Extracts from the Minutes for 1969

List of Meetings

  • Wednesday, January 15th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, February 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, March 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Thursday, April 3rd, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, April 23rd, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Saturday, April 26th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, May 21st, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, June 18th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, July 16th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Thursday, August 21st, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, September 17th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, October 15th, 1969 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, November 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Wednesday, January 15th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary presented the balance sheet from the Annual Dinner dance held at Kimbells on Friday, December 6th 1968. A loss of £6-7-6 was reported. 153 attended but the additional charge for cheese and biscuits of 1/- per head plus the other expenses including two tickets for the professional had created a loss.

The Secretary reported that the bank balance for the year ending December 31st, 1968 was £639-13-6. The drop from the amount reported two months ago was due to £720 being paid to the holding company and £1926 being paid to the builders in respect of the bungalow.

The secretary reported a deficiency in the bar takings i.e. £26. The bar committee were at a loss to account for this despite several checks. A system had now been inaugurated of checking the bar takings each time the bar was opened and closed, having a locked cupboard fitted in the strong room to store spirits, cigarettes and the till and it was hoped this would stop the leakage. The subject was fully discussed by the Committee who felt that a strict control could not be enforced until the bar was again under the charge of one person.

The question of the future running of the bar and catering for teas etc was then dealt with. It was decided that a sub-committee comprising the chairman, vice-captain, Mr WG Smith and the secretary should discuss this matter with Mr & Mrs Crockford who would shortly be occupying the new staff bungalow on the course. The sub-committee to report back to the Committee as soon as possible.

It was reported that the new staff bungalow was progressing satisfactorily and should be ready for occupation before the end of March. The question of rent and conditions were discussed. It was felt a proper legal agreement should be drawn up by a solicitor covering the normal tenancy conditions and incorporating the following two conditions

1. The bungalow would be occupied by the Greenkeeper/Professional whilst he was in the employ of the club. In other words it would be a ‘tied’ dwelling.
2. The Greenkeeper/Professional would be responsible for the opening and locking up of the club premises each day.

The Secretary said that Mr Lewis, the auditor, had said it would be better for tax purposes if the Greenkeeper/Professional was paid a weekly sum which included the occupation of the bungalow. It was agreed Mr Lewis’s present views should be obtained on this point. It was proposed that the rental value of the staff bungalow should be the equivalent of £4 per week subject to the terms of the tenancy agreement and all rates etc being paid by the tenant.

The chairman reported upon the condition of the course. He was arranging for all holes to be remeasured before the new plates were ordered. The method of fixing was left to Mr Parrett.

Mr Dacombe said that the dates of matches and fixtures etc for 1969 had been completed and suggested that fixture cards should be printed for distribution to members. The cost for 250 would be about £8-10-0. The Committee agreed to this expenditure and hoped that the Veterans’ matches could be incorporated on the card.

The Secretary said Mr Lewis had informed him that at long last Mr Gauntlett had agreed with the District Valuer that the value of the course at April 1965 was £13000 approx and the present value at the same figure.

Wednesday, February 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary read the agreement in respect of the bungalow which had been prepared by Messrs Jasper & Nicholson. This was agreed to and it was decided that as the bungalow was ready for occupation Mr Crockford could move in upon signing the agreement, the new wages rate commencing February 28th.

The Secretary report a debit balance at the bank of £220-19-2.

The captain presented the report of the sub-committee appointed to deal with the appointment of a bar steward and catering. A meeting had been held with Mr & Mrs Crockford who said they would deal with the catering but not run the bar since they had two small children and in the summer it would be a full time job. The captain had discussed the running of the bar with a couple of people and it was agreed that Mr DW Baber be appointed steward. Mr Baber would open the bar on Saturdays and Sundays during the winter months and each day except Mondays and Tuesdays during the summer months as in past years. Wages to be £4 per week in winter and £10 per week in summer.

The question of a telephone for the bungalow was discussed and it was left for the secretary to make enquiries. If one was installed then it was thought that the cost of the installation and half the cost of rentals should be paid by the Club, the remainder being paid by Crockford.

Wednesday, March 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Sergeant Jones of Fareham Police gave a talk on the security of the club premises. He said that since 1967 the Police had installed an alarm system which had had good results but now the new bungalow was occupied, the alarm system would probably be moved. Sergeant Jones thought the presence of Mr Crockford living here would no doubt be a deterrent, it would not be 100% effective and he suggested the Club should install their own alarm system. He explained various systems but suggested the 999 type connected to the GPO telephone system was probably the most suitable and incidentally the cheapest. Mr Jones left the meeting leaving the names of three local firms who would do the installation. He was thanked for attending.

Arising from the minutes the Secretary said that the GPO would install the phone in Crockford’s bungalow for an installation fee of £21 plus the first quarter’s rental of £3-10-0 or £4 depending whether it was a shared line or not. The secretary was unable to give his usual financial summary as the books were with the auditor but stated that the debit balance in the bank was £1042-15-10.

The Greens Committee reported that the new practice ground would be seeded in the middle of April. New plates had been fitted for the men’s tees but the plates for the ladies were not yet done. The Flymo had been repaired and it would cost about £27. The Greens Committee were again asked to ensure that Crockford took his instructions from them and not to act on his own initiative when it came to expenditure.

The Chairman then made a statement upon his meeting with Crockford at Crockford’s request. Briefly he was informed that Crocked was now a fully-fledged professional. A long and full discussion then ensued. The Chairman thought the timing of this request was bad as Crockford had only just moved into the new bungalow on advantageous terms. Finally it was decided that the Chairman should see Crockford and find out exactly what he wants and to report back to the Committee.

The Secretary had seen Mr Lewis re the auditor’s report and the Committee decided if possible to hold the AGM on the last Saturday in April, calling a special meeting of the Committee to hear Mr Lewis.

It was decided that Mrs Crockford should start making teas etc on Sunday, March 29th and that she should commence cleaning the clubhouse, washing towels etc on Monday, March 24th.

Thursday, April 3rd, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes it was agreed to install a telephone in Crockford’s bungalow.

The Secretary reported that after consulting with Mr Lewis the AGM would be held on Saturday, April 26th. Mr Lewis explained the financial situation to the Committee. An enquiry was made about the large increase in sand and fertilizers. Mr Lewis stated that green fees were at a record high but the cost of labour were still increasing.

The agenda for the AGM was examined and in connection with ‘increased subscriptions’ the general feeling was that these should be raised by two guineas i.e. to £10-10-0 for men and £9-9-0 for women. This to operate from 1st January 1970. The reasons for the increase being 1) to make financial preparations for increasing the amenities at the club i.e. dressing rooms, kitchen etc. 2) the possibility of acquiring land for extension of the course 3) to improve the Club’s financial position i.e. to clear off overdraft.

With regard to the payment of Architect fees mentioned at the last meeting, the Secretary reported that the minimum scale for a £4-5000 building was £350. In this case although he had provided a second design due to the vagaries of the Planning Authority £40 had been paid for the services of a structural engineer and he was prepared to accept £100. Other members disagreed and it was finally unanimously agreed that £200 be paid for the Secretary’s architectural work. Also that the thanks of the Committee to Mr Lindley be recorded.

The Chairman presented a letter from Mr Crockford together with a letter from Mr JW Davis, secretary to the Hampshire PGA. Eventually it was agreed to write to Crockford congratulating him on becoming a full member of the PGA and, having regard to the Club’s heavy financial commitments at the present, the Committee would like to know the exact amount that Mr Crockford considers he should be paid.

Wednesday, April 23rd, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the Secretary produced a list of items and vouchers for £225-9-4 in respect of “Fertiliser and Sand” and Mr Parrett was satisfied as these included more items than just Fertiliser and Sand.

The Secretary reported that a burglary had occurred during the evening of April 16/17th resulting in severe damage to the inner door of the bar which had now been replaced. The alarm system had not operated and no noise had been heard in the bungalow. At first the only loss reported was one bottle of stout but the Steward had afterwards told him that $4-5-0 in sixpences had unfortunately been left behind the till and he had forgotten to put them in the strong room with the result that they had been stolen.

A quotation had been received from Chubb Alarms Ltd for a closed circuit ‘999’ Intruder Alarm System costing £111 to install and £31 per annum rental charge. A quotation had also been received from the AFA Group for a system costing £61-7-6 to install and £22 rental per annum. This latter system operated a loud bell and was not comparable with the 999 system. It was agreed to leave the matter over for the time being.

The Secretary reported that the debit balance was £548-15-1.

Letters had been received from members for presentation to the AGM and these were discussed with the following results

1. Cdr DR Mallinson asking for a statement to be made to allay the many rumours being voiced by members regarding the Professional’s salary, terms of duty, rent etc also regarding action to prevent visitors from dodging the payment of green fees. The Committee thought that details of the professional should not be voiced at a public meeting and Mr Goodall agreed to deal with this at the AGM saying that such information would be given privately to any member. The prevention of ‘poachers’ was difficult to prevent and this had been discussed many times by the Committee and direct action taken by members of the Committee. It was hoped that an improvement would be made now the Professional was living on the course and Mr Baber taking over the duties of Bar Steward.

2. Mr Hordless asked for the playing with a member only rule be extended to include Saturdays and Bank Holidays and as we were getting increasing members of Southampton Municipal players the green fees should be increased. The Committee had sympathy with the first part but did not wish to lose any revenue at present. A proposal would be made at the AGM to increase green fees as follows :- Mondays to Fridays: 10/- per round, 15/- per day; Saturdays: 15/- per round, 12/6 if playing with a member, £1 per day; Sundays and Bank Holidays: 12/6 per round playing with a member. Prominent notices would be provided showing the changes.

3. JS Sneezum asked for the matter of alternating at the 1st and 10th tees and possibly the 3rd or 6th tees during the winter. Secondly should two balls have preference over four balls at weekends? Thirdly could members and visitors be reminded of the etiquette of golf and lastly hoping the Course and Club would be gradually improved with a policy decision put on the notice board? The Committee stated that Mr Sneezum had already been informed that persons playing the 10th should alternate with players commencing a round and any similar rule for the 3rd and 6th tees was definitely useless. It was stated that golf etiquette was becoming part of a professional’s duty when giving lessons and the Chairman asked if he could answer Mr Sneezum at the AGM as to improvements to the Course.

4. Mr C Gush and L White proposed that single matches have no priority over other matches at weekends and Bank Holidays. The Committee discussed this with Mr Sneezum’s second point and the view expressed that this was dealt with in the normal rules of golf. Bearing in mind that we were a 9 hole course it was decided to leave this to the AGM as an open question.

5. A letter was read from Mr Higgins, secretary of the Veterans Section asking for a representative of the section to be automatically serving as a member of the Committee. The Committee decided not to make an exception of the Veteran Section as they could propose anyone to the Committee in the normal way. In addition it was agreed if there was any special reason for a representative of the Section to put something to the Committee he would be invited to attend for that purpose.

The Secretary presented various accounts totalling £183-19-7 of which the account from Taylor’s for 45 gallons of petrol in January and February would be investigated by the Greens Committee.

AGM, Saturday, April 26th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

There were 75 members present.

The Captain gave a lengthy report upon the year’s activities, regretting the absence of the President who was unwell. Five club matches had been won, six lost and 2 halved. The club competitions had shown a tremendous improvement, the numbers taking part being the most we had ever known and he thanked Mr Dacombe for the work he had put into this and his display of notices etc. The course was beginning to come up to perfection and although the greens were not as we would like them they were improving. New tees had been provided for the ladies alternatives and the new practice ground seeded. The annual dinner and dance had been a success and he hoped more members would take advantage of it. Mr Wilson said 1968 was a new milestone in the history of the Club – the course had been acquired from the Holding Company and he thanked the Company for what they had done in the past which had enabled the Club to continue and ultimately own the course. We had at last erected a bungalow for the Professional/Greenkeeper but there was still a lot of work to be done in and around the Club but he felt we could now take a breathing space before we go on to our two main objectives namely to acquire more land and the erection of a new clubhouse which he thought should be tackled in that order. We could look forward to the future with confidence. During the year we had lost the services of Mrs Reeves and Mr Baber had stepped in and was doing the bar and secondly Mrs Crockford was doing the catering. In concluding the Captain said the last two years had been happy for him thanks to the Committee, Secretary, the Ladies and to all members. He particularly thanked Mr Browning for his direction notices. The report was received with acclamation.

At this stage Mr Dacombe presented the Captain with a salver which had been subscribed by the Committee in appreciation of his two years’ captaincy. Mr Wilson suitably responded.

Mr Lewis explained the various items on the balance sheet. The election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following results : President – Mr JW Valentine, Captain – Mr PW Dacombe, Vice-Captain – Mr J Heathcote. The other members of the Committee were elected as was Mr Lindley as Honorary Secretary and Treasurer a post he had held since 1952/3.

It was agreed that the honorarium for the honorary secretary and treasurer be the same as last year i.e. £100.

The revision of the annual subscriptions was discussed and eventually the amounts proposed by the Committee were accepted.

The various letters received by the Committee for bringing up at the AGM were dealt with as previously determined in the Committee meetings.

Wednesday, May 21st, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the Chairman reported that the sub-committee appointed to interview the professional/greenkeeper had met and he hoped the interview would take place shortly.

The Secretary reported that the debit balance at the bank was £192-13-1.

A letter was read from Mrs Crockford resigning her duties as caterer and cleaning the club premises as she found herself unable to do it and to cope with her two young children to take place in a month’s time but sooner if possible. Considerable discussion took place and it was felt that the most satisfactory solution would be if Mrs Baber would undertake the duties. Mr Trivess reported that his wife was willing to do the job and then retired from the meeting. Eventually it was agreed to ask Mrs Baber and in the event of her not accepting it to ask Mrs Trivess to take it. The Chairman agreed to contact Mrs Baber as a matter of urgency.

Mr Parrett presented the report of the Greens Committee. He said the practice ground had been seeded with permanent grass seed which was an expensive item as the seed alone cost £90. He said that a lot of young grass was being cut and dried and he would try and obtain some income for the Club from this source. Mr Parrett brought forward the question of an increase in wages for Mr Miles for his part time work on the course. He proposed his wage be increased to £2 per week, Everyone was appreciative of the excellent work done by Mr Miles and this increase was agreed to unanimously. It was reported that the fairways had been sprayed within the past month and in addition to using the spray in stock a further ten gallons had been purchased from Dukes.

The various sub-committees were elected and the Bar committee was to be extended and called the House and Bar committee.

Mr Valentine thought it was time that the rules of the Club be brought up to date and suggested a sub-committee for this purpose be formed. The Secretary said lists of all the rules would have to be prepared and it was agreed to that the Captain, Mr Valentine and Mr Goodall form the sub-committee.

Wednesday, June 18th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary presented a letter from Mr Lewis in which he had requested certified copies of the additional rules re Trustees and minutes of the Committee meeting appointing Barclays Bank custodian trustee. The additional rules had been agreed at a specially convened general meeting. It was agreed that Barclays Bank be appointed custodian trustee at an annual fee of £5.

The secretary presented a letter from the Club’s insurance agents re the Club’s third party insurance. The present indemnity limit was £5000 for any one accident and the suggested new premium was £13 per annum with an indemnity limit of £100,000. Bearing in mind that some three years ago we had tried without success to get the limit of increased indemnity at a reasonable figure. It was agreed to that the new policy be accepted.

The Secretary reported that the debit balance was now £341-11-10.

Mr Parrett presented the Greens Committee report. He said he had not been able to get the new practice ground cut as the grass had to be at least one foot high. He thought the watering arrangements for the greens were not satisfactory and the pump was inadequate. It was agreed that the Greens Committee should meet the representative of SCATS, the installers, and report back to this committee on the water supply generally. The question was raised as to the result of the sub-committee’s meeting with the Professional/Greenkeeper. The Chairman remarked that it was no good discussing this unless there were specific complaints to bring forward when everyone agreed the course generally was in good condition although there appeared to be general dissatisfaction. It was thought by Mr Wilson that there was not enough direction by the Greens Committee on daily duties. The inadequate service as a golf professional i.e. re golf lessons and golf shop facilities were also mentioned. This item was left for action by the Greens Committee after hearing the general complaints.

Mrs Banting presented the House Committee report and asked for the Bar to be painted and decorated which she said she could get done for £15. It was agreed that this be done at a cost not exceeding £15.

The Chairman reported that money was being taken from the Green Fees box. This was proved from checks subsequently being made by Mr Baber. It was agreed that Mr Heathcote would prepare a sketch of a more suitable box and have it made by Vosper’s which would prevent notes being poked out of the opening slit.

Under any other business it was stated that the workmen’s compensation did not cover passengers riding on the tractor and the Greens Committee agreed to point this out to Crockford who had been seen taking his young children on the tractor.

Mrs Banting brought up the question of teas at present being provided and quoting the prices charged at a recent ladies’ match. The Chairman pointed out the various difficulties of catering when it depended on the uncertainty of weather, numbers etc. The Ladies thought there should be a set price for a set tea and it was left for the Ladies to discuss this with Mrs Trivess, the caterer.

Wednesday, July 16th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The chairman reported that Mrs J Trivess had resigned her duties as Caterer and that he had made satisfactory arrangements with Mrs A Ruddle of Dean to act as caterer and cleaner. His action was confirmed unanimously.

The Secretary reported that the debit balance in the bank was £348-16-0.

Mr Parrett reported on the work of the Greens Committee. He said work had proceeded normally on the course and that he had arranged for the practice ground to be cut and removed within the next week. He presented an estimate received from SCATS of Winchester upon the water supply to the course after a meeting on the course. Briefly it was to supply a larger centrifugal pump with a 1.5 HP motor, 3 sprinklers with nozzles and stands and 500ft of Class B polythene tubing, the total cost being £136-7-6. Doubts were expressed about being able to fit a larger pump with our present system and Mr Lutman proposed the question of a new pump be left over this year but if necessary the 500ft of tubing be purchased straightaway so as to ease the labour for watering the greens. This course of action was agreed to.

The Committee confirmed the action of the Chairman in purchasing the following items from the Crockfords – Refrigerator £5, Table cloths £2, Sandwich holder 5/-. Also the sale of the old gang mowers to Mr JP Dodson for £5.

It was agreed that the House Committee should check the stock of crockery and utensils for the benefit of the new caterers and that a lock and key be provided for the kitchen door.

It was agreed to hold the men’s open meeting on Sunday, September 21st with events as last year but restricting the morning competition to 60. It was agreed to hold a mixed open foursomes competition on Saturday September 20th commencing at 12 noon, the charge including teas to be 23/- per couple.

The Greens Committee noted complaints of the type of sand and condition of the bunkers also the position of the ladies new tee at the 13th and the necessity of lopping or removing trees at this point.

Thursday, August 21st, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported that the debit balance at the bank was £75-16-0.

Mr Parrett reported that the practice ground had been cut and the grass removed by Mr Horn and that he had arranged for it to be cut in future once per week. A second hand mower for the greens had been inspected which should cost £40. It was thought that a new machine should be purchased if necessary and an estimate from Broadlands for a Ransomes Auto Certes costing £116-18-5 was accepted. This would only be used on the greens and the present machine to be used on the tees. Mr Parrett also mentioned the position of the allocation of duties with the Pro/Greenkeeper and it was agreed that he would give orders to Miles in regard to his general work on the course. The new mower being self-transportable should ease the difficulty of movement of machinery between the greens. The Pro/Greenkeeper to be specifically informed by Mr Parrett and any breach in this respect would be dealt firmly by the Committee.

The question of catering was raised with regard to visiting teams and the general view was that the Club should bear these finances. It was agreed that a subsidy on visitors meals be made by the Club not to exceed £50 per annum.

Wednesday, September 17th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported a credit balance at the bank of £137-4-11.

It was reported that the plates for the Ladies tees would be at an increased cost. The Captain said he knew of this and that they had been temporarily fixed for the coming Open Meeting.

It was agreed that the Hants Alliance be allowed use of the course on Thursday, March 12th 1970.

Mr Parrett gave the report of the Greens Committee. He said that Broadlands could not get an 18 inch Certes mower for at least two months but the Horndean Garden Service could supply a 20 inch machine immediately. There would be a discount of about £15 and after a demonstration on the 4th green the machine had been delivered and was now in use. His action was approved. He also said it was intended to fertilise the course including fairways with a complete fertiliser either on February or March depending on the weather.

A letter was read from Dr J Sneezum on the poor condition of the sand bunkers suggesting that rakes be provided and all players encouraged to use them. Several members had noted this recently on the Farnham course and it was agreed that a suitable cheap rake be provided, one per bunker and not exceeding two dozen.

The Secretary agreed to get further details re the dinner and dance which were required before the price could be finalised.

Final arrangements were discussed re the Open Meeting to be held on September 20th and 21st. It was agreed that a ball sweep should be run, the arrangements being left to the Ladies. A discussion took place whether the first drive should be a matter of choice or not. It was agreed that the should be a free choice as to whether a man drove first or not.

Mr Parrett mentioned the provision of a white coat for the Steward. It was agreed that this should be left for Mr Baber to be consulted by the Captain.

Wednesday, October 15th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes it was reported that Mr Baber was reluctant to wear a white coat.

The credit balance at the bank was £34-15-4.

The Secretary presented the statement for the Open Meeting which showed a profit of £34-0-11. As there had been a slight discrepancy regarding payment for lunches and teas it was agreed to make an additional payment of £2-3-0 to Mrs Banting making the nett profit £31-17-11.

A letter was read from Mr PA Reeves regarding the presentation of club trophies saying that he had held the Guy West Memorial trophy for six months as it was presented to him at the AGM and he was now instructed to return it. After a short discussion it was agreed that trophies should be presented as near as possible on the day they were won and re-presented at the AGM.

Mr Wilson presented the report of the Greens Committee. He said that the rakes for the bunkers had been provided and were in use. He mentioned the position of Mr Baber saying that he would soon be working to winter conditions i.e. £4 per week whilst there was a lot of work that could be done by him outside that done by Crockford or Miles. He referred to work in the car park including the layout in front of the new bungalow, painting the clubhouse and repairing the old cricket pavilion etc. It was agreed that Mr Baber be paid £9 per week throughout the year, the extra hours and work to be arranged by the Greens Committee.

The Captain showed a specimen diary which could be supplied free which would also show all club functions etc. It was a very presentable diary and depended whether sufficient advertisements could be secured by the publishers. This was agreed to and it was decided to obtain 1/- from each member for a diary, the proceeds going towards Christmas gratuities for the staff. Mr Dacombe mentioned that the diaries would not be ready until the end of March.

Mrs K Smith mentioned that the Ladies Secretary, Mrs E Banting, had resigned and that this would be her last meeting. She had done this from 7 to 8 years and it was decided to record the appreciation of the General Committee.

Wednesday, November 19th, 1969 at the Clubhouse

The chairman welcomed the Ladies Captain (Mrs A Blanchard) and Secretary (Mrs M Bunce) to their first meeting.

The secretary reported that the credit balance at the bank was £79-5-0.

It was agreed that the arrangement suggested by the Ladies Section at their AGM, namely that as many ladies as possible would play their medal round on the third Tuesday in the month. Those unable to do so would play on the third Sunday as before.

The final arrangements re speakers at the Annual Dinner and Dance were agreed to. Mr HW Shiner would act as MC and a few spot prizes would be provided.

Mrs A Blanchard was elected to the free position on the House Committee. The Ladies Section would hold their Christmas Party on December 20th. The charge for supper to be 7/6.

It was agreed that the Ladies Open Meeting would be on Sunday May 10th 1970 and Thursday May 14th 1970.

It was agreed that 18 ball tee markers be provided for the Ladies tees, to be in two colours.

Mr Shiner said he would get half a dozen copies typed of the existing club rules.

It was agreed that wives of members have automatic entry to club membership.

Mr Parrett presented the report of the Greens Committee on the course in general and in particular repairs and extensions to the car park. An estimate for extending the car park was discussed and after a lengthy discussion and bearing in mind the financial position of the Club it was decided to defer consideration of the large car park until the next AGM.

The Ladies present mentioned the position or lack of position of the 15th tee and this was left to the Greens Committee.