Extracts from the Minutes for 1971
List of Meetings
- Wednesday, January 20th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, February 10th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, March 1st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, March 10th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, March 21st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- AGM, Saturday, April 24th, 1971 at Swanmore School
- Monday, April 26th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Tuesday, May 25th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- EGM, Saturday, June 12th, 1971 at Swanmore School
- Monday, June 21st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, June 28th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 19th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 26th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, August 16th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- EGM, Thursday, August 19th, 1971 at the Swanmore Village Hall
- Monday, September 6th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, September 20th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- EGM, Thursday, October 14th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, October 18th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, November 17th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
- EGM, Sunday, December 19th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Wednesday, January 20th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Captain, Mr. J. Heathcote, presided over a full committee.
Matters arising from the last minutes – None.
Mr. Lindley read a list of payments made since the last meeting and gave the Committee the present Bank position.
Mrs. Fletcher raised the question of the kitchen and complained that it was not as clean as she would like to see it. Other members appeared to be- satisfied, so that it would seem that standards of cleanliness were higher among our lady members. However, Secretary said he would diplomatically try to effect an improvement.
Secretary advised meeting of a visit of Mr Lawrie, the Golf Architect, on Monday next. Several members of the Committee will also be present.
Secretary advised that only one subscription for 1970 was now outstanding – Mr. Goode.
Secretary presented accounts for the recent annual dinner and dance. Receipts were £342 and payments £329. 9. 2d, showing as small profit of £12. 10. 10d.
Mr. Heathcote wished, in view of the considerable hard work by Mr. Lindley on behalf of the Club in connection with, the dinner, to propose a hearty vote of thanks to him. This was received. with acclamation.
Mr Baber reported for the Greens committee and suggested a word with the professional on general behaviour. There appears to be dissention between the pro. and the Greens Committee. Mr. Payton, the new Secretary, suggested that a periodical meeting between this Committee and the Pro. to decide priorities of work etc. be arranged
A discussion then developed on the requirements of a Bar keeper. Mr Baber has resigned the position of and a new one was needed. It was agreed that an advertisement be placed in the Clubhouse. Failing this the Secretary will. explore all avenues to obtain a replacement.
The committee agreed that the Hants. Rogues G.C. be entertained on March 25th.
Wednesday, February 10th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Captain was in the chair and a full committee was present except for Mrs Bunce and Mr Goodall from whom apologies were received.
Owing to the postal strike there were few accounts for the secretary to report as paid.
Matters arising: Mr. Knights raised the question of a new barman. The Secretary was able to state that a Mr. Michael Insull was to meet the Committee within the hour and appeared to be a satisfactory applicant. A discussion then arose on details of the new barman’s duties and hours. It was proposed by Mr Knights and sec. Mr Dacombe that his wages be £8 per week in the winter rising to £12 in the summer. Winter time to be from 1st Oct to 31st March. The bar would be opened in winter Sat and Sundays 11.30 – 2.30. In addition in summer the bar would be opened on the evenings on Wed. to Sunday inclusive from 7 to 10:30pm. It was also proposed the three white coats be purchased for use by the barman. At this point the Committee was introduced to Mr Insull who appeared to satisfy their requirements and it was arranged that he commence his work on the 13th inst.
The Secretary was instructed to write to Mrs Reeves, who had volunteered her services in the bar, explaining the situation and thanking her for her interest.
The Secretary reported that the Greenkeeper was anxious to have the fairways fertilised. Mr Wilson stated that this matter had been discussed a year or two ago but had not been done. Mr Hall had said he would undertake the work, providing the necessary fertiliser at farm price. It was agreed that the Greens Committee approach Mr Hall ad try and get this job done.
Mrs. Fletcher said that the ‘L.G.U.’ sign on the 1st tee had disappeared and it was agreed that a new one would be obtained.
Course Reconstruction: Mr. Lindley gave the committee a short resume of the interview of the Captain, Hon. Sec and himself with Mr Rowsell last Friday. It would appear from this interview that Mr Rowsell was willing to sell the land required by the Club, about 40 acres, at £500 per acre. He did not appear to interested in leasing the land. The Hon. Sec. also told committee of a telephone conversation he had had with Mr Rowsell the following day. From this it seemed that he (Rowsell) wished to keep a barrier in the form of a paddock between the proposed fairway and Shepherds Farm, slightly reducing the land available. Rowsell also asked the club at what price they expected to purchase the land. The Secretary said that he thought £400 per acre would be nearer their price. Rowsell then suggested that the club obtain an accurate measurement of the land required and made an offer he would consider.
It was suggested that the Secretary contact Mr Judd unofficially and obtain his assessment of the value of the land. This the Sec. said he would do.
Monday, March 1st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
A special committee meeting was called to appoint a part time bar keeper for the club. In the chair was Mr Heathcote.
There were three possible applicants – Mr Brady of Winchester, Mr Holloway of Waterlooville, and Mrs N. Reeves.
A full discussion of some two hours developed and it was at last decided that the two male applicants were unsuitable for various reasons and on a proposition by Mr Goodall seconded by Mr Lewis it was decided to ask Mrs Reeves to undertake the job. Proposition carried by 7 votes to one.
The Hon. Sec. undertook to telephone Mrs Reeves tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 10th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Mr Heathcote opened the meeting with a tribute to Mr Fred Bunce who has so tragically passed away since our last meeting.
Mr Lewis gave a brief explanation of the year’s accounts, also saying that the Club had reached its maximum in respect of numbers.
The Secretary reported on a meeting he had had with Mr Rowsell on the proposed purchase of land required for the enlargement of the course. The original price was £500 but the Secretary said that if the Club were to include the piece of land adjoining the road on the south side, which was not previously included, of about 5 acres. Rowsell would sell at £425 per acre. Mr Lewis had produced an appraisal of the anticipated financial position of the club during the next few years, if the proposed scheme was to be accepted and this produced a lengthy discussion, particularly as no provision has been made for a new clubhouse until after 1975. Certain amendments were made to the estimated figures provided by Mr Lewis. It was agreed that the Secretary write to Rowsell and try to obtain a firm price of £400 per acre, subject to contract, planning permission and the agreement by the members at the meeting to be held to decide the matter. This latter meeting to be held on the 29th May. An amended and shortened version of Mr Lewis’s financial forecast to be sent to each member for consideration.
The committee then agreed on a sum to be expended on a testimonial to Mr Lindley in appreciation of his long service to the Club.
The Greens Committee want the shed (old cricket pavilion) to be painted on roof (paint has already been provided). This will be attended to by the Greens Committee.
A suitably engraved Slaver has been presented to former retiring Captains and it was agreed this should be continued.
Wednesday, March 21st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Matters arising: The Hon. Secretary reported that an account of nearly £60 had been received for grass seed. This apparently was for seeding the already ploughed land adjoining the 5th and 8th fairways. As it is possible that construction of fairways will be given to contractors this year, Hon. Sec. prevented Mr Ruddle, who was going to do the work, from proceeding until the Committee had been consulted. After discussion it was agreed that, so as not to waste the seed which had been delivered, the seeding should be done in the hope that it might be of help to the work possibly to be done.
Mr Dacombe mentioned that another society had applied for the use of the course, but after discussion it was generally agreed that we would not accept another society this year.
With regard to the Club Championship it was agreed that the Captain, the Captain elect and the Hon. Sec. should liaise over the form this was going to take this year and so inform Mr Dacombe.
Nominations for next year’s Committee were closed, their being 12 nominations. Ballot papers to be provided at the A.G.M. on the 24th inst.
A discussion inevitably arose concerning the proposed course enlargement. The Hon. Sec. was able to report that Mr Rowsell had agreed to a price of £400 per acre for land to be purchased, subject to contract, planning permission and approval by the club. A small portion of land adjoining Shepherd’s Farm is to be sold to Mr Claisse to form a ‘buffer’. This would in no way interfere with the anticipated fairways. Mr Rowsell also asked that we survey the land in question to ascertain the acreage and apply for planning permission. Mr Lindley had expressed his willingness to attend to both these matters.
5 Lady members were nominated and the committee agreed that should be admitted.
AGM, Saturday, April 24th, 1971 at Swanmore School
There were 88 members present.
Captain’s Report: In his report the retiring Captain. Mr. J. R. Heathcote opened his remarks with a tribute to Mr F.Bunce, a long standing member, who so tragically passed away recently. The meeting stood silent for a few minutes in tribute. Continuing, Mr Heathcote said how much he had really enjoyed his year of office and paid tribute to his Committee and all members of staff for supporting him. He was able to announce that we had played 12 matches during the season of which 8 had been won. He ended his report by wishing all new members a golfing life and a welcome to the new Captain.
This report was received with acclamation.
Mr. Lindley then rose to pay tribute to Mr Heathcote for the efficiency of his year as Captain and to wish him well in the future. This also was received with acclamation.
The year’s accounts were accepted as circulated.
Mr. Lewis gave a brief resume of the accounts, saying that the Club was in a sound financial position, and showing an upward trend, with assets well in excess of liabilities.
In lighter vein, Mr Gimblett asked about the one club tie shown in the B/S. It was proposed by Mr. Linnell and seconded by Mr. Lewis that the tie be presented to the President. This was passed with acclamation.
Election of Officers: President – Mr Lindley, Captain – Mr S. G. Knights, Vice Capt. – Mr J. Wright, Hon. Sec – Mr E. P. Peyton, Auditors – A. Daniels & Co.
The following were elected onto the general committee – Mr P. Dacombe, Mr W. H. Wilson, Mr. L Goodall, Mr. H. Lewis, Mr Lutman, Mr. P. Reeves and the past captain, Mr. J. Heathcote.
It was agreed that an honorarium of £200 was to be given to the Hon. Secretary.
The next item was the presentation of trophies to the winners for the year. These were presented with suitable remarks by the Captain and Lady Captain.
A special presentation of a salver was made to he retiring Captain by the President with suitable remarks.
Then a very special presentation was made on behalf of the Club to Mr. Lindley in appreciation of his 18 years as Honorary Secretary and guide to the Club. This was a decanter and six glasses. Mr. Lindley voiced his appreciation with emotion and expressed his intention to serve the club in his capacity as President for as long as the Club wanted him.
The meeting then discussed a letter received from a lady member concerning ‘Husband and Wife’ or ‘Family’ membership. The Captain said that was favourably considered by the committee at the last meeting and it was agreed that it should le on the table until after the extraordinary meeting to be held a the end of May.
Under any other business Mr Smith asked if tougher means of ensuring that visitors had paid green fees be instituted. It was pointed out that without an official to ‘police’ the course, sometimes for sixteen hours daily in the summer, any other means, other than those in operation at present, would be very difficult. Although there were some dishonest visitors the proportion was very small.
To wind up the meeting which closed at 9pm, the Captain invited all present to return to the clubhouse for the traditional drink with him.
Monday, April 26th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
For the benefit of the new members a recapitulation of the matter of the grass seed bought for the land between the 6th and 8th fairways was brought up and after some discussion it was decided to let matters stand as agreed at the last meeting.
Election of Sub-Committees was as follows:
Greens Committee: Mr Wilson, Mr. Lutman, Mr Wright. Their terms of reference to be – All matters concerning the playing area and buildings thereon.
House Committee: Mr Heathcote, Mr Wright, The Lady Captain. Their terms of reference to be – The Clubhouse and car park and assistance to Hon. Sec. with organisation and operation of the bar.
Handicap Committee: The Captain, Vice Captain, Competition Secretary with powers to co-opt as considered necessary.
Course Extension Committee: Mr Lewis, Mr Dacombe, Mr Goodall, Mr Lindley, Mr Heathcote and the Chairman of the Greens Committee. Their terms of reference to be – Financial and legal matters concerned with the proposed course extension.
Competitions Secretary – Mr Dacombe volunteered, and his offer gratefully accepted, to continue in this capacity. His terms of reference to be course bookings and all matters connected with competitions.
Suggestion Book. A request by several members to change our Fruit Machine. A new machine was out of the question at the present time, but the Committee will investigate whether the machine can be adjusted. Mr Wright will be spokesman for the Committee on this matter.
Under A.O.B. the Captain brought up the matter of a duplicator for use by the Secretary in view of the heavy cost of duplicating. Committee agreed that it would be a good idea and the Secretary will look out for a second hand machine.
Tuesday, May 25th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The unwanted seed had been returned to Vinnecombe’s and a credit note for the full amount received.
An offer to supply a new coin machine had been received. It was proposed that this lie on the table until the return of Mr Wilson who was dealing with this matter.
A letter from Mr Staff(member) asking if a reduction in fees might be made while he is away abroad for two years. It was generally agreed that he pay £1.10 p.a. while away to protect his membership. The Secretary will inform him of this.
A letter had been received from the Professional/Greenkeeper re his pay, holidays and shop. It was generally agreed that he should have three weeks holiday, taken so as not to interfere with the continuity of work on the course. The other matters to be considered by the individual members of the Committee and brought up at the next meeting.
It was generally agreed that we would pay the Meon Valley pest control at the rate of 10p per acre for the control of rabbits and moles. The Secretary will advise the company.
The Green Committee reported that our Flymo was on its last legs and it was agreed that a new one be purchased. The Ransome cutter used for the tees was also in need of repair and it was agreed that our other Ransome machine should be relegated to this work, if possible, and a new Ransome purchased for the greens. Mr Ruddle has agreed to keep the weeds down on our unused centre plot. More sand is to be purchased for the bunkers. The construction of more teeing areas to be urgently considered next winter.
An application for the R.A.F. Society to be refused.
Under A.O.B. the Captain outlined the procedure he proposed to adopt at the Extra A.G.M. to be held on the 12th June. Simple majority to be accepted regarding the proposition to enlarge the course to 18 holes.
Age limit for junior members. Mr. Blanchard’s son is 18 and applying for junior membership, and Sec. asked for guidance in view of club’s existing rules. Decided he should pay £2.10 this year and be eligible for full membership next year.
It was unanimously agreed that Hon. Sec. (so long as he held office) and his wife should be excused subscriptions.
The Secretary mentioned how difficult it was getting score cards and it was decided to order 5000 at once.
Duplicator purchase – to be left to Sec. and Capt. to decide on price.
It was agreed that Mr C. L. Pickett be invited as full member.
EGM, Saturday, June 12th, 1971 at Swanmore School
In the chair was the Captain (Mr. S. Knights) presiding over 105 members and officials of the Club.
The agenda for the meeting was read by the Secretary which was as follows –
1. To read the notice convening the meeting.
2. To discuss and reach decision on extension of playing area to 18 holes.
3. To close the meeting.
The Chairman then addressed the meeting. He gave the reasons leading up to this meeting, quoting from the minutes of the last A.G.M.. He also informed the meeting that no transcript or communication was to be given to the Press, or Golf Magazine without prior reference to the President or Secretary, and gave reasons for this proviso.
He stated that whatever the outcome of the meeting it would not be taken as a vote of no confidence in the Committee.
The Chairman then outlined the procedure which the meeting would take. Firstly he wished members to ask any questions they wished in the light of the proposed extension to 18 holes. Any other questions which might be asked and answered would be outside the Committee’s terms of reference. Part two would be debate and finally the vote by ballot, a straight yes or no. The meeting then proceeded with questions from members.
Mr Mallinson asked if we are quite sure of our figures presented in the schedule presented to the members some weeks ago. Mr Lewis answered that the figures were compiled from past balance sheets and conservative forecasts on future income of the club having regard to actual and estimated increases.
Mr Linnell queried the valuation of the club land. This was also answered by Mr Lewis.
Mr Gash asked if subscriptions were to be increased immediately even if the proposed extra nine holes were not available for several years. Chairman said that the question of increased fees had not yet been decided and degrees of membership would be introduced (five day membership etc.).
Mr Sneezum asked if the siting of the new locker rooms and clubhouse had been decided. Chairman answered that it had not yet been decided.
Mr Browning asked about the increase of members on the present 9 holes. Chairman assured him that any increase would be gradual.
Mr Hall asked if we were aware of other new courses that it is proposed should be built in the district. The Chairman said that we were so aware, and also that it had been proposed under long term planning that a number of new courses would arise in south Hampshire over the next decade.
Mrs Blanchard asked if there were any strings attached to the application for a Government grant for which we are applying. Chairman said that as far as could be ascertained there were no ‘strings’.
There were several other questions not relevant to the matter in hand.
The meeting then proceeded to part 2 of the debate.
The Secretary, speaking in favour of the project, outlined the preliminary arrangements that had been made. He informed members that the necessary land had been obtained and a provisional price agreed, settlement would be on 31st Oct. at £400 per acre. The course architects had been engaged and a provisional estimate obtained. Planning permission was being applied for. He stated that a saturation point with regard to number of members had been reached (about 305) with some 200 names on the waiting list. He also gave figures which showed that the course was used by more visitors than we had members, and that fees so obtained accounted for more than half our income. The Secretary then said that in his opinion the security of our professional in the years to come must be assured, otherwise we should lose him and a suitable replacement would be difficult to obtain. He also asserted that we had, at the present time, the finest 9 holes which could also be the finest 18 holes in Hampshire.
Mr Linnell spoke against the project, asserting that 18 holes could be designed on our existing land.
Mr Patch spoke in favour, saying that 18 holes on our present land would cause congestion and would be dangerous.
Mr Gimblett spoke as a schoolmaster, saying that golf was taught in his Further Education department, and saying that youth wanted somewhere to play as they grew up.
Mr Lindley spoke against the project, saying that members were quite satisfied with the 9 holes, with alternative tees, as they are, and suggesting that anyone who wanted 18 holes should find another club.
Mr Wilson Smith spoke in favour saying that it was selfish to deny the rising generation of golfing facilities.
Several others spoke in brief for and against the project.
The meeting then proceeded to the ballot on the following resolution that was proposed by Mr Haigh and seconded by Mr Wilson Smith – “That the managing Committee as provided in the rules be empowered to place in operation the extension of the playing area to 18 holes following the lines of the scheme presented at this meeting”.
The ballot produced the following result – For the resolution – 65; Against – 41; Majority 24.
The meeting was then officially closed by the Chairman at 9.30.
A further meeting called for this date on a request by 8 members under Rule 19 was then declared in session. The Agenda ‘to discuss and reach decision on Lady members vote in the election of the Committee’. Chairman pointed out that this was under Rule 19, out of order but was prepared to proceed unless it was proposed out of order by any one member. Mr Lutman immediately proposed the meeting out of order and it was formally closed by the Chairman.
The members dispersed at 9.45 pm.
Monday, June 21st, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Hon. Sec. read a letter from Southern Television in which they enclosed a cheque as a donation to the Club for facilities we gave them in making a sketch for their programme.
The Chairman then read a letter received from the President in which he asserted that, as the proposition carried at the Extraordinary meeting on the 12th June, involved a change in subscription rates, a two thirds majority was called for, and that, in the event, we had no mandate to proceed with the course enlargement.
This proved a bombshell for the Committee and a heated discussion ensued, as, it was stated, it had been agreed, and minuted, by the Committee, and stated in the Captain’s preamble at the meeting on 12th June, that a simple majority should be accepted.
It also transpired, from information received from a newspaper article, that there is now considerable doubt as to whether we shall be able to obtain a grant towards the expenses of the proposed course extension.
Both Mr Lewis and Mr Lindley were of the opinion that no action towards enlargement of the course be undertaken until the matter of the grant was decided.
Reverting to the legality of the vote at the Ext. General meeting referred to above, Mr Lindley said that certain members were prepared to go to the length of obtaining a legal injunction. This led to further heated discussion, and eventually it was proposed by Mr Wright and seconded by Mr Wilson that legal advice should be taken as whether we can proceed with the course extension under Rule 19. This was carried unanimously.
Proceeding to other matters, the Chairman suggested that, as so much time had already been taken up, the treasurer’s report be accepted. This was agreed on the proposition of Mrs Bunce seconded by Mr Dacombe.
On the matter of the Professional’s salary he is to be informed that, because of pressing business no decision had been reached, but that anything decided would be back dated to the date of his letter.
For the Greens Committee, Mr Wilson reported that a new Grass cutter to be obtained would cost £169. The suggested white posts for placing down the 4th fairway were ready. The rough clearance undertaken by Mr Wright has so far cost some £50. A new ‘Flymo’ cutter has been obtained and was in use.
For the House Committee it was asked if the pot holes at the entrance could be repaired. Mr Wright will look into the matter. The estimate for the re-painting of the bungalow was put back for later discussion. The Competition Secretary raised the matter of the coming Eclectic competition. It was agreed that Mr Reeves would assist Mr Dacombe in the marking. Some criticism arose on last year’s competition and it was left to Mr Dacombe to try and improve it. It was agreed that no men’s open competition be held this year. The mixed open competition will be held on a Saturday. Captain’s day will be arranged between the Captain and Mr Dacombe.
Under AOB it was suggested that a barbecue be held as a social function during the summer. Mr Reeves will look into the matter of organising such a function.
It was suggested that a retaining fee be paid to the Caterer to cover losses incurred by inclement weather etc. This will be brought up later.
It was agreed that the Bucks Head Trophy be held for 20 gentlemen on the 2nd October.
A verbal complaint was received against a member (Mr Baber) for caddying for a visitor playing against a member in the Evening News competition. The Captain will write a letter to Mr Baber, informing him of the Committee’s disapproval.
Monday, June 28th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Chairman opened the meeting by reading a letter from Mr Lindley protesting that insufficient notice had been given for tonight’s meeting, hence his absence. He also expressed annoyance that he could not be present at any discussion concerning the Pro/Greenkeeper’s application for a wage increase as, he pointed out, he was the only member available who was present when Crockford was first appointed, (in 1965).
The Captain read a letter he had written to Mr Baber expressing disapproval of the Committee (on file).
Mr Wright said he would spend about £50 repairing as much of the entrance drive as that sum would cover with tarmac.
Re Painting of bungalow, the Committee was uncertain, in absence of tenancy agreement, who was responsible for interior decoration. House Committee will inspect condition of building and obtain specifications and estimates.
The Committee then entered into the matter of Crockford’s application for increased remuneration. The matter involved a discussion lasting nearly two hours discussing Crockford’s status as Professional and Greenkeeper. His original status was greenkeeper, but his title of professional appears to have evolved from his acceptance in to the ranks of the P.G.A. The matter of the improvement to his shop to be left for the time being owing to the uncertain future of Club buildings. It was ascertained that lighting and heating in the pro shop in other clubs in our area are paid for by the club.
Under AOB the proposed barbecue is to be held on Sunday 25th July. Mr Banting has offered to do the catering for it.
The matter of the further procedure regarding the course extension will be brought up again at the next meeting and a decision taken as to further progress.
Monday, July 19th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Mr Wilson said he had interviewed Mr Crockford with an offer of an increase. This Mr Crockford has accepted with reservations. Provision of an alternative shop for the pro was felt to be out of the question in view of the uncertain future of the Club buildings.
Mr Lewis said he thought that a Contract of Employment should be entered into with the Pro at this stage. The Chairman said he would obtain a pro forma document for adoption to our requirements.
Re the Course Extension, Mr Lindley questioned the need for another EGM in view of the doubt concerning the grant we have applied for. However it was proposed that a note of the propositions and alterations to the rules be circulated to the committee for their consideration and a discussion would be at another meeting to be held in one week’s time.
The proposed barbecue appeared to be now in the hands of Mr Reeves and he undertook to keep the price down to as near 75p as he could.
Monday, July 26th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The meeting proceeded to discuss the arrangements for the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held as soon as can be arranged.
Mr Lewis presented explanatory notes to be circulated to members, and with certain amendments this was agreed.
The resolution to be voted upon at this EGM was agreed by the whole Committee as follows – “That the Club’s Committee is instructed to proceed with the extension of the course as described in the letter dated 4th July 1971 and sent to members, subject to any necessary and reasonable modifications and whether or not a grant from public funds is available, and in pursuance of this the Committee is authorized :-
to extend or add to the rules of the Club as may be necessary to provide for the purchase of land, the raising of loans and any other requirement incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of this resolution
to amend the present rule 10 when appropriate to provide for a change in subscriptions, entrance fees, and classes of membership as follows –
Rule 10 Entrance Fees, Subscriptions and Temporary Members
Entrance Fees All classes £21
Subscription Class 1 Gentlemen £21
Subscription Class 2 Ladies £18.90
Class 3 Joint sub. Husband and wife £34.65
Class 4 Junior (under 18) £4.20
Class 5 Subscription – Veteran(min age 65) £12.60
Class 6 Subscription – 5 day member £12.60
Class 7 Country members (25 mile radius) £12.60
Class 8 Per round £1.00
Class 9 Per day £1.50
Class 10 Playing with member (all classes) less 25p
End of resolution
Finally it was suggested that the financial arrangements of the Club would, in any event, be much assisted if those members who are able to do so would be prepared to take up £100 Unsecured Notes issued by the Club on the basis that an abatement of four guineas against fees would be allowed for every £100 note held and maintained for a full subscription year. Members who would be willing to support the Club in this way are invited to communicate with the Secretary as soon as possible and before 31st Dec. 1971.
Monday, August 16th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The treasurer gave an account of bills paid during the period, the bar position and the bank balance.
From the Greens Committee Mr Wilson said there were some complaints concerning the cutting of holes. It seems that the cutter is badly worn and a new one will be obtained.
From the Course Extension Committee, an EGM to be held on 19th August will follow the lines of the abortive one held last June, i.e. There will be no press reports and no amendments to the resolution. Questions only will be allowed. There appears to be some doubt as to whether Mr Knights will be able to preside at this EGM If necessary Mr Lindley will preside.
Under A.O.B. an estimate for the painting of the bungalow is being obtained. Sec. will let Mr Wright see it and if reasonable work will proceed.
The Annual dinner on 2nd Dec. next. It was agreed that no visitors would be invited this year. Mr Reeves will arrange band and the menu will be chosen at a later committee meeting.
EGM, Thursday, August 19th, 1971 at the Swanmore Village Hall
The Hon. Sec. read the notice convening the meeting which was held to vote upon a proposition to extend the course to 18 holes, including the increase in fees.
There were 121 members present.
As at the last similar meeting to vote upon the same resolution several members spoke both in favour and against the motion.
Proceeding to the ballot, the result was as follows – For the motion – 78; Against – 43; Majority in favour 35. But this was two short of the necessary two thirds majority and in consequence the motion was defeated.
Without more ado the Chairman declared the meeting closed.
Monday, September 6th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Lis The Chairman explained that this meeting was held merely to decide on the date of a further EGM called under Rule 19 to amend Rule 19 to cover postal votes by members.
Much discussion developed on this matter, much of it irrelevant, eventually Chairman pointed out that under Rule 19 the E.G.M had to be called and the date for it fixed for 14th October 1971 at the Clubhouse at 7.30pm
Monday, September 20th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary read a letter from the bank regarding the Club rules which was irrelevant at this stage of the club development.
The treasurer presented his report. To help with the bar check it was suggested that a professional stock taker be asked to help. The Secretary will approach Mr Wade Brown.
Mr Wilson reported on the activities of the Greens Committee. It was agreed that a new hole cutter be purchased. It was agreed that new flags and cups for the nine holes be obtained. Mr Wilson said that he and the Pro would survey possible new tee areas. Mr Wright will prepare an estimate for a lean-to extension to the machinery shed. Mr Wilson will approach Ruddle to keep the spare ground free of weeds. Mr Lewis warned against the idea of renting out our spare ground for agricultural purposes. The creating of an agricultural tenancy was dangerous particularly if we wanted the land in a hurry.
Re the House committee, the list of bar times and prices should be posted. New prices to be looked into. It was agreed that a gratuity of £25 be paid to Mrs Ruddle in December, partly as an expression of thanks for her work and partly to cover any losses she might have made on teas etc. provided and not used because of weather etc..
The competitions secretary reported that the Hants Alliance want to come in January. The Greens Committee is against this. Com. Sec. will offer alternative dates. Dates for Waterlooville matches agreed.
Under A.O.B it was agreed that when Miles retires a gratuity of £20 should be given to him.
Secretary said that following the deletion of certain members from the Club some vacancies occurred Mr Dacombe and Mr Reeves volunteered together with Captain and Secretary to study the list of applications and make suggestions.
It was suggested that a new notice board at road entrance was needed. House Committee will look into this matter.
The menu for the dinner was agreed from the list provided by Gauntlets. Sec. will confirm with them. It was unanimously agreed to invite the captains of Alresford and Hartney Witney G.Cs and their ladies be invited to our dinner on the invitation of the Captain and Vice-Captain.
It was agreed that the capitation fee to the E.L.G.A (Ladies Section) of 25p per head be paid by the Club.
EGM, Thursday, October 14th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Present were 74 members with Mr S. G. Knights in the Chair.
The meeting was held to discuss and vote upon the following alteration to Rule 19.
“No rule of the Club shall be repealed or altered and no new rule shall be made except by the votes of two thirds of the members present at the Annual General Meeting or at a specially convened General meeting or by postal vote. Such general meeting or postal vote shall be called or arranged if six members in writing request the Hon. Secretary to do so, and they shall give notice to the Hon. Secretary of the proposed repeal alteration or new rule. The General meeting or postal vote shall be called or solicited within 21 days of the receipt of the request by the Hon. Secretary. Any postal vote so arranged to be forwarded by members in an envelope provided and addressed to the Club’s auditors who will be requested to supply a certificate of the votes cast, for and against the motion.”
In the preliminary discussion a few members brought up points including one regarding the cost of a postal vote. It was pointed out that the cost to members in time and petrol to attend a general meeting would be greater than the cost of a postal vote.
Voting was then proceeded with, the result of which was as follows – For the motion – 52; Against – 21, with one abstention. Majority in favour is more than the two thirds required, therefore the motion was carried.
The meeting was then declared closed.
Monday, October 18th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Secretary brought up the matter of Miss Underwood who has asked for full reinstatement as full lady member. Committee agreed that she should be readmitted and Sec. will write to her to this effect.
Mr Wilson gave the Greens committee report. A man to replace Miles had not been obtained yet. A letter from Mr V. Reeves regarding the vacancy will be discussed under A.O.B. Mr P. Reeves will be asked to leave during deliberations on this letter. The new flags and cups are to hand, but some flags are not long enough. This is being remedied. Teeing areas are being proceeded with. Mr Wright is personally working and supervising this job. His estimates for the work being done and to be done are roughly as follows. New tees – £6/700, Machine shed extension – £200. This expenditure was approved.
The House committee reported that the new name boards are in hand. There was a problem getting sign writers for the Competition boards but efforts to get them done are proceeding.
The competition secretary reported that no reply had been received from the Hants Alliance. Hawker Sidley wanted 4 Thursdays in May, June, July and August for about 20 players. This was agreed. A lengthy discussion then developed on Society meetings in general and it was agreed that Society meetings be reduced and restricted to Mondays and Thursdays only.
Mr Reeves reported that dinner arrangements were proceeding. Tickets will be £2.25 each.
Under A.O.B. Mr Knights thanked Mrs Fletcher, the retiring lady captain for her work on the Committee during her year of office.
At this point Mr P. Reeves left the meeting.
The committee then proceeded to discuss the letter received from Mr. V. Reeves regarding the vacant position of assistant greenkeeper. After lengthy discussion during which all were agreed that Mr V. Reeves could do a satisfactory job, the committee were unanimous in deciding that it would not be appropriate to employ full time a member of the club. Secretary will write to Mr Reeves to this effect. It was suggested by Mr Wilson that when a satisfactory man was found for the job, we should have to pay about £18.50 per week.
Wednesday, November 17th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary had no correspondence of any importance to present.
Mr Lindley produced a letter concerning the Club’s third party insurance premium which appears not to have been paid and concerning which the Secretary had no knowledge. The Secretary will attend to this and also look in to the whole question of Club insurances which are scattered between several brokers and companies. The whereabouts of the various policies is also in question.
The Treasurer presented his accounts for the month.
Mr Wilson, for the Greens committee, reported that the new tees are now completed and the extension to the machine shed is also finished. The possibility of power to the new shed is being investigated. Mr Wilson said moles were becoming a worry. The Society responsible for keeping these vermin down have been asked to take steps as soon as they can.
The House and Bar committee reported that the price list for display is still being made by Mr Heathcote. Mr Reeves offered to see brewery representative regarding a wall type price list.
The competitions secretary reported that the Hants Alliance, Linnets and Hants Juniors applications for dates were approved.
Under A.O.B. the matter of one member signing on 11 visitors on a Saturday was brought up. Sec. said that this member (Mr Fitt) had been contacted and a full apology received. No further action was recommended except that 8 of these 11 visitors should have paid 12.5p more. Sec. will see to this.
It was the proposed that members be asked to agree to the following alteration to green fees – Mon to Fri 150p per day (with Member 100p), 100p per round (with Member 75p); Sat, Sun and Bank Hol.(with Member only) 150p per day, 100p per round. To apply as from 1.1.72 and thereafter such fees shall be fixed by the Committee without reference to members by General meeting. Sec. will circulate to members.
It was unanimously agreed that £5.25 be donated to Cancer Research in memory of the late Mr S. F. Parrett.
EGM, Sunday, December 19th, 1971 at the Clubhouse
Called under Rule 16 to vote upon the following resolution –
“Rule 10 Amendment. Temporary Membership
The following fees be payable by playing visitors to the Club as from the 1st January 1972 –
Monday – Friday
£1.50 per day (or playing with a member £1.00)
£1.00 per round (or playing with a member 75p)
Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays
Playing with a member only £1.00 per day or £1.50 per round
And thereafter such fees shall be fixed by the Committee without reference to members byy General meeting”
There were in addition to the Chairman (Mr Knights) and the Hon. Sec. 25 members present.
Mr Knights in opening the meeting gave a brief explanation of the resolution and the reasons for its introduction.
Mr Pike had two points to raise. The first was the position of visitors who wished to play for an extended visit of, say a week or a fortnight. The second point raised by Mr Pike was the estimated loss to the Club on unpaid green fees. He suggested that a scheme must be evolved to ensure that no one could play without first paying their due fee. The Chairman replying to Mr Pike on behalf of the Committee promised that the Committee would consider seriously both points at their next meeting, if necessary appointing a sub-committee to deal with the problem.
Mr Grove said that the increased fees would be hard on those visitors who play regularly in the hope of shortly becoming members. Mr Hartwell proposed an amendment to the resolution as follows – “that in the last sentence of the resolution the words ‘or structure thereof’ be inserted after the word ‘fees'”. Mr Reeves seconded this and it was agreed unanimously.
On a vote on the resolution incorporating the agreed amendment the voting was 24 in favour and one against. Resolution therefore carried.