Minutes 1967

Extracts from the Minutes for 1967

List of Meetings

  • Wednesday, January 18th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, February 15th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, March 22nd, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, April 19th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Saturday, April 22nd, 1967
  • Wednesday, May 24th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Tuesday, June 20th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, July 19th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, August 16th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, September 20th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, October 18th, 1967 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, November 23rd, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Wednesday, January 18th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the secretary reported that he had agreed with the G P O to lay the telephone cable on club property from the Corhampton cross-roads to the Clubhouse and had written to a firm in Leicestershire nominated by the G P O regarding the sound-proofing canopy.

A statement re the Annual Dinner and Dance showed a loss of £2-17-6. Bearing in mind that each ticket only allowed a profit of 1/- to cover printing etc and that only 123 tickets had been sold and two complimentary tickets given to Mrs Reeves and Mr Crockford, the meeting unanimously agreed that the dinner had been a great success.

The secretary stated that the takings from the fruit machine from November 13th to the end of the financial year were £40-5-0.

The secretary reported that a person who had not paid any subscriptions for the years 1963,4,5,and 6 had sent a cheque for eight guineas for renewal of membership. After a discussion it was agreed to return the cheque to the sender informing them that they were no longer a member and would have to apply for membership in the normal way and pay the current membership fee.

The site plan of the golf house and future accommodation which was proposed by the County Planning Department was presented to the Committee and fully explained by the sub-committee who had met the planning officials. This was approved in principle and it was decided to proceed as quickly as possible with the preparation of detailed plans.

Mr Parrett presented his report on behalf of the Greens Committee. He said the gang mowers needed considerable overhaul and that they had been removed to Waterlooville and examined by Broadland’s Gardening Centre who said it would cost £165-10-0 for the overhaul and that it would be wiser to scrap them and buy a new set. A new set would cost £330-12-4 less various percentages and if fitted with steel wheels the price would be about £300. Wheatleys of Wickham were not interested in repairing the gang mowers but would be pleased to supply new ones. A letter to this effect was said to be in the post. The secretary disagreed with the methods used to get these gang mowers, particularly as it appeared the Club would have to pay carriage charges to get them back on the course and that Mr Parrett and Mr Crockford had only mentioned them to him last Saturday. Had one to assume that the gang mowers had suddenly deteriorated since Autumn? He thought that firms, particularly T Parker & Son of Worcester Park, should have been invited to the course to report on the condition and to make recommendations for the Committee to consider. Mr Bunce asked what other expenditure on equipment was likely this year and the secretary thought something would have to be done with the mowers for the greens. A discussion then ensued on equipment being left all over the course and the Committee thought that Crockford should be disciplined to ensure that all machinery is kept under cover. At this stage the condition of the buildings etc to house the machinery was mentioned. Finally it was agreed that the gang mowers be brought back and that further estimates be obtained. In the event of new ones being recommended by the firms in question, their quotation had to make allowance for taking the old gang mowers in part exchange. It was agreed that when the Greens Committee were making a report on the course and on equipment the greenkeeper should be invited to attend the first part of the Committee meeting. These items being taken even before the minutes.

Mr Parrett suggested that the three new tees on the 2nd, 7th and 9th were ready for turfing and that it would be cheaper to buy turves than let the greenkeeper cut them. It was agreed to purchase 600 turves and to include the slopes of the tees.

The secretary said he must mention that a number of prominent members of the Club had expressed their astonishment and regret that the two thorn bushes on the slopes of the 9th green had been removed.

Mrs Banting mentioned the necessity of a new practice ground but this item was merely noted.

Wednesday, February 15th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary welcomed the Greenkeeper, Mr Crockford, who was invited to attend whilst the report of the Greens Committee was being dealt with.

Mr Parrett reported that the gang mowers had been returned and that Carters of Swanwick put in a price of £205 for repairs only. He said he was prepared to try and run them for another year. It was agreed in principle not to repair the gang mowers but to buy a new set. It was also agreed to wait until the next meeting when the honorary auditor would be present and the general financial position clarified. Mr Parrett said that the overgreens had been repaired by Broadland’s Garden Machinery Co. at a cost of £55-11-3. This action was approved. Mr Crockford mentioned the Hants Alliance meeting and it was decided not to use the three new tees on March 2nd. He also reported the extra amount of work needed on the bunkers caused by loose dogs. After a discussion the Committee said they would support Crockford’s action in speaking to the dog owners who caused the extra work.

Arising from the minutes illustrations and prices for sound proofing canopies for the telephone were presented. It was agreed to purchase the angular type costing £21.

It was agreed to hold the Daily Mail foursomes competition on Sunday, February 26th.

New type membership discs were shown to the Committee which would cost 3/- each. The point was raised whether to try and get the cost from the members but, bearing in mind that the main purpose was the identification of members so as to improve the chances of getting green fees etc., it was decided that the Club should purchase them and order 250 from Messrs Thorneycroft’s.

The secretary reported that Mrs Banting had purchased a settee and chair for the clubhouse for £9 and this action was confirmed. The secretary also reported that he had paid £4 to Mrs Reeves for the carpet she had put into the clubhouse some months ago.

The Committee were informed that the takings from the gaming machine from January 1st to February 12th amounted to £52-15-6.

A discussion on membership then took place. The secretary reported that there were 224 members(183 men, 41 women) and said there were 50 applications, the majority of whom had no handicap and were beginners. Proposals were made to have a ceiling of 250 members and to elect 10 at this stage but varying views as to how to elect a member on date of application, playing ability, could not be decided so it was finally agreed to leave the decision until the next meeting.

Wednesday, March 22nd, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Mr Parrett presented his report on the work of the Greens Committee. He confirmed that the present machinery, particularly the gang mowers, would be adequate for this year. He presented a bill for £35-18-4 for repairs etc to the Hayter 6ft cutter stating that, although it had been purchased last year, lack of greasing and maintenance was the cause for it. It was agreed that the account be paid.

The honorary auditor, Mr H G P Lewis, attended the meeting and presented the accounts and balance sheet. He mentioned that green fees had again reached a new record and bar receipts had increased with a larger percentage of profit and generally the club was in a sound financial position.

It was agreed to hold the AGM on Saturday, April 22nd. In discussing the items for the agenda, Mr Lewis asked that item 6 dealing with the election of honorary auditor should be altered to read “election of auditor”. He said he had held this office for 17 years, a calculation of the hours worked by his staff this year would actually cost about £40 and, as these days work done voluntarily by members was being paid for, he thought a proper payment should be made to the auditor and that was why he asked for the designation “honorary” to be deleted. The Committee supported this view and it was decided to alter this item on the agenda. It was further agreed to discuss this matter at the next meeting so that a recommendation could be presented at the AGM.

The question of membership left over from the last meeting was then discussed. The secretary said the number of applications for membership had now reached 63, the majority of whom were novices. Mr Smith suggested that ten be elected straightaway comprising six with handicap and four without. Mr Lewis thought that the entrance fee was too low and if it was raised from five guineas to ten guineas it would not only benefit the club but might reduce the number of applications. After discussion it was decided to recommend this increase at the AGM and for it to be included on the agenda. It was also agreed not to elect any new members until this item was decided at the AGM and then to elect ten new members, generally in date order of application and in addition the Secretary would submit from the list of applications persons who would only play intermittently and/or Mondays to Fridays.

In discussing the club finances and prospects of winding up the Holding Company it was agreed that Mr Lewis would seek legal opinion re the new development levy on two points. 1) If the Company is wound up and the course handed over to the Club would the Club be liable for the levy? 2) If a bungalow is built on the course would the Club be liable for the levy?

It was unanimously agreed that Green Fees during the week (Excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Bank Holidays) be raised to 7/6 per round and 10/- per day.

The secretary reported that the machine takings since the last meeting amounted to £33-14-6.

An estimate from J Miller & Sons Ltd for decorating the interior of the clubhouse for £62 was presented and it was agreed to have this done and for it to be finished before the Ladies Open Meeting.

Wednesday, April 19th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes, Mr Goodall said that he had discussed the question of fees with Mr Lewis who had suggested in future the actual time taken would be noted and then charged for. It was thought that this would not exceed forty-five guineas. It was then agreed that Messrs A Daniels and Co be appointed auditors to the club for 1967-8 at a nominal fee to be agreed the Committee.

The secretary reported that the machine takings had been checked only twice since the last meeting which was three weeks ago and on April 9th the takings were £32-1-0.

The Chairman of the Greens Committee said that he had little of note to report other than last night some heifers owned by Mr Rowsell of Droxford had badly damaged the 5th green. Mr Rowsell was very sorry and Mr Parrett had arranged that in about a fortnight’s time when Mr Rowsell was spraying his barley he would spray the fairways at no cost to the club, the material to kill daisies etc being provided by Mr Parrett.

A letter received from Mrs K Smith for presentation at the AGM was read which dealt with the necessity of providing alternative tees for the Ladies and the untidy view of the Clubhouse form the road due to empty beer crates, dustbins, etc.. The Committee agreed that alternative tees should be provided for the second nine holes and some of the men’s alternative tees should be used. This was let for the Greens Committee and the Greenkeeper to examine and report back to the Committee. It was agreed to purchase and erect two lattice fencing panels which would shield the crate etc from public view. In view of this Mr Smith said he would discuss this with his wife who would undoubtedly withdraw the letter.

A letter from Mrs E Banting that the subscriptions be raised by one guinea and the entrance fees by two guineas. Mrs Banting said she was not at the last meeting when it was decided to increase the entrance fees by five guineas, which she did not agree with. She was prepared to withdraw this part and discuss it at the AGM. After discussion it was agreed that the letter would be withdrawn it being felt that an increase of one guinea at this stage was premature.

A letter from Cdr Mallinson was read which dealt with poachers and lost green fees and suggesting that means of identification be provided for members. As the Committee had made provision for this no further comment was made.

A letter was received from Thorneycroft Golf Society asking permission to play three evening fixtures and seven Friday evening fixtures. It was agreed to grant permission but to be subject to review if congestion of the course resulted.

It was agreed that a payment of 30/- be made to Mrs Reeves for extra work in cleaning the clubhouse due to the recent painting contract.

After an inspection it was agreed that the acoustic cowl for the telephone was not suitable and it was decided to approach the manufacturers for an exchange.

At the request of the Chairman the Secretary left the meeting. On his return it was unanimously agreed that in lieu of an honorarium the secretary be reimbursed his expenses which the Committee assess at £100 per annum and also that the subscriptions of Mr and Mrs Lindley be waived.

Mr Wilson brought forward the question of Mr Parrett’s expenses as Chairman of the Greens Committee suggesting that they should be paid. A long discussion ensued in which Mr Goodall was emphatic that members of the Committee should not be paid for work done although he had no objection to the payment of legitimate expenses. The question of what Crockford did or did not do was widely aired and eventually it appeared that the proposer was really trying to re-introduce last July’s minute where Mr Parrett was authorised to charge 5/- per hour for work he carried out on the course.

The vice-captain, Mr Wilson, stated that Mr Valentine, the President since 1965 and honorary secretary from June 1948 to April 1953 had made a large contribution to the club growth and he would like to propose that he be made an honorary life member of the Club as a token of the Club’s appreciation. It was unanimously agreed that this recommendation should be presented to the AGM.

AGM, Saturday, April 22nd, 1967

The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and 51 members were present.

The Captain read his report upon the Club’s activities during the past year. To commence with he announced that in recognition of the many services rendered to the Club by Mr J W Valentine, the Committee proposed that he be elected an honorary life member of the Club. This was agreed to by the assembly by a unanimous decision. The wide popularity of golf continues and there are now 240 members with a list of more than 60 would be members. There had been ten club matches, two being won, four halved and four lost. The chairman referred to the two social evenings that had been held in the winter and also to the annual dinner dance. Three new tees had been completed, the clubhouse painted inside and the exterior clad with cedar wood. He concluded his report by thanking all those who had contributed to the year’s success, to the honorary secretary, to the honorary auditor, the chairman of the Greens Committee, the stewardess and the club’s professional. The Captain’s report was received with acclamation.

Mr Lewis, the honorary auditor, explained the main items on the balance sheet and auditor’s report stating that the club had had another record year and that it was in a sound financial position.

The election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following results: President – Mr J W Valentine, Captain – Mr W H Wilson, Vice-Captain – Mr S F Parrett. The rest of the Committee were elected and the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer was re-elected. Mr Goodall introduced the recommendation of the Committee that the position of honorary auditor be abolished and Messrs A Daniels & Co, Chartered Accountants, be appointed auditors at a fee to be agreed by the Committee. This recommendation was approved and it was also agreed that Mr Lewis be given his usual twelve golf balls as a token of the appreciation of his services last year.

In dealing with item 7 – the honorarium to the honorary secretary and travelling expenses, the Captain stated that the Committee had given this serious consideration owing to the large increase in work and duties during the past few years and in the absence of the secretary from the meeting it was unanimously agreed that in lieu of an honorarium, the Secretary be reimbursed his expenses which the Committee assess at £100 per annum and also that the subscriptions of Mr & Mrs Lindley be waived. It was unanimously agreed that the recommendation of the Committee be adopted.

The recommendation of the Committee that the entrance fee be increased for new members from five guineas to ten guineas was then dealt with. This was discussed at great length, most members thinking that ten guineas was reasonable. The question of entrance fees for junior members caused great controversy and finally it was agreed that the recommendation be adopted but that the Committee should consider a scheme for junior members, possibly with a reduced entrance fee.

Under items brought forward by members who had given the requisite notice a letter was read from Cdr D R Mallinson regarding visitors who evaded paying green fees and suggesting that members be provided with a distinctive weatherproof label ‘Corhampton 1967’ which would allow identification and also act as a receipt for current subscriptions paid. The secretary said that this subject had been given a lot of thought by the Committee who had actually ordered waterproof discs for issue to the members and the letter was read which would be sent with the disc. Cdr Mallinson expressed satisfaction with the Committee’s action and withdrew his letter.

A letter from Mrs K Smith was read in respect of alternative tees for ladies and tidying up of the surrounds of the Clubhouse. The Committee had already agreed to these items.

Wednesday, May 24th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

The secretary submitted the following information: Takings from fruit machine (five week period) – £64-12-6; Green Fees – total this year to May 24th £578-10-6 as compared with last year to June 1st of £416-1-2; Bar Receipts – total this year to May 24th £702-18-6 as compared with last year to June 1st of £520-19-10; Today’s balance at the bank – £2455-18-4.

Arising from the previous minutes the Secretary read a letter from Burgess Products Ltd, the makers of the canopy for the telephone, stating they would receive the unwanted canopy and credit the Club, according the state the canopy was returned in. It was agreed to return the canopy and wait before ordering another type.

A discussion took place on he question and method of payment to the Chairman of the Green’s Committee continued from the last meeting. It was suggested that £25 per annum be paid in lieu of expenses but finally it was agreed to the arrangement of paying 5/- per hour as last year and this was settled accordingly. Mr Goodall still disagreed with the payment.

It was agreed that Mr W H Wilson, Mr S F Parrett and Mr C F Lutman constitute the Greens Committee for the present, the first duty being to meet with the Ladies Captain re alternative tees for the Ladies.

It was agreed that the annual and dance be held at Kimbells, Southsea at the end of November or the beginning of December and a Friday date be booked if possible, failing which to be a Wednesday.

Following the decision taken at the AGM the question of the amount of entrance fees for a junior member passing to full membership was considered at some length. Various suggestions as to amounts varying with the age of entrance of junior members were made but it was agreed that in future each application would be considered by the Committee on its merits.

Mr Dacombe said that Mrs Reeves and family would like to present a trophy in memory of Mr R G Reeves and it was agreed that the offer be accepted with thanks and that the Club should supply a similar trophy to be played for by the ladies section.

It was decided that an extractor fan should be fitted in the clubhouse and that prices should be obtained from wholesale merchants.

Mr Parrett mentioned that, following the veteran’s match with Waterlooville, several members had approved the idea of forming one at Corhampton. The Committee agreed with this and left matters in the hands of Mr Parrett.

After a lengthy discussion it was decided to hold a Men’s Open Meeting either on the first or second Sunday in September (depending on the date of the Rowland’s castle Open) with two competitions – medal in the morning and greensomes in the afternoon. The course to be closed to all non-competitors – entrance fee of 10/- per person and optional sweep of 2/6 per head.

Tuesday, June 20th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the Secretary reported that the telephone canopy had been removed and it was assumed Mr Trivess had dealt with the transit arrangements. Kimbells had been contacted, and as there were no Fridays available, a temporary reservation had been made for Wednesday, December 6th.

Mr Dacombe reported that he had discussed with Mr Allen the type of trophy needed for the Reeves presentation trophy and it was agreed to leave it in their hands.

Mr Parrett reported that a meeting of veterans had been held and it was decided to form a veterans section. He also mentioned the various competitions etc suggested in the near future.

The Secretary reported that the Men’s Open Meeting would be held on September 10th.

The Chairman of the Greens Committee presented his report. This dealt chiefly with the present drought and the watering arrangements for the greens. S.C.A.T.S had serviced the pump and had been successful in watering four greens at once. Various lengths of hose and an additional sprayer had been obtained and it was certain three greens at a time could be done. The cost would be about £12 and the Committee agreed to this expenditure. The growth of weeds principally on the new areas near the Bishop’s Waltham road was mentioned and Mr Parrett said the club had not any suitable machinery for this type of work. It was agreed to try to get the Hants C.C. to do the work and if necessary paying for it to be done.

The secretary reported upon the Club’s finances as follows: Takings from fruit machine since the last meeting – £62-11-6; Green Fees – since the last meeting £166-19-0. Total this year to June 19th £745-9-6 compared with last year to June 24th of £544-3-8; Bar Receipts – total this year to June 19th £1024-7-0 as compared with last year to July 1st of £727-4-11; Today’s balance at the bank – £2945-9-7.

The Chairman mentioned that he had discussed the question of a development charge with Mr Lewis who had informed him that Mr Rea had applied to the head office and felt sure that the new bungalow would be exempt but that no official intimation had yet been received.

A long discussion about the provision of a new storage shed for machinery took place and it was agreed it was a matter of great urgency and to look at the existing sheds and sites after this meeting.

Wednesday, July 19th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Confirmation of the booking for the annual dinner and dance had been received from Kimbells.

Letters were read from Mr Rea which had been forwarded by Mr Lewis regarding development charges in respect of the proposed bungalow and the Holding Company. It appears that both projects would be liable for development charge and after discussion Mr Goodall agreed to meet Mr Lewis and obtain complete details with the idea of Mr Lewis attending a meeting of the Committee in the near future.

The secretary brought forward particulars regarding Xpelair ventilators for use in the Clubhouse. Mr Dacombe said that the principle of providing adequate ventilation had been agreed and it should be left in the hands of the heating engineer to do the work. It was suggested that Mr R Harvey, who was a member of the club, would be suitable.

The secretary reported upon the Club’s finances as follows: Takings from fruit machine since the last meeting – £56-19-6; Green Fees – since the last meeting £165-16-6. Total this year to July 17th £911-6-0 compared with last year to July 18th of £652-7-8; Bar Receipts – total this year to July 17th £1346-17-6 as compared with last year to July 24th of £909-4-11; Credit balance at Barclays Bank – £2707-13-11.

Mr Parrett presented the report of the Greens Committee. He said the weeds near the new tees on the Bishop’s Waltham road had been cut using the Hayterette. He said that a new tee might be provided at the 7th tee and explained the situation which was left of the 6th green when facing it and would be a little shorter than the present hole. The Captain and Mr Lutman did not agree with this position and both thought the present tee should be extended towards the copse. It was agreed to inspect the 7th tee at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr Parrett also said the sprayer brought by Mr Shiner was useless but it was agreed that as Mr Shiner had purchased it for £7 that the expenditure be reimbursed to him.

Mt Lutman brought forward the question of wages for the Professional/Greenkeeper suggesting that an increase was merited. The present wages were £15 per week which with deductions was approximately £13 per week. After some discussion it was agreed that an increase of £2 per week be made. It was also agreed that an increase of £1 per week be made to Mrs Reeves with both increases to operate from the first payday in August.

Mrs Wilson brought forward the question of payment by non-members who were being taught by Crockford on the course. It was agreed that when a non-member had a lesson a payment of 2/6 should be made and entered in the green fee book. Further if a non-member continued practicing after the lesson the appropriate green fee should be paid. These items to be immediately notified to Crockford.

The Captain mentioned the possibility of obtaining some of the land let to Gamblin for use as a practice ground. It was left to Mr Parrett to interview Gamblin and report to a future meeting.

Wednesday, August 16th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the secretary said he had not heard from Mr Goodall or Mr Lewis about development charges and unfortunately Mr Goodall was not present.

The secretary reported upon the Club’s finances as follows: Takings from fruit machine since the last meeting – £37-5-6; Green Fees – since the last meeting £195-17-0. Total this year to August 12th £1107-3-0 compared with last year to August 14th of £792-8-2; Bar Receipts – total this year to August 14th £1588-2-0 as compared with last year to August 17th of £1058-4-11; Credit balance at Barclays Bank – £3087-10-5.

In stating the profits from the machine the secretary said it had been out of order for more than a week and although the mechanic had been twice it was still out of action. He had reported to Mrs Reeves that it was now irreparable and should be replaced. Since the purchase costing £50 the takings had totalled £454 and it was unanimously agreed to purchase a new manual machine and if possible have the old one repaired as a standby. A sub-committee with power to purchase was elected.

The secretary produced drawings of the new machine shed which he had prepared and said he had sent out to five builders (four being members of the club) asking for tenders to be submitted by September 1st.

A request from Mrs Reeves that if catering is required the veterans ought to avoid Mondays and Tuesdays was considered. Mr Parrett said he had discussed this matter with Mrs Reeves with satisfactory results.

An account from Messrs Jeffery’s Ltd for floor coverings for the ladies’ room was presented. This amounted to £14-1-8. It was agreed that this should be paid from the general account.

A letter was read from Mr Braybrooke on behalf of Mr J Francis, who is crippled, that as he could not manage more than four holes at a time whether he could pay the requisite green fee for eighteen holes actually played. This was agreed to providing he played with Mr Braybrooke.

The position as to the Men’s Open Meeting was discussed. It was decided to limit the handicaps to 18 and that the Captain and Secretary be empowered to purchase the requisite prizes.

Mr Parrett presented his report on the work of the Greens Committee. He said the improvements to the 7th tee would require a bulldozer and a hedge trimmer. He had contacted Mr Gamblin and estimated the cost of the bulldozer at £10 (no charge or transporting) plus the cost of the trimming operations. The Chairman was keen to have all this type of work done at one time e.g. levelling entrances etc for the new machine shed, transporting top soil and alterations for other tee etc. In view of the impending Open Meeting it was decided not to do this work until after September 10th. Mr Parrett also reported he was negotiating for about 15 yards of top soil from Wickham Parish Council. It was decided to wait until his estimate was complete. Mr Parrett also reported that for some long time he had been waiting for suitable casual labour. He thought he had found the ideal man i.e. Mr D Baker who had recently returned to England. He suggested that he be employed for three days a week possibly Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for not more than 20 hours per week at a maximum rate of 6/- per hour. Everyone thought he was a suitable type and it was agreed to engage Mr Baker for an initial period of six months primarily to deal with fairways, rough, bunkers, and assist Crockford on the new tees for the ladies and for him to be under the direct control of the Greens Committee also to commence straightaway.

Mr Parrett said he had had a long talk with Mr Gamblin regarding the portions of land being cultivated and the possibility of giving up the central portion to be turned into a practice ground. He thought that an agricultural tenancy had been created and that if Mr Gamblin resisted it would be very difficult to get him out. A letter was produced from Mr Gamblin saying he would relinquish the land adjoining the 9th hole after the 1968 harvest subject to the usual compensation for fertilisers expended. This was agreed to and left in the hands of Mr Parrett.

Mr Dacombe mentioned the possibility of providing a simple cheaper flat score card so that they were always available. It was left to the secretary to look into this and report back.

Wednesday, September 20th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the secretary reported that the sub-committee appointed to purchase a gaming machine had met and purchased a Jennings Galaxie Fruit Machine at a cost of £435 from Messrs Auto Play Ltd of Southampton. The best thanks of the Committee were given to Mr Shiner for all he had done to install the machine and to Mr Dacombe for arranging the meeting with the firm. The general feeling was that the machine was not giving members a run for their money and Mr Dacombe agreed to contact the firm for an adjustment to made, if possible, to remedy this.

Mr Crockford attended the first part of the meeting and said he had started spiking the greens and wanted some top soil and gritty sand to spread over them. The Captain said we had lost the top soil at Wickham and it was agreed to get some special sand from S E Borrow Ltd and Mr Smith would try to arrange for top soil via Mr Matthews. It was also reported that Mr Baker, who had been in hospital, had turned down the job of assisting on the course and Mr Parrett had arranged for a Mr Miles of Upham to take on this part time job. The engagement of temporary labour by Mr Crockford until Mr Miles started was also approved.

The secretary presented a financial statement on the recent Open Meeting which showed a profit of £14-12-11 after payment of £34-8-1 for prizes and printing.

The secretary reported upon the Club’s finances as follows: Green Fees – since the last meeting £230-13-3 giving a total to September 19th of £1337-16-3 compared with last year to September 18th of £968-4-2; Receipts from the new fruit machine which had been installed on August 24th totalled £84 plus £7-5-0 from the old machine which was now U.S.; Bar Receipts – total this year to September 18th are £1876-15-0 as compared with last year to September 18th of £1317-11-2; Credit balance at Barclays Bank – £2953-17-7.

The Chairman reported that tenders for the renewal of the Machinery Shed in permanent materials had been received as follows: T Pink & Son, Bishop’s Waltham – £586-9-0; Franton Builders Ltd – £498-6-0 (this allows for a garage door of 8ft 6in and if 13ft 6in doors are provided the cost would be £45 more); R H Goble – £554-5-0 (If framed ledge and brace type doors are used the price would be £496); J Miller & Sons (Builders) Ltd – £520 (If wooden doors are used instead of the up and over type the price would be £470).

The Committee discussed the question of doors and, bearing in mind the shielded position of the shed, it was agreed the Chairman and Secretary should interview Mr Miller and accept his tender at the lower figure.

Permission was granted to the Hants Alliance to hold a spring meeting in 1968 on Wednesday, March 20th.

The Chairman reported that he had discussed the question with the Secretary of appointing a separate Competitions Secretary and that Mr P W Dacombe was prepared to take over this onerous position. It was agreed to accept Mr Dacombe’s offer with thanks.

Mrs Wilson expressed the thanks of the Ladies Section for the payment of the floor covering.

The Chairman and Secretary received the approval of their act of alluring the British American Tobacco Co to hold its autumn meeting on the course on Saturday October 7th. The maximum number being 24.

The Chairman asked for any information the Capital Gains Tax and the Holding Company. Mr Goodall, who was not present at the previous meeting, briefly explained his views and Mr Lewis’s on the letters received from Mr Rea. It was agreed that a direct approach should be made to the Land Commission in respect of the development charge (if any) for the new bungalow. It was also decided to have a joint meeting with the Holding Company to discuss the various points comprising three members from the Company and three members from this Committee with the Secretary of the Club, the Club representatives to be the Captain, Mr C F Lutman and Mr H G Smith.

Wednesday, October 18th, 1967 at the Clubhouse

The Chairman reported upon an informal meeting that had been held that evening with Mr Goodall, Mr Lewis and Mr Linnell of the Holding Company. The question re building a new bungalow and the winding up of the Holding Company had been fully discussed. A direct approach to the Land Commission re a development charge for the bungalow had been made but no answer received. The members of the Holding Company were apprehensive as to the amount of tax which might be charged if the Company were wound up and handed over to the Club and that it might be better to continue as at present rather than pay a large amount of tax. Any land for the bungalow site could be conveyed to the Club at a nominal fee. Many aspects of this complex problem were ventilated and it had been decided to leave the matter over until the decision of the Land Commission was received.

The Secretary reported receipt of a letter from Burgess Products Co Ltd who had received the unwanted booth and noted several deep scratches necessitating re-painting and two small dents. An estimate of £3 would cover the work of repairs and in the meantime a Desk Wall type booth would be forwarded costing £15-12-6 including carriage. This was considered satisfactory.

The Secretary reported a credit balance at Barclays Bank of £2601-11-7 plus £193 in hand which would be banked tomorrow.

In the absence of Mr Parrett, the Chairman reported upon the work of the Greens Committee. Mr Miles had started work and was proving very satisfactory. Initially he had been engaged on general work on fairways, rough etc but he hoped to make a start upon the alternative tees for the ladies. Work was proceeding on the winter preparation of the greens but the absence of top soil had meant that sand was being used.

It was decided to review the notice board outside the clubhouse and to fix it near the thorn bush and facing the clubhouse and first tee. This was left in the hands of Mr Smith.

Wednesday, November 23rd, 1967 at the Clubhouse

Mr Smith reported that the new notice board was completed and that he had arranged for Mr Betts to deliver it as he could not get it into his own car.

The Secretary reported receipt of the following letters: The Department of Education and Science of Whitehall to the effect that the proposed bungalow would not attract any grant; The Land Commission of Reading stating that the proposed bungalow would be liable to betterment levy under Section 31 of the Land Commission Act 1967.

The Secretary reported a credit balance at Barclays Bank of £2297-14-4.

Mrs P Emery wrote asking if her husband, who has an artificial leg and could never complete a whole round, wanted to pay the appropriate fee when he had completed a full round. A similar request had been granted to Mr Francis some months ago and it was agreed to grant this facility to Mr Emery.

An application from Mr I R Shaw of Sholing for membership was granted. His mother, who is a member, sent a covering letter stating that although he was spastic he was not physically handicapped.

The secretary submitted sketch plans of the proposed bungalow on the course which was examined by members with explanatory remarks from the architect. It was agreed that approval under Building Regulations and Town Planning be sought.

A report was received upon the arrangements for the annual dinner dance which would be held in a fortnight’s time. It was agreed that Mrs Junqua, the Ladies captain, should make the toast for the Guests and Mr Churn and Mr Sibley of Waterlooville G C be asked to propose the toast of the Club and respond on behalf of the guests.

The Captain referred to the report of the sub-committee regarding the winding up of the Holding Company which was made at the last meeting. He mentioned that we now knew that capital gains tax and a betterment levy would have to be met and he thought that the Club should take all steps to wind up the Company now. Mr Smith gave his detailed views on the capital gains tax and after a long discussion entered into by all members it was proposed that the Holding Company be approached and asked to take early action to have the Company wound up and the course etc handed over to the Club. This was on the assumption that the capital gains tax would not exceed £1000. This was approved unanimously after Mr Goodall had received the assurance of the Committee that the Holding Company would be indemnified by the Club against all costs and claims from debenture holders etc which might arise as a result of the taking over.

The Chairman in the absence of Mr Parrett reported upon the condition of the course and the work being undertaken.

It was decided not to hold the next meeting in December unless the Captain and Secretary thought there were items which could not wait until the January meeting.