circulated to members before the coming A.G.M. It read as follows – “Your committee have given serious consideration to the immediate use of the two portions of arable land adjoining the fourth and sixth holes. This has resulted in a discussion on a wider basis, namely, the extension of the course to 18 holes, as it is felt the opportunity should be taken to purchase the 40 acres adjoining the course. At a special meeting of the Committee convened to discuss this important question it was unanimously decided to put this viewpoint before members at the A.G.M to be held on 15th April 1972. Your committee therefore proposes to bring estimates of the course extension up to date and particularly bearing in mind the following items
1. To construct new permanent dressing rooms which could be extended and/or added to when a new Clubhouse is proceeded with.
2. As a temporary measure to extend the present Clubhouse by about 30ft using materials comparable with the present structure. This would allow Clubhouse facilities during the interim period when membership is being increased.
3. The maximum number of playing members budgeted for to be 500 and not 600 as in the previous estimate.
4. The revised estimates will assume no grant.
5. The cost of the whole extension as previously outlined, with the above additions, to be spread over a longer period than 6 years.

This would necessitate an extraordinary General meeting being called when the revised estimates have been formulated and it is hoped this would be within a few weeks.”

Monday, April 10th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

It was proposed by Mr Wright, seconded by Mr Lutman, that our Trophies should be duly engraved. The cost is about 3p per letter. The new ‘Wildcat’ machine is installed at a cost of £300. It was proposed by Mr Wilson, seconded by Mr Lewis that this expense be met, together with the £10 which the supplier place in shillings in the machine. We have been offered £15 for the old machine by the supplier of the new one, a price which was accepted.

As this meeting is called primarily to prepare for the A.G.M. next Saturday , routine matters for discussion and report were dispensed with.

The Committee then discussed the one letter signed by seven members for presentation to the members at the A.G.M. This letter proposed alteration in the voting rights of lady members in electing the Committee, and found little support. However, it must be brought up at the A.G.M. according to rule.

With regard to the report on the Course Extension recently circulated, the Chairman was at pains to explain, while it must be voted upon at the A.G.M. as a sign of acceptance, it in no way commits the Club to the extension plans which have been circulated in the past. This will be the subject of a further meeting at a later date.

AGM, Saturday, April 15th, 1972 at Swanmore School

The one matter arising from last year’s minutes – the policing of the course to ensure payment of all green fees, brought up last year by Mr Pike, still had he attention of the Committee.

The Hon. Sec. read the minutes of five Extraordinary meetings held at various times during the past year.

The Captain’s Report from Mr Knight – “Each captain as he comes to the end of his term of office must consider what has been achieved during that term.

My term has been dominated by the 18 hole project and we can claim to have created a record in the number of Extraordinary General Meetings ever held in Corhampton Golf Club.

But what is the use of such a record unless something is gained.

The EGMs highlighted the diversity of opinions and views over the 18 holes and this indicated the need for reaching common ground or at least to get the Committee unanimous on the subject.

This has been done and the report and recommendations you have been sent is the unanimous view of the whole Committee.

Later in this meeting I shall be presenting the report in detail but at this stage when I am submitting a Captain’s report upon what has been achieved I am clearly indicating the achievement of a united Committee.

The next section of my report disturbs me considerably but I make no apologies for speaking very strongly. During my term the activities of what has been colloquially called the Phantom Scribbler has increased. This person has persistently de-faced official club notices with inane remarks and created unnecessary embarrassment and work. Members have personally written to me about it and expressed the disgust and to them I officially answer that I and the Committee are equally disgusted. I also give warning to the culprit that even other than normal handwriting or printing can be identified and the bracket is narrowing. When caught it will mean expulsion from this club and every other.

I now come to the part of my report which covers Club matches and events. We have enjoyed a successful season and maintained a good standard. In inter-club matches we played 12 of which we won 8, halved 1 and lost 3. The club which proved to be most difficult was Alresford and we did not win a single match against then including the mixed.

We have a new Club Champion in J. Patch – congratulations to him. He also won the Valentine Trophy. All events and competitions were very well supported and entered into with good spirit. My thanks to all concerned and congratulations to the winners.

In conclusion I extend my thanks to the Committee, the Members of the Club and the Club staff for their support. I trust that my efforts on behalf of the Club will be fruitful in the future.”

The accounts had been circulated to all members. Mr Lewis gave a brief resume of these accounts saying that the Club continued to prosper. Mr Cottam intervened with a question concerning the investment of our surplus cash. Mr Lewis explained why this was not considered expedient. Mr Browning asked if the increased value of the bungalow was covered in insurance. He was assured that this matter was in hand.

We then came to the presentation of Trophies. This was done by the Lady Captain and Captain accompanied by suitable remarks.

The Election of Officers took place as follows – President – Mr F. Lindley, Captain – Mr John Wright, Vice- Captain – Mr Alan Haigh, Hon. Sec. and Treasurer – Mr E. P. Payton, Auditor – Messrs A. Daniels & Co.

There were 16 nominations for ordinary Committee members and on a ballot the following were elected – Mr P. Dacombe, Mr F. M. Hartwell, Mr J. R. Heathcote, Mr H. G. P. Lewis, Mr C. F. Lutman, Mr P. Reeves, Mr W. G. Smith, Mr W. H. Wilson.

The meeting then passed to resolutions received under Rule 19. Only one had been received concerning the voting of lady members Cmdr Mallinson enlarged upon this resolution saying that it was conforming to usual procedure in most other golf clubs, quoting Hockley as an example. Mr Sneezum suggested proportional voting, enabling ladies to be represented on Committee. Mr Lindley pointed out that the difference in subscription as between gentlemen and ladies was only £1.05. Mr Linnell said that Corhampton had always been different from other clubs, ladies played on Saturdays and Sundays, which was not the case in most other clubs. Mrs Evelyn suggested that the club had need of the ladies in running the Club as at present constituted. After some further discussion during which Mr Williams asked for some clarification in the intent of the resolution, it was proposed by Mr Williams, seconded by Mr Browning that the quorum should not be changed and that the lady Captain and Secretary should sit on the Committee as ex-officio members.

On putting the resolution to the meeting there was little voting, almost everyone abstained.

The amendment was then put to the meeting and was carried by 75 votes to 15 with 10 abstentions. The amendment was therefore carried.

The report on the course extension, which had been circulated to all members, was then put to the meeting. No discussion on this matter was forthcoming and it was accepted unanimously by the meeting.

Monday, April 24th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

Under Matters Arising, Mr Lindley said that the new Wildcat machine was not in order – change and payments were short and had to be reimbursed from the Bar. The Secretary explained that this was known to him. A record was being kept in the bar and would be reimbursed from the machine. The mechanic had been asked on the 25th to put it right.

The treasurer read his report of the expenses incurred in March and the takings from the Bar and green fees.

To save time Mr Wright, the chairman, read out lists of his proposals for the various committees for consideration by the Committee. They were as follows: Greens – Mr Wilson, Mr Lutman, Mr Reeves; House & Bar – Mr Haigh, Mr Smith, Mr Heathcote, The Lady Captain; Course Extension – Mr Lewis, Mr Hartwell, Mr Lindley, Mr Knights, Chairman of Greens committee, Chairman of House & Bar, with power to co-opt Mr Newbury if required; Competition & Handicap – Mr Dacombe, Mr Reeves, The Captain, The Vice-Captain.

It was understood that the House and Bar committee would assist in this last sub-committee and the Secretary of the Veterans section would be co-opted for the annual revision. The appointments of these committees was agreed unanimously.

Under AOB with regard to the proposed EGM to be held in connection with the extension of the course, Mr Wright said he would like this to take place as soon as possible. To this end the Secretary will write for an estimate from Colts for the construction of the proposed changing and wash rooms and to Cottons for an up to date estimate for the course construction. The Secretary will also contact Mr Rowsell regarding the sale of his land to the Club. Mr Wright and Mr Haigh will co-operate in presenting another estimate for the construction of the wash rooms etc..

Committee advised that Tarrant, after only a few week’s work, had given in his notice. Mr Lutman wants a list of possible replacements.

Lady Captain asked if, in future, all prospective new lad members be referred to the ladies committee – agreed.

Mr Knights asked if recent alterations to the rules be advised to all members. Secretary asked if this might be left till after the EGM – agreed.

The Secretary asked for guidance in setting fees for temporary periodical tickets for visitors. It was agreed hat these should be on the basis of £3 per week.

Club labels for bags – Secretary will get an estimate for new plastic labels.

The professional has asked for permission to extend his garden so as not to interfere with the practice ground. This was agreed in principle and Mr Wilson and the Secretary will see Crockford and arrange it.

With read to non-payment of fees our rules state that these must be paid by 31st March. The Secretary asked for guidance and it was agreed that defaulters be written to in early June.

Monday, May 15th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The treasurer gave an account of the expenditure during the period and the takings from the bar and the green fees.

For the Greens Committee, Mr Wilson said that Tarrant was leaving this week and that a new man, Mr Langridge, had been engaged at £23 p.w. This appointment was conformed by the Committee. An employment contract will be prepared. Mr Wilson went on to say that expert advice was being obtained on our water supply and the provision of a new storage tank. He hoped that he would have costings by our next meeting.

For the House and Bar committee, Mr Haigh had explored the possibility of a loan to the Club by Watneys. They apparently base their calculations on he barrelage sold by the Club, and on this basis the amount they would be prepared to lend us, about £1500, was not worth while. Mr Smith said that there were several small jobs that required attention around the clubhouse. He would try to get a man to do them. We also required electric light bulbs which he would obtain. We were also having mice trouble in the kitchen. The Secretary said he would contact a local rodent officer. It was agreed that expenses up to £50 may be incurred by the House and Bar Committee without prior reference to the full Committee.

On the subject of Course Extension, Mr Haigh produced an estimate for the wash room and changing room section of the proposed clubhouse extension constructed in traditional brick and tiles at £10,000. The Secretary related his interview with Rowsell regarding the purchase of the land we require to the west of our existing land. It appears that Rowsell is very undecided if he will now sell to us any land, and, if he does, it will be at a price in excess of that arranged last year. Subsequently he suggested that he might be willing to part with about half of the land we want, and he Committee agreed that, if the golf architects cold plan the extra holes within these limits, it would be a good thing to buy it. Further discussion was postponed pending another interview and inspection of the course by the architect Lawrie.

On the subject of Competitions a discussion developed on the possibility of holding an open this year. Various difficulties were put forward and it was tacitly agreed that we could not hold such a competition this year.

Under A.O.B. the Secretary indicated that he wished to increase to £8000 the insurance value of the bungalow, and this was agreed by the Committee.

Monday, June 19th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The treasurer gave an account of the expenditure during the period and the takings from the bar and the green fees.

For the Greens Committee, Mr Wilson reported trouble with one of the mowers and said it might mean a replacement soon. Mr Wilson said that he proposed to pay Langridge 10/- per hour for overtime, and after some discussion, it was decided that Mr Wilson should inform the Secretary of his overtime and it must be added to his wage and tax deducted in the normal way. Figures were not yet to hand in respect of the new water storage.

The House and Bar Committee reported that more ice trays were needed. Mr Haigh will see to this. A discussion developed on the redecoration of the Clubhouse which requires to be done. An estimate s required and Mr Haigh will deal with this.

The Ladies Section require more tee markers. It was decided to order 2 dozen white and blue plastic tee markers.

With regard to the course extension the Secretary gave an account of his negotiations with Rowsell concerning the sale of his land. Rowsell was prepared to let us have approx. 34 acres at £575 per acre, having said he would not accept less. The estimate from Colt for the house extension was £15,000/£17,000 – considerably more than the estimate for building in the traditional manner. The Course Extension Committee will meet on Tuesday 26th inst to thrash out figures etc. to be presented to the club at an EGM Mr Newbury to be asked to attend this meeting.

Under Competitions, the captain wishes to introduce a member invitation competition to take the place of our Open Competition this year to be held in September. This the Committee accepted.

Under A.O.B. Mr Haigh said that he would like to see a Club Tie introduced. The Secretary said that he would look into the matter of costs etc..

At this point we entertained a Police Sergeant who gave us a lecture on security, following the recent break in. Having outlined our security risks, he proceeded to give us examples of alarms that could be installed. The Committee were undecided and asked for further time to consider. It will be brought up at the next meeting.

Monday, July 3rd, 1972 at the Clubhouse

At such short notice of this special committee meeting several members were unable to be present but the quorum consisted of Messrs Haigh (in the Chair), Hon. Sec, Reeves, Dacombe, Smith, Lindley, Hartwell.

The meeting was called at short notice as the vendor of the land he club needs to buy informed the Secretary that he wished to know by the end of July whether the sale was to take place, and the consent of 2/3rd of members was necessary.

A discussion first developed on the type of approach to the members; a meeting of postal ballot. Eventually on a vote a preference for a postal vote was carried by 4 to 3.

It was then unanimously agreed that the proposition to the members should follow that put to them at similar meetings last year with necessary amendments and the proposition agreed upon was as follows:

“That the Club’s Committee is instructed to proceed with the extension of the course in accordance with the updated scheme as described in the notice to members dated 4th July 1972 subject to any necessary and reasonable modifications and whether or not a grant from public funds is available and in pursuance of this the Committee is authorised to extend or add to the rules of the Club as may be necessary to provide for the purchase of land, the raising of loans and any other requirement incidental or conducive to the proper attainment of the objects of this resolution and to amend the present club rules when appropriate to provide for a change in subscriptions, entrance fees and classes of membership as follows –

General Entrance Fee All Classes £21
Subscription Gentlemen £21
Ladies £18.90

Special Junior Membership £4.20
Joint membership(husband and wife) £34.65
Veteran (aged 65 and over) £12.60
Country membership £12.60
5-day membership £12.60″

The proposition was carried unanimously.

This proposition will be circulated as soon as possible to all paid members. Ballot returns will be returnable to Messrs A. Daniels & Co who will issue the certificate.

Monday, July 10th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The treasurer gave an account of the expenditure during the period and the takings from the bar and the green fees together with a comparison for the first six months of his year and last year. Each section showed a small fall, explained at least in part, by the weather conditions this year.

For the Greens Committee, Mr Wilson said that trouble was developing in our rotor mower which was six years old and had cost us £40. Mr Wilson also reported a prevalence of weed on the fairway which we had not been troubled with before. Fisons have recommended a spray, but are to advise us further. The estimate regarding the new storage equipment is to hand. It will cost some £1100. It was reported that Langridge had used his van in service of the Club to take mower to Bishops Waltham for repair and also one journey to Wickham. It was unanimously agreed that for these journeys he should be reimbursed at 5p per mile. It was agreed that the Greens committee proceed with the treatment of the weed as soon as the type of spray to be used was known. Mr Knights then suggested that some of the greens were becoming smaller. Mr Wilson said he would look into this.

For the House and Bar Committee Mr Haigh said that he would like to see an alternative bitter beer on sale in the Bar and said that he had support from many members. After some discussion it was felt that there was no room in our bar for an additional pump. However he would consult with Mr Reeves to see if something could be arranged. The estimate for redecoration of the Clubhouse so far obtained by Mr Haigh was in the region of £450/£500, but further estimates were being obtained, before any decision is taken.

On the Course Extension, now that there was a full committee in session some doubt on the wisdom of a postal ballot was expressed, but it was agreed that the quorum faced an urgent decision. The Secretary gave his account of the present position, including some doubts by the Bank as to the long term of 17 years expressed in our estimates. However the course extension Committee will get together with Mr Newbury soon to try and reach a solution agreeable to both sides. With regard to the postal ballot Mr Knights asked for the Committees decision on what constituted 2/3rd majority. It was agreed that 2/3rds majority should be of the votes cast.

A letter received from Miss Jacobs asking that, when the new subscriptions are implemented the ladies ‘veteran’ age should be 60 was agreed unanimously. The secretary will inform this member and the Lady Secretary.

Under competitions, a letter from Folland GC asking for a match next year was read and reluctantly declined as we already had a very full match programme.

Mr Dacombe said that in most clubs a review of handicaps was performed twice yearly and he proposed to do this.

Under A.O.B. Mr Heathcote brought up the matter of small boys being out on the course with their parents and being allowed to play golf to the inconvenience of other members. It was generally agreed that this was not a good thing and juniors should not play unless bona fide junior members. Mr Greenwood’s name was mentioned as one culprit and the Secretary was instructed to him on the matter.

As an afterthought it was proposed by Mr Knights and seconded by Mr Lindley that on receipt of the result of the ballot now in members’ hands, and subject to the necessary majority being obtained, the Secretary be empowered to proceed with the negotiations to buy the land.

Monday, August 21st, 1972 at the Clubhouse

We now have a Watneys red barrel machine installed.

The treasurer gave an account of the expenditure during the period and the takings from the bar and the green fees.

For the Greens Committee Mr Wilson said that as a result of the purchase of two additional wings for the rotary mower and very good work on the part of the greenkeeping staff, the rotary mower was now working well and more efficiently. The new water scheme was not forgotten and further investigations with experts would have to be made now that the increase in number of greens was imminent. As for the weeds on the fairways, Mr Wilson said that Fisons had recommended a killer and the spraying had been done by Ruddle, the cost would be around £5 per acre.

For the House and Bar Mr Haigh said that a decision was made on the type of Club tie to be ordered – a single motif on a dark green background. Mr Haigh said that although we had a ‘Watneys Red’ alternative he would still like to see the bitter beer changed and it was agreed that Starlight should be tried. It was agreed unanimously that the House Committee go ahead with the painting of the club exterior and the notice boards. It was suggested that towels in the wash rooms were inadequate and very soiled by the weekend. It was agreed to ask Mrs Ruddle to wait until Friday before replacing the towels. The date for the Annual dinner which Mr Reeves will conform with Gauntlett’s is to be Dec 7th or a Friday or Saturday if available.

On the Course Extension the Secretary gave his account of the position to date. The survey had been done and unofficially the area of land we are to purchase is about 37 acres. Efforts are being made to have completion by September 30th, but if contracts are signed and the deposit paid, then we can have use of it earlier. The use of contractors to construct the new course appears to worry some members. After some discussion it was decided that nothing would be done until Mr Lawrie had visited the course again and we are able to express our views on what we wanted.

Under competitions it was agreed that Mr F. M. Hartwell be appointed Competition Secretary in place of the late Mr Peter Dacombe. A letter was read from Mr Hartwell in which he said he would have difficulty inbeing present at Sunday competitions. Assurance was given to the Committee that assistance in this matter would be given Mr Hartwell by the House committee and the Secretary. It was further agreed that an imprest of £10 be made available to Mr Hartwell to cover incidental expenses. Owing to competitions the course will be closed from 1pm on the 10th September and noon on the 9th. A notice to be put up to this effect.

Under A.O.B. it was decided that as a memorial to the late Peter Dacombe a subscription list be set up. The memorial will take the form of a shelter on the new course. Mr Sneezum who has offered to supervise this subscription has the thanks of the Committee. A note to this effect will be place on the board.

It was agreed that a donation of £15 be sent to the Golf Foundation.

Monday, September 18th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

The treasurer gave an account of the expenditure during the period and the takings from the bar and the green fees.

For the Greens committee, Mr Lutman mentioned the accident to the Pro and said it had been difficult to keep the work on the course up to standard. During the recent drought Langridge had been able to borrow a water cart and so keep a little water on the greens pending the repairs to the water pump. The recent rains had relieved the position. In this connection it was agreed that remuneration for the loan of a water cart should take the form of a substantial tip. S.C.A.T.S. have the repairs to the water pump in hand but it was felt by the Committee that the electric motor switch gear should be place outside the pump enclosure in order to obviate another similar accident. The Green Committee have this in mind. Mr Lindley pointed out the bad state of the weeds surrounding the bungalow garden. Mr Lutman said this would be attended to when labour problems were easier. Mr Wright mentioned a bad patch of turf on the 18th fairway and asked that a notice be put up forbidding practice on the fairways and also a request that better use be made of the rakes provided at each bunker.

For the House and Bar, Mr Haigh had no further information regarding the club tie. The painting of the clubhouse was not complete A problem arose as to is to run the bar at the Ladies Xmas party. Mr Hartwell said he would explore the possibility of it being undertaken by the brewers. Mr Wright asked that the two principal guests at the Annual dinner be the Captain and Vice Captain of Waterlooville GC and this was agreed. The Secretary will write to them. The date of the dinner this year is to be 24th November and the cost per head is £2.50.

On the Course Extension the Secretary reported that the arrangements to buy the land we need had gone ahead. Contracts were being exchanged and it was hoped settlement would take place on the 30th September, the date Rowsell had requested. The Sports Council had provisionally made us a grant of £10,000. Negotiations with the bank are proceeding; one of the assurances we have to give the Sports Council is that we will not mortgage the property which is the subject of the grant, which means that the Bank will have to be satisfied with a charge over our existing land. This, the Secretary thought, could be agreed with the Bank. In this connection, the Bank required us to pass a resolution authorizing us to execute a mortgage and to buy the new land. This results in an amendment to Rule 26. It was then proposed that Rule 26 should read as follows –

“That the Club shall be empowered to borrow from its Bankers such sum or sums as may be required from time to time on overdraft or otherwise to invest funds, including the purchase of land and to raise loans by way of mortgage or by any other means.” This motion was carried unanimously. Also in reference to the Bank it had been pointed out that Barclays Bank Trust Company are custodians Trustees of our existing property and the bank require a supplementary Declaration of Trust in respect of our new land. Other resolutions, certified copies of which they require, covering the solicitors acting and execution of a mortgage on our behalf are also requested. The following motions were then proposed :-

“That Barclays Trust Co. Ltd be requested to act as Custodian Trustees of the land to be purchased by the Club on the south side of their existing land, covering some 37.75 acres and abutting on Shepherds Down farm” This was carried unanimously.

“That the Secretary be authorised to instruct Messrs Burley & Geach, Solicitors of Bishops Waltham to act for the Trustees of the club in the purchase of land referred to in the previous resolution.” This was carried unanimously.

“That Barclays Bank Trust Co. Ltd as Custodian Trustees for the Club be authorized to instruct Messrs Blake Lapthorn Rea and Williams, Solicitors of Portsmouth, to prepare and complete the formalities regarding the supplementary Declaration of Trust” This was carried unanimously.

“That Barclays Bank Trust Co. Ltd as Custodian Trustees for the Club be authorized to execute , on behalf of the Club, a Mortgage of the existing land the property of the Club covering approximately 82 acres to Barclays Bank Ltd.” Passed unanimously.

“That the Secretary be authorized to provide Barclays Bank Ltd certified copies of the preceding resolutions.” Passed unanimously.

At this point Mr Lewis said that he wished it recorded that the Committee were grateful for the work done by the Secretary in connection with the Course Extension Grant.

Under A. O. B. Mr Hartwell pointed out that some competitions had played from the wrong tees during a recent open competition and asked if instruction “Red outward, yellow inward” could be incorporated on the score card. Secretary said he would look into this.

It was agreed by the Committee as a whole that, if a card came to light that justified and immediate alteration of handicap during a competition, the checker, in conjunction with one member of the Handicaps Committee, is empowered to make an adjustment to the player’s handicap.

Mr Hartwell said that it was possible, but not yet made clear, that Club subscriptions might be subject to V.A.T. next year. Efforts are to be made to clarify.

Wednesday, October 18th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

From matters arising, enquiries by Mr Hartwell showed that the breweries are not will to run the bar at the Xmas party. The ‘Bakers Arms’ are to be requested to do the job.

The original guest arranged by Mr Wright for the Annual dinner were unable to attend and replacements had been arranged. They were to be Ian Riches of Lee-on-Solent and Jackson of Waterlooville.

For the Greens Committee Mr Wilson gave his account of negotiations to obtain 1000 cubic metres of top soil to be delivered on the course at £1.05 per cubic metre. Satisfaction was expressed at the favourable price and a motion of appreciation to Mr Wilson passed for his efforts in this direction. A new leaf sweeper ahs been purchased. Flags sticks had been painted and torn flags renewed. Mr Wilson reported that an unauthorized absence from work by the pro and his assistant had come to his notice. Crockford had apologized and said it would not happen again. In future any such absences will be authorized first by the Greens chairman.

For the House and Bar Mr Wright said that arrangements had been made for an alarm system to be fitted at an estimated cost of £40. Water shortage in the bungalow while water was being used on the course is becoming an increasing problem. Arrangements are being made to install a larger and additional storage tank in the bungalow roof. Mr Fletcher to be approached for a replacement vacuum cleaner.

Under competitions Mr Hartwell said that some difficulty had arisen and protests made about the closing date for the Winter Foursomes. After some discussion it was decided that no amendments could be made this year. It was agreed that the Secretary should write a letter of thanks to Mr G. F. Smith thanking him for the repair work he had done on the Clubhouse door.

Under A.O.B. the Secretary established that 25 miles was to be the radius for country membership next year when this class of membership was introduced.

The Secretary read a draft letter concerning increased subscriptions he proposed to circulate to members. There were no objections.

Finally it was proposed that, because of our depleted Committee since the sad loss of Peter Dacombe, Mr G. F. Smith be co-opted on to the Committee.

Wednesday, November 15th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

Under matters arising, the vacuum cleaner obtained cost £20. The matter of the alarm system and the water storage in the bungalow are still in progress.

The Secretary read a letter from Mr Sjoberg, a prospective member asking to join this year. Committee decided in view of all other applications, we could not make an exception.

Mrs Haigh who has applied to join is to be accepted.

We have been advised by Droxford R.D.C. that on the cessation of that body we shall have to re-negotiate our rate rebate.

For the Greens Committee Mr Wilson reported on the purchase of soil. The 1000 tons originally ordered were being delivered (we have already paid for some 650 tons). A discussion developed on soil necessity. No one could give a firm estimate of how much soil would be needed when it came to construction of the new holes and it was felt that only the contractors could do so.. However, it was agreed that at least 500 tons of top soil was put to one side for future use by the greenkeepers as and when required. An improved leaf sweeper has been purchased. Because of his specialized knowledge it was agreed that Mr G. F. Smith, recently co-opted to the Committee, should be elected to the Greens Committee. Mr Smith accepted.

Under House and Bar, Mr Haigh report that Club tie matters not yet finalised. The alarm system was in hand. Recent gale had damaged pro shop and loosened tiles on the bungalow roof. These had been attended to by the Secretary. The coming Dinner/Dance was well in hand by Mr Reeves. A snag had arisen regarding the Xmas party. It appears that Droxford village hall will not be available owing to building alterations. Urgent action is to be taken to find an alternative. In view of probable extra expense it was agreed that any loss sustained by the party should be met by the Club.

Under competitions Mr Hartwell was able to tie up a few loose ends in connection with next year’s fixtures. It was agreed by all members that, on competition days, the tee markers should be placed on the Medal line and removed by the next day.

As for the Course Extension, the Secretary reported that the new land had not been paid for and Mr Rowsell was threatening to withdraw his offer. The Secretary said that the Trust had been warned of this and instructed to get a move on. This urgency had been passed onto Rea, Lapthorn and it was hoped that completion would not be much further delayed. A new Declaration of Trust was being prepared and will have to be agreed by the Club. It was agreed that the Secretary would contact other members of the Committee when the draft was ready. It was agreed that Barclay Trust Co Ltd shall continue to be Custodian Trustees of the Club. It was also agreed that the Club hereby authorize Barclays Trust Co ltd to borrow such sum or sums as required but not exceeding £45,000 and to charge the Club property by way of security thereof.

Under A.O.B. the committee decided that as the course was not fully used during the week the Secretary would circulate 50 prospective members an offer to become 5-day members with the option when the course construction was complete, of becoming full members.

Sunday, December 3rd, 1972 at the Hon. Secretary’s house

This meeting was specifically called to pass resolutions enabling the club to complete the purchase of the land for which we have been negotiating with Mr P. Rowsell.

It was agreed that “In connection with the purchase of 37.75 acres of land from Mr P. Rowsell, the Hon. Secretary be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the Club”.

It was agreed that “The Committee approve the terms of the contract for the purchase of 37.75 acres from Mr P. Rowsell”.

It was agreed that ” Mr Lewis, Mr Wright and the Hon. Secretary, Mr E. P. H. Payton be authorized to join in the conveyance of the land (37.75 acres) to be purchased from Mr P. Rowsell”.

Wednesday, December 13th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

This meeting was called specifically to review the position in which the club had been placed following the loss of sale of the land we had planned to buy from Mr P. Rowsell.

The Hon. Secretary explained to the members the circumstances whereby Barclays Trust Co. were given authority to act on behalf of the Club in the purchase. Considerable delays had been experienced, for, although the Trust Co were aware of the urgency of the matter and that Rowsell had threatened to back out of his bargain because of the delay in signing the contract, they appeared to be unable to expedite the preparation of the new Declaration of Trust which would authorise them to act for the Club.

It was felt by the Committee as a whole that the Trust could have acted more quickly and in not doing so had let us down badly, particularly as they are designated ‘Custodian Trustees’. It was estimated that, inclusive of the Grant of £10,000 which we shall now inevitably have to relinquish, the cost to the Club will be in the region of £13,000. It was established that there was no other land which the Club could purchase adjoining the present Club land. There was a possibility that buyers of the land we had hoped to get will offer some to us at a later date, but the price is likely to be upwards of £1000 per acre, and prohibitive. It was then agreed that the Secretary explore the possibility of some redress by the Trust Company by taking legal advice.

A lengthy discussion then followed as to what course the Club should follow for the future. While it was felt generally that 18 holes could not be achieved on our present land, some additional holes were possible. Eventually it was agreed that a scheme should be worked out to utilize our present spare land to construct as many new holes as possible and rebuild the Clubhouse. This scheme to be worked out by the course extension committee and the Greens committee.

The Secretary enquired about fees etc for 1973, he having already advised members in the light of the expected course enlargement. It was agreed that fees should remain as advised.

The Secretary said that several members had opted to become 5-day members. One member wished to become a 5-day member for a year or two pending his being eligible for Veteran membership. The Committee decided that a member opting to become a 5-day member pending veteran status would have to wait until a vacancy for full membership occurred. This is explained by 5-day members having no rights as a restricted member whereas a Veteran is a concessionary member.

It was agreed that an ex gratia payment of £25 be made to Mrs Ruddle to cover losses during the year on catering interrupted by bad weather.

Following the accident to Crockford the Insurance Company (Commercial Union) had declined to pay any compensation and the Hon. Secretary was instructed to look in to this matter.

Saturday, December 16th, 1972 at the Clubhouse

This meeting was called to discuss developments following the sale of land we were to have bought to the Chappell’s of Steynes Farm.

Mr Lewis said that it had come to his notice that the purchasers of Steynes Farm would be very keen to buy our piece of land bordering the Bishops Waltham Road and privately expressed an opinion that an approach might be entered into.

Following some discussion on the subject the Secretary was instructed to write to Mrs Chappell on these lines and a negotiating committee consisting of the Captain, the Hon. Sec and Mr Lewis were appointed to interview her if necessary.