Extracts from the Minutes for 1970
List of Meetings
- Wednesday, January 21st, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, February 18th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, March 18th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, April 22nd, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- AGM, Saturday, April 25th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, May 27th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, June 17th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 13th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, August 17th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Tuesday, September 15th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, October 21st, 1970 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, November 11th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
Wednesday, January 21st, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The statement of account for the Annual Dinner and Dance was presented and the Committee were quite satisfied and pleased that for some years past this was the first time a profit had been made.
The Secretary reported that the credit balance at the bank was £382-15-11.
Mr Parrett presented the report of the Greens Committee. The bunker on the 2nd green had been improved and on the 3rd. The men’s 4th tee was being lengthened, the first part to be the Ladies new tee. Permission was given to purchase new turves for this work. It was agreed to recover the old cricket pavilion with corrugated iron at a total cost of £27-£28. An estimate from Messrs Wright and Hibberd totalling £110 for improvements to the car park was produced by the Chairman. It was agreed to put this work in hand at once under the supervision of the Greens Committee.
The Chairman mentioned that fixtures had been asked for by Fords Sports and Thorneycroft’s. These were in line with previous years and were agreed to.
The ladies present suggested that the old settee and chair were too bulky and old and should be removed and replaced by two suitable chairs.
Wednesday, February 18th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The balance at Barclays Bank was £329-17-10.
Mrs Blanchard reported about the three chairs to replace the settee etc that Mr Jeffery would supply at the old price.
At the request of the Club’s solicitors it was agreed as follows – It was resolved that the draft conveyance made between Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd and Barclays Bank Ltd and the draft declaration of Trust made by the said Bank be approved by the Committee on behalf of the club subject to any amendments considered necessary by the Club’s solicitors – Messrs Blake Lapthorn Rea and Williams of 8 Landport Terrace, Portsmouth.
Mr Wilson reported upon the work of the Greens Committee saying that Mr Wright had completed the work on the car park but suggested that extra top dressing should be provided, also that another fifty yards of hogging had been used. Extra work around the machinery shed would cost about £20 but a valuable amount of top soil had been provided and extensions to the 6th and 10th tees made which would need turfing. Mr Wilson suggested that about 160 slabs about 2 foot square should be obtained to complete a proper pathway to the Pro’s shop from the Clubhouse also he would like to plant rose trees and a beech hedge in and around the area between the bungalow and the clubhouse. It was agreed that this work should be done.
It was decided that the Club’s caterers should commence regular catering at Easter starting with Good Friday.
Wednesday, March 18th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary reported that the credit balance at Barclays £687-11-9.
Mr Lewis, the Club’s Auditor, attended the meeting and presented the income and expenditure account and the balance sheet for the year ending December 31st 1969. He said the Club had had another very successful year, the balance being £1282-12-10 as opposed to £900 the previous year. Members subscriptions were up and the green fees taken were again a record amount being £631 up on 1968. There was also a profit from the Dinner Dance of £19. Although the bar sales were reduced the profit had increased to 25%. The only disappointing feature was the reduce takings of the fruit machine. The new bungalow had been paid for and although bank charges of £82 had been incurred but now the Club was in credit balance.
It was decided to hold the AGM on Saturday, April 25th with the Agenda as per the rules. The Secretary said that the Club’s solicitors had written saying that the five rules approved at the General Meeting held in November 1968 relating to the appointment of Trustees needed amending. In every case where Trustee or Trustees was mentioned it should be preceded by the word “Custodian”. These amendments would form Item 8 on the Agenda.
A request had been received from the Veterans’ Section asking for the same facilities re the payment of Visitors teas at home matches as for Club matches and Ladies home matches. After some discussion the request was acceded to.
Mr Wilson reported upon the work being done on the Course. The rose trees and beech hedge had been planted and the laying of pavement slabs commenced. He would like to get two or three loads of top soil. He also promised to attend to the boundary of the 4th tee for the Ladies..
The question of an annual presentation to the retiring Club Captain was brought forward. It was agreed that a suitably inscribed salver should be presented to the retiring Captain and all future retiring captains, the cost being met out of Club funds.
The Chairman brought forward the possibility of providing a carpet for the Clubhouse. It was felt this should be done, possibly doing one half immediately and the remainder subsequently. It was thought that Mr Jeffery could give assistance as to the type of carpet and the cost and it was left to the Lady Captain and Secretary to provide details for submission to the next meeting.
Wednesday, April 22nd, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The secretary reported that the credit balance at the bank was £1462-3-7.
Mr Wilson presented his report on work carried out on the course. The path to the professional’s shop was almost completed. The Ladies Captain expressed appreciation for the new 4th tee.
The Chairman reported upon a meeting he had attended with the Secretary with members of the Hants Alliance. There were certain clubs who thought a sum should be paid in lieu of green fees. He thought that the larger clubs would win the day and would have green fees paid but the view expressed by the Chairman and Secretary that no fees be paid was confirmed and the Alliance so notified.
Four letters were received from members for items to be brought forward before the AGM on April 25th. Mr P Reeves proposed that a handicap committee be formed comprising the Captain, Competition Secretary and three members of the committee to meet every four months. The Captain explained the present procedure stating that the annual revision was the only time when a committee was needed, handicaps being dealt with after competitions and monthly medals. It was decided to take no action but to ask Mr Reeves to give his reasons for his suggestion. The second part of Mr Reeves’ letter suggested that a sub-committee be formed to explore the possibilities of extending the course to 18 holes. As a letter from Mr Parrett and a joint letter from nine members had a similar theme they were considered together. The Committee were naturally in favour of the course being extended and would of course support this at the AGM. The Secretary explained the action taken four years ago when 52 acres of Shepherds Down were being disposed of and that he was contacting the present owner Mr P Rowsell. The fourth letter from Mr S Shaw suggested that the use of the course by societies be restricted to Mondays to Fridays. The Chairman said that two Saturdays mornings had been allowed to Thorneycroft’s Golfing Society for 1970 as in previous years and it was decided not to take any further action.
AGM, Saturday, April 25th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The Captain presented his report on the year’s activities. To commence with he mentioned the death of the President of the Club, Mr JW Valentine, on January 1st last. He said “Val” had been honorary secretary and treasurer for six years, Captain on three occasions and President for the past five years. He had done a tremendous amount of work for the Club and the members stood in silence as a tribute to his memory. The Captain said the past year had been a year of breathing space. After the purchase of the course and the building of the bungalow the next priority was to extend the course to 18 holes of which more would be heard later in the meeting. From the financial angle the Club had had a good year as would be reported later. The Club bungalow had been paid off in eighteen months instead of the anticipated three years. The Club competitions had been well supported and there had been eleven different medal winners and nine different Stableford winners. Thirteen Club matches had been played with 7 won, 3 lost and 3 halved. In addition 8 mixed matches had been played. Mr Dacombe reported that the course had been improved as had the putting green and the club surrounds. In this connection he particularly thanked Mr WH Wilson for the tremendous work that he had done. He said the Dinner Dance held at Waterlooville for the first time had been a success. The Captain concluded his report by thanking the catering staff, Mr D Baber and the honorary secretary and treasurer for the valuable work they had all done. The report was received with acclamation.
Mr Lewis gave a full report on the important items in the balance sheet and auditor’s report and answered several questions put forward by Mr Hartwell.
The election of officers for the ensuing year took place but just before Mr F Lindley mentioned that he had been proposed as the new President of the Club. This had been done before he had been nominated as honorary secretary and treasurer but he felt justified in accepting the nomination for President as it was his intention to resign the office of secretary and treasurer which he had held since 1952. Mr Lindley said he realised the office of secretary etc would be difficult to fill at short notice but he was prepared to continue in office until December 31st 1970 which was the end of the present financial year. The following officers were elected :- President – Mr F Lindley, Captain – Mr JR Heathcote, Vice-Captain – Mr SG Knights. As per custom the Ladies captain and Secretary were automatically elected to the Committee. There being fifteen nominations for the six seats a ballot was held which resulted in the election of Mr WH Wilson, Mr LS Goodall, Mr DW Baber, Mr FRG Lewis, Mr Bunce and Mr P Reeves who had tied with Mr Lutman in the ballot but Mr Lutman then withdrew in favour of Mr Reeves. Mr Lindley was re-elected as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer.
It was suggested that the Committee be empowered to elect a new Secretary and Treasurer to act from January 1971 and this was agreed.
It was agreed that the honorarium to the Secretary be increased from £100 to £150.
The amendments to the rules regarding the insertion of the word “Custodian” before “Trustee” and “Trustees” were carried unanimously.
In dealing with the items brought forward by members who had given the required notice, Mr Shaw withdrew his letter after hearing the Committee’s views. Mr Reeves’ suggestion to have a handicap committee was defeated after being put to the vote. With regard to Mr Reeves’ suggestion to extend the course, Mr Parrett’s letter and a nine member round robin on the same subject a very useful and lengthy discussion then took place. The secretary reported that he had interviewed Mr Rowsell of North End Farm, Droxford and spoken to him twice about the possibility of buying some land to extend the course. Mr Rowsell was the owner of the remaining part of Shepherds Down Farm which lies to the west of the course and totals about 53 acres. First of all he refused to sell, then he said he might sell a portion and finally he said he would sell all the land the club required. The secretary said that the price would be high and that the possibility of obtaining part of Hazelholt should not be overlooked. At this stage Mr Baber said that 18 holes could be made using the land already owned by the Club and he even enumerated the lengths of the holes. Several members took part in the discussion and finally it was agreed on the proposition of Mr Reeves that the Club Committee should pursue the possibility of extending the course and that the services of a golf architect be utilized.
Wednesday, May 27th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
Arising from the minutes the Secretary reported he had ordered the No 640 Cherry Ripe carpeting from Jeffery’s. The credit balance at the bank was £1203-10-3.
The various sub-committees were appointed: Greens Committee – The Captain, Mr WH Wilson, Mr DW Baber; House and Bar Committee – Mrs A Blanchard, Messrs F Bunce, P Reeves, SG Knights.
The secretary brought forward the date and venue of the Annual Dinner and Dance and it was decided to again hold it at the Curzon Rooms in Waterlooville on a date in early December.
After some discussion it was agreed that visitors be allowed only to play with a member on Saturdays and Sundays.
The secretary reported that in accordance with the Gaming Act 1968 part III it was necessary to apply for registration to the Clerk of the Court. This would cost £10 but would last for 5 years. It was agreed to do so.
Mr Wilson presented his report on the work of the Greens Committee saying that the fairways and rough had been sprayed to kill daisies, buttercups and other weeds. He though this had been well done and the account would be received from Mr C Hall of Corhampton Lane Farm. He mentioned that 250 feet of a new type of hose for watering had been purchased. The secretary reminded the Committee that this had been authorized last autumn. Mr Wilson said the present Flymo (used for bunker slopes etc) had just about had it and it was left to him to replace it when necessary.
The chairman agreed to get some direction indicators provided.
A discussion on the extension of the course was then commenced. Firstly Mr Baber thought that immediate notice should be given to Gamblin to stop using the two arable areas after the coming harvest. This was discussed at some length whether it was wise to do it immediately or wait until proper course extensions and operations were commenced. It was agreed Mr Baber would contact Gamblin and sound him out. With regard to the purchase of the extra land it was agreed that we should work to some definite plan and the Secretary was asked to write to the English Golf Union asking for the names of three golf architects so that we could get advice and a preliminary survey.
Wednesday, June 17th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The secretary reported that he had booked and paid a £10 deposit to Gauntlett’s of Waterlooville for the annual dinner and dance to be held at the Curzon Rooms on Tuesday December 1st 1970.
The credit balance at the bank was £1467-12-2.
The Secretary read out a list of 84 members who had not yet paid their subscriptions for 1970. After a short discussion the secretary said that he now hoped to send out the up to date rules of the Club to each member and it was suggested that the rule re payment of subscriptions and penalties for non-payment be specifically drawn to the attention of these defaulters. It was agreed to do this.
Mr Wilson presented the report of the Greens Committee. He said the fairways and the rough had been sprayed with very good results. The conditions of the fairways were discussed with Mr Hall, the adjacent farmer, and he would like to see some if not all the fairways fertilised this coming autumn. He said that the spraying equipment had been stolen from the course and he had tried out a new type of spray which would await a trial test. A very open and frank discussion took place with the Chairman of the Greens Committee and Mr Baber and at the conclusion it was felt that the air had been cleared somewhat and that nothing but good would arise from it and the Committee passed on to the next business.
Mr Bunce reported that the House Committee had inspected the men’s dressing rooms which needed repairs to the floors plus floor covering and general decoration. The wash area should be altered and an additional basin provided. He thought the total cost would not exceed £100. It was agreed to get estimates from club members who were in the building trade. Mr Reeves said that roller towels could be obtained from the ‘Initial’ service company, the cost being 7/6 per week. It was decided to arrange for three to be provided.
A letter was read from the English Golf Union giving a list of golf architects in the South. Mr Baber also produced a letter from Mr RW Deans which gave full instructions of action to be taken to obtain grants from the government. It was agreed that J R Stutt Ltd of Parkstone, Poole be approached asking what the fee would be to make a preliminary report upon the possible extension of the course to 18 holes, which would undoubtedly include a full discussion with the full Committee. Mr Lewis said he would obtain the name of the golf architect who was doing Portsmouth’s new course. The concluding paragraph of Mr Dean’s letter suggested that a Developments Committee should be appointed whose secretary should be a patient, skilful and conscientious writer of letters. Your present secretary noted this with some alarm and it was agreed that a notice be fixed on the Veterans board asking for anyone interested in the appointment of Honorary Secretary and Treasurer to make application forthwith.
Monday, July 13th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The credit balance at Barclays bank is £1400-12-5.
A letter was received from Mr Hamilton Stutt of JR Stutt Ltd of Parkstone, the golf architects saying that in view of their present commitments they were unable to advise the Club on course extensions etc but recommending Cotton Pennink Lawrie and Partners. This firm was on the list of architects supplied by the EGU and it was agreed to approach them for terms.
A letter was received from Austin and Wyatt on behalf of M Gamblin saying that Mr Gamblin was entitled a clear year’s notice and to pay disturbance equivalent to five year’s rent apart from tenant right matters. It was decided to send a letter to Austin and Wyatt pointing out there had always been a gentleman’s agreement with regard to the letting of the Club’s surplus land and as far as the Club is concerned there is no question of compensation upon relinquishment which was supported when the practice ground was taken two years ago and the Club has always been at pains not to create and agricultural tenancy. This was obvious by the fact that an agricultural rent had never been charged.
A letter was received from Wyvern Tea Rooms in Bishops Waltham ask permission to display a notice re lunches and teas particularly during the week. It was though this might be useful for visitors to the club and it was agreed to have it in the bar.
The Secretary said he had received a letter from a Mr Stevens of Southsea regarding the appointment of Hon Secretary and Treasurer. No application had been received from Mr Payton who was thought to be still away from Bishops Waltham. It was decided to write to them both inviting them to a meeting to discuss the appointment. If necessary the Captain and Secretary would call a special meeting of the Committee for this purpose.
There was no official report upon the activities of the Greens Committee as Mr Wilson was absent. A general discussion ensued when Mr Baber said he was very interested in the work of the Greens Committee and as he was on the course at least once a day he was prepared to devote time to work on the course and its organization. Mr Baber also gave notice of his intention to relinquish his job as steward at any time suitable but the difficulty of obtaining a successor was pointed out and it was hoped he would continue until a new steward could be obtained. It was realised he was doing a lot of work in connection with the collection of green fees, safety precautions at the Club House etc and methods of helping him were mentioned. With regard to the Greens Committee Mr Goodall said that at the last meeting Mr Wilson had offered the chairmanship to Mr Baber and he felt sure he would still do so. It was finally decided that Mr Baber should take on the job of Chairman but not until after the position had been explained to Mr Wilson. This would be done by the Captain and Secretary.
The House Committee were instructed to have rubber ferrules fitted to the legs of tables and chairs to protect the newly laid carpet. Mr Bunce submitted two prices for improvements to the men’s dressing room as itemised at a previous meeting. The question whether an extra WC could be fitted in or a corner urinal was mentioned but not acted upon. It was agreed to accept the tender from Hibbard and Wright for £124-19-6 and the work to be left in the hands of Mr Bunce.
Mr Baber said he had heard from a member that a plan of the course could be obtained for about £5. The secretary mentioned that part of the course was still 1901 Ordnance Survey and part just revised. It was agreed that Mr Baber should get details of the offer.
Mr Dacombe started a discussion about a new competition for Club Champion. It was generally thought to be a good idea and it was left in the hands of the Captain, Mr Dacombe and Mr Reeves to provide details and proposals of such a competition.
Monday, August 17th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The secretary reported upon the finances of the Club – balance at Barclays – £2048 -14-9.
A letter was read from Cotton (CK) Pennick Lawrie and Partners, Golf Architects, saying they would be pleased to advise the Committee and enclosing terms of business. It was agreed that this firm should be appointed and that a 1/2500 ordnance map be provided as according to the terms a large scale plan of the area is necessary on the architects arrival on site.
A letter was read from Austin and Wyatt regarding the two cultivated plots on the course stating it was clear ‘a gentleman’s agreement’ had been entered into between the parties and that Mr Gamblin had no wish to ‘run word’. They were instructed that if neither party makes any further claims whatsoever Mr Gamblin will vacate after harvest 1970 all the land he currently occupies. The committee thought this was satisfactory but the Secretary reminded them he had sent a reminder about three weeks ago that the £50 rent for 1970 had not been paid and it seemed unlikely that it would be.
A request from Mr & Mrs Rourkes of Bishop’s Waltham asking for some reduction in subscriptions as they only spent two months of the year in this country was dealt with. It was agreed an appropriate letter be sent stating our subscriptions were low and that a reduction could not be entertained.
A letter was received from Mr D Dinan of Fareham saying that he had been attacked by the professionals’ dog whilst trying to get change for payment of a green fee. A similar letter had been sent to Mr Crockford. Mr Dinan was concerned about the position generally of visiting the bungalow, the professionals shop etc and that advice to seek change was dangerous. Apparently in this case the shop was closed as the professional was away and on being advised to seek change from the bungalow Mr Dinan had gone into the garden where Mrs Crockford and her children were sitting. The secretary said he had seen Mr Baber who had obtained a gate and fencing from Messrs Yeomans of Bishops Waltham and this had been erected at once which meant that the dog could be kept from the course and confined to the garden. The cost of this would be about £20 and the action was confirmed.
A letter was read from Mr Wilson saying that in accordance with the Committee’s request he had handed over the chairmanship of the Greens Committee to Mr Baber and notified Crockford of the change. Mr Wilson asked to be relieved of all duties in connection with the said committee. The Committee received this information with regret and it was agreed that the appreciation of all the time Mr Wilson had spent be recorded in the minutes.
The two applications for the appointment of honorary secretary and treasurer were then considered. Mr L G Stevens of Southsea attended and said that as he was still working he felt he could not devote the time necessary so wished to withdraw his application. He was thanked for coming from Southsea and then retired. Mr Payton of Bishops Waltham was then interviewed. He is a member of the club with some fifty years experience of golf. The duties were briefly explained to him and was prepared to take the job. It was agreed that Mr E P H Payton be appointed hon secretary and treasurer from January 1st 1971. In the meantime he would try and assist the present secretary during the rest of 1970. The committee thought that during the first four months of 1971 he would know what the job entailed and it would be possible to report to the AGM in April if any new terms or conditions were necessary. Mr Payton stayed for the rest of the meeting.
It was reported that the improvements to the men’s dressing room were now completed and it was felt that the Clubhouse and dressing rooms which were now cleaned once a week on Mondays should now be cleaned in addition on a Friday. It was thought an additional £1 per week making a £2-10-0 in all, would be sufficient and it was left to the Secretary to approach Mrs Ruddle. Mr Reeves said he would get the ‘Initial’ towel containers fixed for the open meeting. The house committee said that a further two dozen cups and three teapots were needed for the caterers and also that another outside electric light should be provided to be fixed on the end of the dressing rooms. This was left to the chairman of the house committee.
It was agreed that the first tee be reserved from 1pm to 2pm on Saturday September 5th the occasion being the Ladies Invitation Open Meeting.
The attention of repairs to certain tees and the use of temporary sloping ones was mentioned for the Greens Committee.
Points were raised regarding the opening of the pro’s shop on match days and days off other than Thursdays were noted.
Tuesday, September 15th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The vice-captain, Mr S. G. Knights was chairman for the early part of the meeting, in the temporary absence of the Captain.
The secretary reported that the balance at Barclays was £1654-11-10.
With regard to the extension of the course. The possibility of engaging Wiltshire of the Bramshaw G.C. or Dedman of Royal Winchester to advise on the future layout of the course was considered in order to save architects fees but after a long discussion it was decided no to appoint either professional but to adhere to the decision made at the last meeting namely to appoint Cotton, Pennick, Lawrie and Partners as Architects. The terms set out by this firm were discussed and it was thought that a report could be obtained for the cost of £225 plus out of pocket expenses.
A proposition was made by Mr Baber that a sub-committee be appointed to deal entirely with the extension to the course but this was not seconded.
Mr Baber presented the report of the Greens Committee on the work being done on te course. He said the two recently cultivated portions were receiving attention and the large flints were being removed. He hoped to have the land ready for grass seeding by the spring. So far the cost in labour was £38-10-0. Mr Wilson strongly objected to the work being done saying it was the wrong method, a waste of money as we did not yet know details of the extensions and also entrusting the driving of the tractor by club members. Regretfully a slanging match ensued and Mr Baber left the room. Unfortunately the report of the Greens Committee was not completed nor was the new member required on that committee appointed.
A report was received on the Championship meeting to be held on the 4th proxim. And it was agreed to spend not more than £35 on a cup and replica. Prop. L. S. Goodall. Secd S.G. Knights.
Wednesday, October 21st, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The accounts were presented and the secretary reported a balance of £1524-2-9.
The secretary reported that Mr Lawrie of Cotton, Pennick and Lawrie would visit the course on Friday, Nov 6th at 11am and it was agreed the Captain, Secretary, Mr Bunce, Mr Dacombe and Mr Baber would meet him together with any other committee member. As suggested by the Architects a 2.5 inch map of the course and environs had been prepared by the secretary and photo-copies were produced. Unfortunately although the majority was 1967 edition some part of the course was 1901.
Mr Baber presented his report for work being done on the course. The new putting green was well in hand, the middle portion of ground was ready for seeding in the spring and the main road area was reaching that stage. He suggested this area should be cropped next year with barley and sown with grass seed in the autumn. Some doubts were expressed whether this was the right policy. It was thought an agricultural tenancy would not be created as Mr Ruddle was not paying any rent. It was agreed to leave it till after Mr Lawrie’s visit.
It was agreed that Mr Bunce be elected to the vacancy on the Greens Committee.
The secretary reported upon his actions for the Annual Dinner Dance and it was agreed that tickets should be £2 each and the full menu of 31/- was decided upon and the various courses selected. The President would propose the loyal toast, the Captain to reply to the toast of the Club and the Vice-Captain to propose the Guests. Difficulty in finding a proposer for the Club’s toast was settled by suggesting Mr D. Pink or Mr J. A. Langley. The Guest’s response would be Mrs L. A. Heathcote, the Captain’s mother.
The Lady Captain, Mrs Blanchard, said this would be her last attendance of this Committee and she expressed her appreciation of the work of the Committee particularly with regard to the Ladies Section.
Mr Goodall and the vice-Captain were added to the Handicap Committee for the purpose of the annual revision.
Wednesday, November 11th, 1970 at the Clubhouse
The accounts were presented. The balance in the bank was £1447-7-4.
The Chairman gave a full report of Mr Lawrie’s visit and this was added to by other members who were present at the meeting. The Secretary said he had been approached by Mr Rowsell who seemed very keen to dispose of his adjoining land. It was agreed Mr Rowsell should be informed when Mr Lawrie’s report was received.
The secretary gave an up-to-date report upon the Annual Dinner and Dance.
Mr Baber reported upon the work done on the course. He received permission to obtain two new tee mats which would cost about £11 each. He suggested the position of a new tee for the thirteenth which would make it longer. This was not favourably received but it was agreed to defer action until the suggested position had been marked out.
Mr Dacombe informed the meeting that as far as he knew the position re the 1971 diaries was satisfactory and that he would be forwarding information re fixtures as soon as possible.
It was agreed that the Hants Alliance be allowed the use of the course etc. on 18th March 1971 as in former years.
It was decided Mr Reeves should cancel the order for Initial towels and the House Committee would make alternative arrangements.
The Secretary reported upon the members who had not paid this year’s subscriptions and it was decided to deal with the ten named as follows. To be informed that one week be allowed for payment of the subscriptions and failing payment membership would lapse and they would not be allowed to play on the course also if at any time in the future they wished to rejoin their names would be placed on the waiting list. It was agreed that the Captain and Secretary would select about twelve new members from persons on the waiting list.