Extracts from the Minutes for 1961
List of Meetings
- Sunday, March 19th, 1961 at the Clubhouse
- AGM, Sunday, April 16th, 1961
- Monday, May 1st, 1961 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 17th, 1961 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, August 21st, 1961 at the Clubhouse
Sunday, March 19th, 1961 at the Clubhouse
The meeting stood in silent memory of Mr E J West who had passed away suddenly in the last few days.
Arising from the minutes, the Captain reported upon the work done on the course which would be completed shortly.
The Secretary reported the receipt of a letter and plan from the County Surveyor where it was suggested the footpath leading from the southernmost boundary and leading diagonally across the course to Steins Cottage should be extinguished from its commencement to where it joins the 6th fairway and a new path be formed from this patter point leading direct to the highway passed the Clubhouse. A thorough discussion took place and it was thought a path near the Clubhouse and then in front of the 9th green was out of the question. It was agreed that no alterations to footpaths be made.
Mr Lewis, the auditor, presented the accounts and balance sheet and gave a full explanation saying that 1959 was a record year but this shad been exceeded in 1960.
It was decided to hold the AGM at the Clubhouse on Sunday, April 16th with the usual agenda.
Mr Goodall, the chairman of the Holding Company, then addressed the meeting. It was agreed that £200 be paid to the Holding Company for the redemption of debentures.
A discussion on the balance in the bank and whether it should be invested in part was made. Mr Hall thought it was unwise to have a large sum in a current account. Mr Bunce suggested putting £50 into Premium Bonds. It was decided to reconsider the position at the end of June.
The questions of club fixtures and the display thereof was raised by Mr Lutman. The Secretary stated details of the recent Evening News competition and said despite the notice being displayed for one week only seven entered. Mr Pink kindly agreed to make and donate a fixture board.
Mr Parker brought up the untidy and wet state of the entrance to the Clubhouse. It was undoubtedly the worst it had ever been and he thought crazy paving would look well and be effective. It was agreed to leave this to the new Committee.
Regarding items for consideration at the AGM it was decided to put forward the following proposition “That the respective fees for Sundays and Bank Holidays be also charged for Saturdays and the reduction in weekly fees after 5pm be abolished”.
AGM, Sunday, April 16th, 1961
The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and 31 members attended.
The Captain gave his report upon the Club’s activities during the year saying that from a financial angle whilst 1959 had been a record year 1960 had even surpassed it. From a playing point of view the club had played 8 matches, wining 6 and losing 2. The Club premises had been improved by putting in a new front and new furniture and progress was being made with the alternatives and improved fairways. He thanked the Secretary and members of the Committee for their assistance during his year and commenting on the improved condition of the course he referred to the sterling work of Mr Reeves and Mrs Reeves concerning catering. In conclusion he thanked all members for making his year of office a memorable and happy one. The report was received with acclamation.
Mr Lewis, the auditor, explained the Balance Sheet and congratulated the club upon its strong financial position. It was agreed that Mr Lewis should receive his usual token of twelve golf balls.
The election of Officers for the ensuing year then took place with the following results: President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr D Pink. Vice-Captain – Mr C F Lutman, Hon. Secretary and Treasurer – Mr F Lindley, Hon. Auditor – Mr A G P Lewis. Other members of the Committee were elected.
It was agreed that the honorarium to be paid to the honorary secretary in respect of travelling expenses etc should be as last year i.e. £25.
The new Captain explained that one of the difficulties experienced last year was the display of events, notices of matches etc and he therefore presented a new events board which he then produced which would obviate any difficulty. This was accepted with a vote of thanks from all members.
Under any other business brought forward by the Committee the following proposition was put forward “That the respective green fees for Sundays and Bank Holidays be also charged for Saturdays and the reduction of weekly green fees of 2/- per round after 5pm be abolished”. It was carried unanimously.
Mr Bunce suggested and the meeting agreed that a vote of thanks be recorded to the Ladies who had sold the raffle tickets at the recent Dance.
Before the meeting closed Mr H W Clark referred to the recent sad loss the club had suffered by the death of Mr E G West. A brief silence was observed.
Monday, May 1st, 1961 at the Clubhouse
The statement of accounts for the Dance held on March 3rd was circulated. The profit was £36-18-8. Everyone felt the dance had been a success. Following a discussion on the venue of the Dance it was agreed that the Drill Hall was becoming more cramped and unsuitable and the Secretary was asked to enquire from the Portsmouth Corporation and Kimbells regarding the Rock Gardens and Kimbells.
The following applications for membership were confirmed: Mrs Harben of Twyford, Cdr Stephens of Droxford, N C H Stephens of Droxford, P W Dacombe of Chandler’s Ford, H Fairbairn of Meonstoke, W D Pain of Southampton, D Millbourn of West Meon.
The Secretary referred to the minutes of the meeting held on March 13th, 1960 when it was agreed that the wages of the Greenkeeper and Stewardess should be reviewed once the clubhouse had been altered and furnished providing the club’s financial position was satisfactory. It was agreed that a gross increase of £1 per week be paid making the total £9-10-0 but an amendment to increase the total wages to £10 a week was carried by six votes to three. Arising from this discussion it was agreed that the views of Mr Lewis, the auditor, be obtained regarding Reeves’ insurance stamp and P A Y E.
Referring to the last meeting it was decided that the front of the clubhouse be paved with concrete paving to a width of three feet and that a maximum of £15 be allowed for materials. It was agreed that the work should be before next winter and that the Vice-Captain, Mr Lutman, be in charge of operations.
The election of the various sub-committees (Green, Handicap, Social, Bar) took place.
The Secretary reported the Mr Newhouse had approached him regarding the depredations and increase in rabbits and that he was joining the rabbit clearance society and he wondered if the club would also join. It was agreed that further information should be obtained before reaching a decision.
Under other items for consideration the question of altering the bar was discussed and it was decided that a sub-committee be formed to go into this question.
Mr Clark mentioned the nuisance from dogs and said the notice board had made no difference as certain members and visitors still exercised their dogs. He said he did not object to dogs provided they were kept under control and it was agreed that the notice board be altered to include “unless under control”.
Mr Clark also drew the attention of the Green Committee to the possibility of the alternative on the 9th being on the flat platform on the right of the fairway and still keeping it a short hole.
Monday, July 17th, 1961 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary read a letter from the Meon Valley Rabbit Clearance Society Ltd stating the annual subscription to be 1/3d per acre plus £1 membership share. The Society employ two full-time men and generally members five to six visits each year. The cost to the Club would be 66 acres at 1/3 plus the £1 share – a total of £5-2-6. It was agreed that we become members of the society.
The Secretary reported upon a meeting he had attended when representatives of the County Council and Droxford Parish Council met regarding the diversion of the footpath on Mr Silvester’s ground. Footpath 5 which crosses the golf course was traversed and it was suggested application should be made to divert the footpath so that it skirted the southern boundary of Field No 15 and Shepherd’s Copse. This would benefit all concerned and also avoid the cultivated portion. It was agreed that an application be made to the Parish Council for the alteration to Footpath 5.
It was agreed that the following be elected members of the club: Mr & Mrs B Jackson of Southampton, Mr & Mrs G Piper of Burridge, Mr J Hughes, Dukes Experimental Farm, Upper Swanmore, Miss Jennifer Sydes, Bishop’s Waltham.
It was agreed to hold an Open Meeting on September 17th or 24th under the same conditions as last year, the date being decided so as not to clash with Hockley.
As agreed at the March meeting, the Secretary reported upon the financial position of the Club. He said the present balance was £971-19-8 but £55-6-3 was owing to Watneys, £80 to Mr Banting on behalf of Cowplain Gardeners and £60 for wages. Apart from the rent of £120 due in September nothing exceptional would have to be paid out. The question of a new tractor was thoroughly discussed and it was decided that the Captain, Mr Banting and Mr Reeves would investigate the position and report to the next meeting which would be held in a month’s time. It was agreed that £700 be transferred to the deposit account.
The question of holding a dance in Southsea was again discussed and the Secretary gave details he had received from Kimbells Ltd. It was agreed the Secretary should obtain further information.
Monday, August 21st, 1961 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary reported that the club was now a member of the Meon Valley Rabbit Clearance Society and that £700 had been paid into the Club’s new deposit account.
The Chairman and Mr Banting gave a report on their actions regarding the purchase of a tractor and equipment. A 1955 Ferguson Tractor guaranteed for three months could be purchased from Holloway Hanson Ltd of Chichester for the sum of £225 and that a second-hand cutter probably from Hants CC work might shortly be obtainable from Wadham’s at £30. Mr E W Wheatley joined the meeting and gave his personal and practical views for which he was thanked by the Chairman. It was generally agreed that a tractor should be purchased and Mr Wheatley though it should be easy to purchase one in the spring. It was agreed that the purchase of a tractor had been considered and it be deferred until February next but that a suitable second hand cutter be purchased now.
It was agreed that a supper dance be held at Kimbells, Southsea on Friday, December 8th, the tickets to cost one guinea each.
The Chairman brought forward the question of improvements to the bar stating that this had been briefly mentioned two or three months ago. He had discussed it with Mr Banting who thought that for an expenditure of £80 to £100 a new permanent bar within the present bar and kitchen could be built. Mr Lutman was strongly opposed to this and said that looking ahead it would be better to build a new kitchen and bar attached to the roadside of the clubhouse. This suggestion seemed to find favour generally and it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to investigate and report back.
Mr Hall brought forward the question of score cards and after the Secretary had explained the position it was agreed the greenkeeper should keep them issuing a few as required. It was also agreed to fill the pot holes on the junction of the entrance and the public highway with hogging and this was left to Mr Banting.