Extracts from the Minutes for 1960
List of Meetings
- Sunday, January 3rd, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, February 28th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, March 13th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, April 17th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- AGM, Sunday, May 8th, 1960
- Sunday, May 22nd, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 25th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, August 8th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
- Tuesday, October 18th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
Sunday, January 3rd, 1960 at the Clubhouse
This being an emergency meeting the Secretary explained that the reason for calling the meeting was as follows :- Mr Newhouse, the new owner of Hazelholt Park (former owner Cdr Wynne Owen) was willing to cultivate the three pieces of land concerned but two additional items had arisen. Firstly the farm was to be used for raising stock and would not be arable and he would put the three portions down to grass and after taking a hay crop he would not graze. Secondly he would like to run penned sheep over the course.
A general discussion ensued and it was pointed out that the portion fronting the main road would present difficulty with parked cars during the summer and that some fencing would have to be provided. The possibility of a ditch or a deep furrow was considered. The question of sheep grazing was received with mixed feelings realising the benefit to the course but also the inconvenience and filth that is left. If the sheep were confined to the rough it would be better. Finally it was agreed that Mr Newhouse be allowed to act as agent of the Club in the same terms as the previous owner and that for a trial he could graze sheep to keep the rough down providing they were penned. The question of fencing was deferred until the position arose.
Sunday, February 28th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary stated that the meeting had primarily been called because of the development that had arisen between the Club and the new owner of Hazelholt Park, Mr Newhouse. Mr Newhouse had agreed to act as agent for the Club re the three portions of land but in his letter had stated that any notice to terminate to be ineffective as long as Mr Newhouse holds the £1000 of the Estate Company. However since the meeting had been called, Mr Newhouse realised that he was dealing with two different entities and had decided not to take over Wynne Owen’s debentures so he asked for that point to be deleted. The Secretary also stated that no sheep would be grazed this year and that the three portions would be cultivated this year and not immediately put down to grass. This would remove, at least temporarily, the question of fencing the land north of the fourth hole.
The statement re the Annual dance was presented and showed a profit of £39-19-0 as against £34-19-9 of the previous year. The expenses were increased by the extra cost of the hall and the high cost of engaging an orchestra.
Regarding the 1960 Dance the Secretary reported that he had applied for the Hall at Titchfield on December 27th and had heard that it was not available two months later. Upon consulting Major Graper he had found that the reason was the possibility of the Unit needing it on New Year’s Eve but if an enquiry was made about August the Club would have first refusal. A discussion ensued regarding the possibility of holding a Dinner and Dance and finally it was decided to put the question before the next AGM.
The following applications for membership were confirmed: Miss Holson of Bishop’s Waltham, Mr & Mrs Swell of Bishop’s Waltham, Master N Duke (Junior Member).
Mrs Valentine then reported upon the question of furnishing of the Clubhouse. It was thought the club premises should definitely be decorated as well as new furnishings. It was agreed that Mr Banting be asked to estimate for the decorations, also removing the whole side of the building substituting large windows the whole length thereof. It was also incorporated that Mrs Valentine should approach Mr Jeffery (a club member) re the cost of furnishings. It was thought in view of the urgency that a meeting of the Committee should be held a fortnight today at 6pm.
The chairman brought forward Mr David Silvester’s playing on the course without payment and that he had contacted him in this and his membership. It was decided that the Secretary should write to him enclosing an application from for membership and that the payment of the entrance fee be waived.
The question of the Greenkeeper’s remuneration was discussed. The weekly wages are £8, which includes £2-10-0 as steward and it was generally agreed that some increase was necessary. It was also mentioned that the National Insurance dues were paid by the Greenkeeper which was approx. 10/- per week. It was agreed that an immediate increase of 10/- per week be paid and depending upon the financial position of the club after the clubhouse had been improved the question of a further increase be considered.
The Secretary said he would approach the Master of the Hunt so that arrangements could be made to the joint advantage of the Club and the Hunt.
Sunday, March 13th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
Mr Banting presented his estimate for alterations to the Clubhouse comprising full-length four plate glass windows with window seats on the inside, and the complete decoration of the Clubhouse including the bar for a sum of £130. It was agreed that, as the price was very reasonable, the work should be put in hand as soon as possible.
Mrs Valentine produced illustrations of furnishing, chairs etc. and reported Mr Jeffery’s suggestions. It was agreed that to provide carpets would be too expensive but some of the existing chairs could be cleaned and repaired. Finally it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed with power to act and spend a sum not exceeding £70 on furniture, furnishings etc..
Mr Banting expressed the hope that the work to the Clubhouse etc should be completed in time for the Ladies Open Meeting.
Sunday, April 17th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
Mr A G P Lewis, the honorary auditor, was present and he fully explained the Balance Sheet etc.
It was agreed that the AGM should be held on May 8th with an agenda as in 1959.
After a long discussion re temporary members and the fees it was agreed to put before the AGM that a temporary member for 3 months should pay £2-10-0 instead of £2 and a six months fee should be £3-15-0 instead of £2-10-0.
AGM, Sunday, May 8th, 1960
The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and 39 members attended.
The Captain gave his annual report upon the club’s activities. He thanked the members for attending and he said he would be handing over to the newly-elected Captain when the club and the course was in the best position it has been since the War. The financial position is excellent, the loan for the Clubhouse has been paid off and your Committee have decided to spend some money on certain alterations to the clubhouse and on re-furnishing. The debenture situation as reported at the last AGM has resolved itself; some have been repaid and others agreed to a five to ten year extension. Mr Valentine then mentioned the course saying that the hot summer was almost a disaster for the greens and that expert advice had been taken and the results were now bearing fruit. During the last week the fairways had been sprayed to get rid of daisies, dandelions and the course generally looks cleaner for which thanks are due to Mr Reeves the greenkeeper. The usual matches had been played and Mr Valentine asked for more interest to be taken and continue the competitions to get them completed and so avoid cancellation. The Captain’s report was received with acclamation.
It was agreed that the balance sheet as circulated to all members be adopted and it was also agreed that Mr Lewis should receive his usual dozen golf balls.
The election of officers for the ensuing year took place with the following results: President – R P Chester, Captain – Mr F Banting, Vice captain – Mr D Pink.
The rest of the Committee were elected.
The ballot for the office of Honorary Secretary and Treasurer resulted in Mr F Lindley being re-elected to that position, the unsuccessful candidate being Mr D W Baker.
The Honorary Auditor, Mr A G P Lewis was re-elected.
It was agreed that the honorarium to be paid for the past year to the Hon. Sec and Treasurer be as previous year’s i.e. £25 in respect of out of pocket expenses and travelling.
Under any other business brought forward by the Committee or members who had given ten days notice it was proposed by the Committee that the fees for temporary members be raised from £2 to £2-10-0 for three months and from £2-10-0 to £3-15-0 for six months. Mr Bunce said that whilst he was in agreement with this he thought the green fees for Sundays and Bank Holidays should also be increased in view of the crowded conditions on Sundays. He therefore moved an amendment to the Committee’s proposition that the green fees on Sundays and Bank Holidays be increased to 10/- all day or 7/6 if playing with a member.
It was agreed that the Ladies Captain and Secretary be ex-officio members of the Committee.
After a discussion on holding a Dinner and Dance it was finally agreed that a dance only be held but at a different venue.
Mr W D Scott proposed that the trees on the first fairway and in line of the 2nd be removed but this was howled down. His other suggestion that alternatives be provided was agreed to and this was left to the Committee.
Mr Parrett’s proposition that an arrangement be made to enable members to obtain Tees, Balls, cigarettes and matches at all times was discussed an this was left to the Committee for action.
During the meeting the newly-elected Captain, Mr F Banting was presented with a Captain’s Tie by Mr J W Valentine and at the end Mr Banting presented the President’s Cup and the Valentine Trophy to the winner for 1959 – Mr Dennis Pink.
Sunday, May 22nd, 1960 at the Clubhouse
The election of members to the Green Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee and Bar Committee took place.
The Secretary brought forward Mr Parrett’s proposition put to the recent AGM that tees, balls, cigarettes and matches be available at all times. A long discussion took place, it being pointed out that the Steward was responsible financially for the bar and that it could not be left open neither was it wise to leave these items in the Clubhouse. Varying views were put forward. It was proposed that the Steward should be available over the lunch period(12 to 2pm) on Saturdays and Sundays. The voting was equal and the Chairman gave his casting vote against the proposition.
The Secretary mentioned the position of the 1959 Clark Cup competition which was not completed there being eight members left in the competition. Mr Baker thought the sweep should be divided amongst the eight concerned, Mr Bunce disagreeing saying that some of the eight were responsible for the delays. The Secretary thought the club should certainly not lose the entrance fees and it was agreed that the club should bath the entrance fees and the sweep.
Future competitions were then discussed and it was agreed that a Competitions Committee be formed with powers to act in all capacities regarding the running of competitions.
Monday, July 25th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
It was agreed that Mr A H Ives and Dr Megany(???) be elected members of the club.
It was agreed that the Open Meeting be held on Sunday, September 18th with a Medal competition in the morning and a Mixed Foursomes competition in the afternoon. All other arrangements to be as last year, i.e. entrance fees, meals, prizes, etc..
A discussion took place on the findings of the last Green Committee and the members toured the course and discussed the proposals re alternate tees. It was agreed that a meeting should be held on Monday, August 8th to discuss the various proposals.
Monday, August 8th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary reported that he had arranged for the plate glass windows to be insured and had asked for particulars for increased cover in respect of the fire insurance for the Clubhouse, dressing rooms and professional’s shop.
The Chairman and Mr Bunce gave particulars of he probable cost of fitting Venetian blinds to the four new windows and it was though that this would not cost more than £30. It was agreed that the Captain should arrange through Messrs Dibbens for blinds to be provided and fitted.
The question of planting trees on the roadside was discussed bearing mind that the wood on the other side of the road was being cleared. It was agreed to leave to a later meeting after all the wood had been cleared.
The Committee then commenced the main purpose of the meeting namely to discuss the question of alternate tees and alterations to the course. The Chairman thought it would be an excellent idea to have trees and bushes particularly on the 5th and 8th removed whilst the bulldozer was working near the course and that he might obtain terms advantageous to the Club. The Committee then toured the course and agreed to the following works:
1. New tee for the 1st hole, left of the 9th green.
2. New tee for the 2nd hole about 50 yards down the road from the existing tee.
3. New tee for the 3rd hole, 50 yards from the 5th green left hand bunker
4. New tee and lengthened hole for the 5th, the new tee being opposite the 4th green.
5. New tee for the 6th hole between the second green and the present 6th tee playing over the Ladies tee.
6. New tee for the 8th hole, in the corner near the wood and all bushes that have overgrown the wood to be moved.
7. New tee on the 9th hole, making a three bogey and a clearance provided from the 8th green to the new tee for access.
8. Certain bushes on the 2nd and 6th holes to be removed when the new tees are provided.
The Committee unanimously agreed to these proposals and it was left to the Captain and Vice-Captain with Waterlooville Plant Hire to have the bushes removed and tees prepared. It was thought the new tees(1st,2nd,5th,8th) would need raising and when ready for finishing with turf this should be done using turf from the course. The figure of £100 to £125 was mentioned as a maximum for all the work envisaged.
Tuesday, October 18th, 1960 at the Clubhouse
Arising from the minutes, the Secretary reported that the insurance company had suggested that the values of the Clubhouse and contents, the Dressing Rooms and professional’s shop were too low and they suggested they should be £1000, £150 and £100 respectively. This action was agreed and the cost would be reported later.
The bulldozing on the course was now completed and the Chairman reported this had been done at a cost of £20 which had now been paid to the contractors. The meeting thought the work remaining could be divided into (a) shaping and completion of new tees and (b) completion of fairways on the 5th and 8th holes. It was agreed that the Captain and Vice-Captain should consult with Mr M Gamblin, the agricultural engineer, and get his advice together with price.
The Secretary presented the accounts for the 1960 Open Meeting which showed a loss of £4-7-8 as against £6-1-10 in 1959. This would have been less if the percentage on the sweeps had been deducted as in former years. It was though that the Open Meeting, apart from the finance, had been a success.
The Secretary brought forward for consideration the position of the Club and the Hambledon Hunt which had recently damaged the course and unfortunately not for the first time. This was at the request of the AGM of the Estate Company. After discussion it was agreed that the Captain, Greenkeeper and Secretary should meet the Master of the Hunt and afterwards report back on the discussion.
Mr Pink brought forward the question of dogs being brought on to and fouling the course. A length discussion took place and finally it was agreed that a notice be provided and fixed stating “Corhampton Golf Club – Private – Dogs not allowed on the Course”.
The question of holding an annual dance was discussed, the Secretary pointing out that some members had suggested a different venue at the last AGM. It was agreed that a Dance be held at the Drill Hall, Titchfield on Friday, January 27th, 1961.
A letter was read from J W Valentine regarding the existing mowing machines in use suggesting that the Dennis be sold. It was agreed to leave the question over to the next meeting when it was hoped Mr Valentine would be present to explain his point of view.