Minutes 1966

Extracts from the Minutes for 1966

List of Meetings

  • Friday, February 4th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Thursday, March 10th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Thursday, April 7th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Saturday, April 30th, 1966
  • Friday, May 13th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, June 15th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, July 20th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, August 17th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, September 21st, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, October 19th, 1966 at the Clubhouse
  • Wednesday, November 16th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

Friday, February 4th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes the account of the Dinner and Dance showed a profit of £16-18-6 which was very satisfactory bearing in mind that there was no raffle.

The Secretary reported that at the previous meeting it was agreed to increase the present total of 188 by 29 applicants with a possible grand total of 225 however it now stood at 208. Written applications were in hand from 10 persons which were read out by the Secretary. It was agreed to accept all 10 as members. These figures do not include junior members and it was thought the fees for juniors should be considered prior to the AGM.

A letter was read from the Assistant Chief Constable of Hampshire regarding breaking into club premises and alarm systems. A request was dealt with from Mr Crockford for permission to place a caravan near the clubhouse which would help security measures and it was decided to agree to Mr Crockford’s request and to make an application to the Planning Authority for consent to station a caravan on the course. A suitable reply to be sent to the Assistant Chief Constable informing him of the caravan proposal and agreeing to meeting his representative at a future meeting.

Mr Goodall reported upon a meeting they had with the Divisional Highway Surveyor regarding the proposed widening of the B2150 cross-roads. It was anticipated that a strip averaging 15 feet would be required and although initially the improvement would be from the cross-roads to the hollow, the ultimate improvement would be to near Steynes Cottage. Accommodation works would be carried out by the County Council to include increasing the 2nd tee, taking out the hollow but the Surveyor proposed, as there was not a fence existing, that fencing stipulated by the Club would reduce the purchase price. Mr Goodall stated that legally this business was the concern of the Holding Company but the Secretary of the Company(Mr Lewis) was in agreement with the proposals outlined by the Secretary of the Club. It was suggested that initially the fees of a private professional valuer were not necessary as it was thought the District Valuer would offer a fair and reasonable price. The Secretary thought he could arrange with the Divisional Surveyor to make a decent car park at the Club as part of the deal and finally it was agreed to sell the land to the County Council, giving right of entry to the County Council forthwith, inform the District Valuer that he could proceed asking for the full amount of land to be taken near to Steynes Cottage as one transaction.

A full discussion took place regarding the purchase of a tractor. A price was submitted from Mr E W Wheatley for an International 35HP B275 Diesel Tractor fitted with hydraulic lift etc for £660-15-0 subject to 5% discount. The various extra items for a transport box, tipping attachment would take care of the discount rebate. A similar tractor had just been supplied to the Lee-on-Solent Club. After the Secretary had given a statement on the Club’s financial position it was agreed by 9 votes to 2 that the tractor be purchased.

The Committee agreed to the proposal by the Ladies Section for them to have an Open Day on April 28th and a Mixed Foursomes on May 1st from 12 noon onwards, the course being closed to Green Fees from 12 to 4pm on the Sunday.

Thursday, March 10th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported that he had contacted Kimbells regarding the 1966 Dinner but the first two Fridays in December were booked so it was decided to try for the last Friday in November and failing that then to try for the first Wednesday in December.

The Secretary reported that the application to station a caravan for the Pro/Greenkeeper had been refused by the Planning Committee. It was agreed to appeal against the refusal and obtain temporary permission. The question of the erection of a permanent building and the purchase of additional land to form eighteen holes was thoroughly discussed. It was decided to keep both possibilities in mind but to leave them until the next meeting when Mr Lewis would be present and to seek his advice thereon.

Mr Blanchard brought forward the question of the strong room and general security. The strong room seemed to be no nearer and the Captain stated he was waiting for a sketch of the steel door from Mr Bunce.

Mrs Banting asked when the Clubhouse was to be painted. Mr Pink thought vertical cedar boarding would in the long run be a better proposition and he promised to submit a price for the next meeting.

Mr Pink brought forward the question of payment to Mr Stone for work carried out on the course since Crockford commenced duties. He thought that some payment should be made for the period to date and that a regular weekly payment be made in future. A long discussion took place, members pointing out that Stone had commenced helping without any official request and any payment might be made by Mr Crockford. Finally it was agreed that £25 should be paid to Mr Stone in respect of work that had been done, also thanking him for his help.

It was agreed to fix a shelf in the kitchen.

Thursday, April 7th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary reported that he had booked the Clifton Ballroom at Southsea for Wednesday, December 7th.

With regard to Junior Membership it was thought that some increase in fees should be made. After a discussion it was agreed that the fees for up to 18 year olds be two guineas for sons and daughters of members and three guineas for others, changing to four guineas and five guineas respectively from 18 to 21 years old. It was decided to place this before the AGM.

The Honorary Auditor (Mr H G P Lewis) was present and he explained the accounts and balance sheet for the year ending December 31st , 1965. The financial position was very good and improving each year, the bar account showing a better percentage profit although the profit from the fruit machine was disappointing.

The exterior decorations of the Clubhouse were then discussed. Mr Pink estimated the cost of supplying, battening and fixing cedar shingles would be £265. This did not include the removal and reinstatement of the water tanks. To repair and paint the Clubhouse would cost £130. It was agreed that Mr Pink’s price be accepted, the work to be done as soon as possible. During the discussion it emerged that the new tractor had been paid for and the credit balance at the bank was £654-2-5.

It was agreed to hold the AG M on Saturday, April 30th with the usual agenda.

Two letters were read from Cdr G V A Philips. The first giving formal notice of a proposition for the AGM “that in future the minutes of Committee Meetings are made available for perusal by any Member of the Club. It is suggested that these should be kept in book form, kept on the table at present used for the Green Fees book”. The Secretary said he had replied pointing out that matters of subscriptions etc affecting individual members were in the minutes and that his request meant, in effect, the minutes were open to inspection by all and sundry including visitors. Cdr Philip’s second letter unhesitatingly withdrew his notice of motion and asked that ways and means be considered of keeping Members informed of matters of general interest. A long discussion ensued, the rules were read that did not provide for production of Committee minutes. It was agreed that as there was nothing in the Club rules governing the production of minutes Cdr Philips, if he so desires, should put forward a proposition to the AGM for the rules to be amended.

A letter of complaint from Cdr Mallinson was read regarding the use of the course on Saturday mornings to the detriment of members also the comparative small green fees paid. It was agreed that Societies be allowed to play on Saturday mornings, that green fees of 7/6 per head be charged and the matches to be played be restricted to foursomes only.

The possible restriction of green fee players on Sundays to those playing with a member was discussed at length. A quick calculation of the green fee book showed that this could result in a reduction of £250 per annum and it was thought, with our present commitments, the Club could not afford to close down on Sunday visitors.

The Secretary reported that one member’s subscriptions for 1965 and 1966 were unpaid although he was playing quite regularly. It was agreed to write to him giving him to the end of April to pay failing which he would no longer be a member of the Club.

AGM, Saturday, April 30th, 1966

The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and 58 members attended.

The honorary secretary read the notice convening the meeting which included the following statement. “Members will be aware that our Greenkeeper/Professional has recently suffered two heavy losses through burglaries at his shop on the Course. It is suggested that a donation of not more than £1 per male member might be made to reimburse him for his losses, bearing in mind that he cannot effect insurance cover. Donations to the Secretary, please.”

The Chairman referred to the death of Mr R G Reeves last September recalling that he was one of the oldest members of the Club and had served since 1958 as Greenkeeper and Steward. The members stood in silence as a token of respect.

The Captain read his report upon the Club’s activities during the year stating that a lot of money had been spent providing water and electricity to the course, the improvement of amenities at the Clubhouse etc.. For the first time both hot and cold water were available in the dressing rooms including a footbath for the Ladies. Another first had been our first Dinner Dance instead of the usual Supper Dance and this was undoubtedly the first of many. The Club had played ten matches, winning four, halving one, and losing the remainder. Captain’s day this year had good weather and Mr Shiner thanked all members who had supported it. The Captain thanked Ron Crockford for the way he had looked after the course hoping that he had had a happy time since joining us. An especial thanks was given to Mrs Reeves for the way she had run the bar and for the excellent teas she provided for us each weekend. In conclusion he thanked everyone for their support and especially to Frank Lindley for all the help he had given him and for all the hard work he does for the Club. The Captain’s report was received with acclamation.

Mr Lewis, the honorary auditor, gave his report on the Club’s financial position and after explaining various items it was agreed to give him his usual gift of twelve golf balls.

The election of officers for the ensuing year to place with the following results: President – Mr J W Valentine, Captain – Mr G A Blanchard, Vice-Captain – Mr W H Wilson. The rest of the Committee were elected and the Honorary Secretary and Treasurer and the Honorary Auditor were re-elected.

It was agreed that the honorarium paid to the Secretary be £50.

The recommendation of the Committee to increase the fees for Junior Membership was dealt with, the secretary reading out the appropriate Committee minute which was adopted by the meeting.

Various propositions relating to subscriptions and green fees were raised and the meeting agreed that these should all be dealt with by the Committee.

The Lady Captain, Mrs Wilson, presented various cups and trophies to the respective members.

Friday, May 13th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

After a short discussion it was agreed to hold regular monthly meetings from May to October on the third Wednesday in the month at 7pm.

Arising from the minutes the Secretary read a letter from the member who had not paid their subscriptions, dated April 3rd enclosing a cheque for £8-8-0 and promising the balance by the end of the month. It was agreed that if this was done then the matter would be dropped.

The question of five day membership was thoroughly discussed. It was generally felt that although it might benefit a few local members it would not ease congestion at weekends and would possibly result in a loss of revenue. It was agreed that at present the idea of five day membership would not be entertained.

The question of the local rule No 2 re driving from the 5th, 6th, 14th or 15th tees was discussed. Bearing in mind that a new issue of cards had been printed it was decided to leave it as it is.

A drawing of the door for the strong room was promised by Mr Bunce next week and it would be passed to Mr Shiner who would obtain an estimate of the cost of making it.

The letter from the Planning Authority regarding the positioning of a caravan was read and it was agreed that a definite answer should be received from Crockford before proceeding further.

The Greens Committee was elected.

The item of increasing the subscriptions, brought to the AGM was considered. It was agreed it should be left for the present until the position of Crockford and his caravan had been settled.

The Committee were reminded by Mr Valentine of the improved appearance of the Clubhouse due to the carpet provided by Mrs Reeves. It was thought this should be purchased and Mr Valentine agreed to deal with this and report back.

Wednesday, June 15th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

The secretary stated that he had not received the balance of the subscription by the end of April as promised from the member who had not paid their subscriptions so it was agreed to send the member another letter and consider the matter at the next meeting.

Regarding the steel door, Mr Shiner reported that he had received a sketch and had produced an estimate of £20 excluding the lock and the work of construction had been put in hand and this was agreed to as was the obtaining of a firm estimate for building the strong room.

It was noted that the cladding had not been started although Mr Pink had promised it weeks ago. It was agreed to write to Mr Pink.

The Secretary reported upon a letter he had received from Stubbs & Son offering 50 acres of land adjoining the club saying that he had contacted Stubbs who had promised further details. These had not been forthcoming and the local news was that the land had been purchased by Mr Rowsell of North End Farm, Droxford. The Secretary promised to make further enquiries.

Mr Parrett, the Chairman of the Greens Committee reported on the action taken on purchasing a second-hand Hayterette rotary cutter for use with the tractor and would cut down all the rough. He was opposed to the semi-rough being cut with the gang mowers and this tool which costs £260 new could be had for £65 from Mr Wheatley who supplied the tractor and was a very good bargain. It was agreed that the cutter be purchased.

The action of the Greens Committee in spraying the fairways for daisies etc was confirmed.

It was reported that Mr Higgins was now spending a considerable time finding golf balls and even disposing of them elsewhere. It was decided that he should be written to informing him that the systematic searching for golf balls was forbidden as golf balls were the property of the golf club.

It was decided that a notice re one set of clubs per player should be printed and fixed on the outside board.

A letter was read from Mr Linnell regarding the disposal of the Dennis mower stating it was now useless and outside to rust away and he would like to cannibalise it for his use. It was stated the Dennis only needed a new armature and it was agreed his suggestion be not agreed to.

The Secretary promised a full report on membership for the next meeting and in the meantime it was agreed that the following be elected members: Mrs N Shaw, Mrs P Emery of Sholing, Miss A Kelly of Southsea.

Wednesday, July 20th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes, the Secretary reported the member who owed subscriptions had not paid the balance. It was agreed they be given one more week’s grace and in the event of non-payment he be automatically expelled from the Club.

Mr Parrett gave a further report on the Dennis machine and it was agreed that it would be better to dispose of it and that Mr Linnell be asked to make an offer for it.

The Secretary produced a sketch and estimate of £105 from J Millers & Sons Ltd for constructing the strong room and it was agreed that the estimate be accepted and the work be put in hand.

No progress had been made to cladding the clubhouse so it was decided that the Secretary approach Mr D Pink to expedite the work or if the firm was unwilling, to obtain another quotation.

Mr Parrett presented his report from the Greens Committee which was favourably received. He said the bunker slopes had been tackled and he had used his own rotavator. He suggested that the Club should purchase the latest type of machine for this type of work which was a ‘Flymo’ cutter which worked on the hovercraft principle. It was agreed that a Flymo machine costing £35-14-0 be purchased. Mr Parrett said that during the summer there was more than enough work on the course for one man and he was prepared to help in this way for a payment of 5/- per hour. After some discussion it was agreed that Mr Parrett be employed on the course for a period not exceeding twenty hours per week at 5/- per hour.

The Secretary reported that he had now got a definite answer from Crockford about the stationing of the caravan. The answer was negative due to 1) the insecurity as to the length of time the Planning Authority would allow it and 2) his wife was expecting a second child later this year and he thought this ruled it out. The Committee then discussed the question of erecting a permanent building on the course and it was agreed full information should be obtained if possible for the next meeting.

The Chairman brought up the question of green fees being lost on Mondays and Tuesdays when the Clubhouse was locked up about tea time by Crockford. Mr Trivess volunteered to lock up the Clubhouse later on these nights and his offer was accepted by the Committee.

The Secretary produced a list of about thirty applicants who wanted to join the club. It was agreed that at present only eleven should be accepted and it was left for the selection to be made by the Captain and Secretary.

It was proposed that from 1967 the rules of the Presidents’ trophy be altered so that to qualify a member should play and beat the professional. The payment for playing with the Professional to be 6/-. It was agreed to give this a trial.

Earlier in the meeting the Secretary reported that the green fees to date were £652 which was approximately £105 better than 1965 and also the credit balance at the bank was £1187-12-5.

Wednesday, August 17th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

It was reported that the President, Mr Valentine, was making satisfactory progress and would shortly leave hospital.

Arising from the minutes the following matters were dealt with:

An offer of £5 was received from Mr R W Linnell for the Dennis Machine and this was accepted.

The work on the strong room had been completed by Messrs J Miller & Sons Ltd including extra work agreed by the sub-committee i.e. a new door to clubhouse, shelving, new wooden floor etc and new match boarding on outside of concrete blocks as a camouflage on the outside. This latter item had been suggested by the local Police Sergeant.

The cladding of the clubhouse had been satisfactorily completed by Mr D Pink. The question of painting the eaves, gutters, verandah and all items not cladded was then discussed. It was agreed that a price be obtained from Messrs J Miller & Sons to rub down, touch up, and give two coats of white lead paint.

After discussing the question of a permanent building with the honorary auditor, the secretary had met the manager of Barclays Bank on the possibility of obtaining funds to finance the erection of a bungalow for the greenkeeper. Figures were produced which showed that expenditure for the rest of 1966 would amount to £1870 with an income of £2367. The cost of the bungalow would be £3000. The bank said that an overdraft of £2500 could be granted if the bank directors agreed. However the directors would not allow the overdraft because of a general credit squeeze so the building would have to be delayed or money obtained elsewhere. It was suggested that an appeal be made to members to loan the Club £100 each at the current rate of interest which would be repaid once an overdraft from the bank could be obtained. The secretary informed the meeting that he had applied for outline planning permission and after further discussion it was agreed that detail plans for a bungalow with three bedrooms and a garage be prepared and the whole question be put before a general meeting asking for their approval to the plans and the temporary borrowing from members.

In discussing the strong room the policy regarding the fruit machine was considered and the general feeling was that the Club should own the machine. So far this year £220 profit had been made of which Mrs Reeves had received half. The Secretary thought that Mrs Reeves would sell the machine for £50. It was agreed that the machine should be purchased for £50 and that the legal position re gaming machines should be looked into.

A letter was read from the Hants Alliance asking for permission to use the course on Thursday, March 2nd next. It was unanimously agreed to

A letter from the Southampton Post Office Golf Club was read asking permission to run a golf match in September. It was agreed to allow this and the tee to be reserved for up to one hour. The question of catering being left to Mrs Reeves.

The Secretary read a statement regarding his activities on behalf of the club, asking for no discussion, but in effect notifying the Committee of his intention to resign at the next AGM.

Wednesday, September 21st, 1966 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes an estimate of £43 had been received from J Millers & Sons Ltd for the repainting of the previously painted surfaces of the Clubhouse and this was agreed to and to have this work done at once.

The Secretary said he would be having a meeting with the Fareham Police at the Club on Friday, next and would give a full report at the next meeting.

The Secretary reported that he had seen a report in the local newspaper that the application for a bungalow for the greenkeeper/ professional had been deferred with a suggestion that a new clubhouse should be planned incorporating a flat for the use of the greenkeeper. He read a letter received from the Area Planning Officer to this effect which suggested a meeting to discuss the implications. It was agreed that a sub-committee should meet the Planning Officer once the outside painting had been completed.

The present position re Membership was discussed when the secretary stated total membership was 226 (186 men, 40 women) with 44 unpaid subscriptions. It was decided to have a final ceiling of 500 members. It was agreed that the fifteen new applicants be accepted. The Secretary said he was going to send out a final reminder to the unpaid members.

Under any other business the Ladies Captain brought forward items regarding the use of their No 2 tee and the cutting of an alternative No 5 tee. Mr Parrett agreed to deal with these items straightaway and also look into alternative tees for the ladies. From this item a long discussion on labour for the course and winter programme ensued. Mr Parrett said under his present arrangement he would finish at the end of September but if he did the course would undoubtedly deteriorate and suggested that if the present condition was to continue he suggested he should keep on until the end of the year. It was agreed that this should be done.

Wednesday, October 19th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

The secretary reported that his meeting with the Police was in fact to make arrangements for the installation of their burglar alarm.

The sub-committee reported on their meeting with the Area Planning Officer and the view held was that the Planners did not want employee’s quarters as part of the new Clubhouse of the future but any quarters should be within the confines and perimeter of the Club buildings. The Area Planning Officer had been asked to give a sketch of how this could be done and had promised to do so. It was decided to await the Planning Officer’s next move.

The question of labour on the course was further considered and it was again agreed to leave it to the Chairman of the Greens Committee. A general plan of action through the winter was discussed beginning with the tees.

The question of installing the telephone at the Clubhouse was discussed. The general feeling was that it must be done and it was agreed to ask the G P O to proceed with the installation forthwith, the type to be coin-operated and shielded with a screen.

The secretary mentioned the Annual Dance saying he had not heard from Kimbells but as he wanted to get the tickets printed he hoped last year’s price of 35/- per ticket would be agreed upon.

A letter was read from I B M Southampton and it was agreed to allow their society to use the course on Friday, June 16th and July 14th for evening games. Both would be medal competitions and the charge to be those in operation in 1967.

A short discussion on membership took place when the Secretary said he was receiving numerous applications for membership. It was agreed that the four ladies i.e. Miss Jenkins, Mrs Henning, Mrs Pickett and Mrs Butt be elected forthwith.

Following a discussion on the possible dangers to players on the 13th tee it was agreed to get a notice to be fixed on the 12th tee stating that players should not drive from the 12th tee until the 13th was clear.

A suggestion that the ‘out of bounds’ position on the 8th and 17th holes was left to the Greens Committee and the Professional. It was thought that white posts might be beneficial but the boundary fences should be considered when this was done.

Mr Smith asked for a monthly statement on the fruit machine takings to be given to the Committee now that it was owned by the Club and this was agreed to.

Wednesday, November 16th, 1966 at the Clubhouse

Arising from the minutes, the secretary informed the Committee that the Police warning had been removed as it was urgently required at Alresford. Also that he was awaiting the promised plan from the Area Planning Officer. The secretary read a letter from the Southampton Telephone Manager stating their enquiries were taking longer than anticipated. A reply had been received and the actual application was completed by three members of the Committee. Mr Smith said he would arrange to have the new notice board for the 12th tee to be provided and painted by the firm who did similar work for him.

With regard to the Annual Dance the secretary reported that the menu agreed with Kimbells would cost 34/- per head which was 2/6 more than 1965 and was without wine. This was due to general increases and selective employment tax. The Secretary’s action was confirmed. It was agreed the menu cards should be printed and that Mr Borrow and Mr Pier be asked to propose the toast – the Club and response to the Guests and the Captain and Vice-Captain complete the list. It was decided not to hold a raffle.

The Secretary gave an account of the fruit machine takings as requested by the previous meeting. From January 1st, 1966 to August 1st the total was £255 of which half went to Mrs Reeves. From the date of purchase of the machine on September 1st to November 12th receipts were £74-3-0.

A letter was read which had been sent on November 1st to the Master and Huntsman of the Hambledon Hunt informing them that the course was ‘out of bounds’ to the Hunt. This had been done following damage to the course on October 29th and after the agreement of several Committee members. A reply from Cdr Mitchell in reply was read.

Letters were received from Thornycroft’s Golf Section to hold a competition on November 19th and Southampton Municipal Golfers Assn. to have two meetings during mid-week in 1967. These dates were accepted.

Under any other business Mr Goodall brought forward the question of crowding on Sunday mornings and after a long discussion it was agreed that, commencing on November 27th green fee players be not allowed to play on the course until after midday unless playing with a member.