Minutes 1959

Extracts from the Minutes for 1959

List of Meetings

  • Monday, April 27th, 1959 at the Clubhouse
  • AGM, Sunday, May 3rd, 1959
  • Sunday, November 1st, 1959 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, November 16th, 1959 at the Clubhouse

Monday, April 27th, 1959 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary said that he had discussed ownership of the Machine with Mr Reeves and H W Clark and that they had refused the offer of the Club to buy them out. He also said that Mr Reeves had informed him that day that the second share owned by the late Captain was held nominally by Mr H W Clark but any proceeds went to Mr S Clark’s son i.e. Mr David Clark. A long discussion ensued and views were expressed that no new owner should be permitted or anyone not a member of the club ought to benefit. It was generally thought that if the Club could not purchase the machine it would be better if the forty percent share went solely to Mr Reeves as it would augment his income as Greenkeeper. Finally it was agreed that after considering all possibilities that the conditions of ownership and division of profits remain the same.

Mr Lewis presented the income and expenditure for 1958. He remarked that subscriptions were up, green fess etc had reached the record sum of £216 and bar profits were satisfactory although he thought the bar sales could be increased. To offset the items wages were up £37. Tractor repairs amounted to £136 due principally to overhauling the gang mowers and the Green’s mower whilst there had been no St. Leger sweepstake and the Dance profits were £35 down compared with 1957. Nevertheless the club was in a sound financial position and the net surplus was £21-3-0 for the year.

Mr Lewis gave a résumé of the Holding Company’s activities stating that 1960 was the expiry date of the present debentures and that he would like the Club to repay £80 which with £20 the Company had would allow them to repay two debentures. Mr Goodall also confirmed Mr Lewis’s remarks. Mr Pink stated that in view of the importance of 1960 regarding debenture holder that he was prepared to loan the Club the Fordson tractor for another year. It was agreed that £80 be paid to the Holding Company to repay debenture holders.

The Secretary reported that in order to save time that he had arranged for the AG M to be held on Sunday, May 3rd and had put the requisite notice on the notice board and had sent out agendas and the balance sheet later. This was confirmed as were the items for the meeting.

A letter was read from Miss Jacobs regarding the loss of her trolley and the provision of a suitable shed for them. It was decided that as there was no general need for a shed and that years ago Miss Jacobs had been told what to do with her trolley, she should arrange with the Greenkeeper. If need be this to be reported at the AGM.

The following applications for membership were agreed to: A H Howard of Upham, Miss P M Jones of Shirrell Heath, Group Capt. Fulljames of Curdridge, P Pyle of Fareham, Raymond Veck of Bishop’s Waltham, A C Barber (Junior Member), R Couldry, Southsea.

AGM, Sunday, May 3rd, 1959

The meeting was held a the Clubhouse and 27 members attended.

For information, the Secretary read the letter he had received from Commander L Wynne-Owen re the three portions of cultivated land. In it he stated that he would act as agent for the club in working the land paying no rent but keeping the land clean, in good health and fee from weed. He agreed to vacate the land when required to do so by the Club subject to reasonable notice, i.e. not less than twelve months. Cdr Wynne-Owen said the land needs a great deal of cleaning and fertilising but in the course of time it should produce useful crops and when such crops show a reasonable profit he would be pleased to make a donation to the Club.

Mr Valentine then gave a report upon the Club’s activities during the year. Unfortunately the Club had lost two of its oldest members, Mr S Clark, the Captain of the Club and Mr Rosher. All present stood in silence as a token of respect. Although not wishing to encroach upon the next item concerning the Balance Sheet he felt he must mention the large expenditure upon mechanical equipment during the year and he hoped that the improvement in the condition of the course would be maintained. Mr Valentine expressed thanks to Mr Pink for loaning his Fordson tractor to help the club out of a difficulty. He continued by thanking the Secretary and Committee and looked forward to a happy and prosperous year.

The Balance Sheet as explained by Mr Lewis was approved.

The election of officers for the ensuing year then took place with the following results: President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr J W Valentine, Vice Captain – Mr F Banting, Hon Secretary – Mr F Lindley, Hon Auditor – Mr H G Lewis.

The remainder of the Committee were elected.

It was agreed that Mr Lewis be given twelve Dunlop balls as last year.

It was agreed that the honorarium to the Secretary in respect of travelling and expenses be the same as last year i.e. £25.

Under any other business brought forward after due notice had been given Miss D Jacobs reported that her Golf Trolley had been stolen from the unlocked tractor shed and suggested that a suitable place be provided for them. The Secretary said that some years ago Miss Jacobs had been given permission to use one of sheds and provide a key at her own expense. It was proposed that as Miss Jacobs was the only person who regularly left her trolley on the course that she be allowed to leave it in the Ladies’ room. An amendment was proposed and agreed to that the matter be referred to the Ladies Committee and reported direct to the General Committee.

Mr Newbury rose to ask a question and in view of the short posted notice to members it was agreed that the fourteen day rule re questions be waived. Mr Newbury then asked that the tabulated results of the monthly medals for the President’s Trophy be put on the Notice Board and this was agreed to.

Mr Linnell then asked about the alterations to the old cricket pavilion and shelters. he was informed that the Committee had instructed a builder to put this work in hand forthwith.

Mr Freemantle then mentioned that the club always required money and had the possibility of Jumble sales been considered. It was decided that this should be dealt with by the General Committee in due course.

The Secretary reported upon the latest position re the machine and it was agreed that the question of ownership should not be pursued further and that the matter should rest.

The decision had been received from the Ladies’ Committee that after full discussion they still adhered to their former decision namely that Miss Jacobs’ trolley or any other trolley would not be allowed to be kept in the Ladies’ Room.

The general need for storing trolleys was discussed and it was agreed that a new lock be purchased and a charge of 5/- per annum made to Miss Jacobs or any other member who required this facility. The Secretary then stated that with regard to the case in question he knew that the Greenkeeper had made arrangements for the safe storage of her trolley.

It was agreed that the vacancy on the Committee should be filled by co-opting Mr R F Rowe who had been an active member last year.

The election of the various sub-committees took place namely the Green Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee, Bar Committee.

It was agreed that the following be elected members of the Club: Major K Hurst of Warnford, Mr W D Scott of New Soberton.

The Secretary suggested that the changing of the Club’s bankers from Lloyds to Barclays bearing in mind the local manager of Barclays and his wife had been playing members of the club for some years whereas Lloyds had no playing connection with the Club. It was agreed that the matter should be dealt with at the next meeting.

It was agreed that this year’s Open meeting should be held on Sunday, Sept. 13th with similar arrangements as last year. It was agreed that the entrance fees be increased to 5/- per player for the Medal Competition and 7/6 per couple for the Mixed Foursomes.

Sunday, November 1st, 1959 at the Clubhouse

The Secretary report the statement in respect of the 1959 Open Meeting which showed a loss of £6-1-10. This was considered satisfactory bearing in mind the large reduction in entries compared with 1958 (loss £17-15-8) which was due to saving in the cost of prizes and the increased entrance fees.

The Secretary reported upon the financial position of the Club. The bank statement showed a balance of £595-14-10 but various amounts not settled since then showed a true balance of £476-17-3. The Secretary pointed out that the Green Fees this year already amounted to £284 and the entire Committee were well satisfied with the financial position. Following the discussion at the last meeting re Bankers and bearing mind that for years the local manager of Barclays and his wife had been members whereas it was six years since Lloyds Bank had had a member in the Club it was agreed unanimously that the Club’s Bankers should be Messrs Barclays.

The confirmation of new members of the club since June was agreed to as follows: Lady Gilchrist of Durley, Master Gilchrist as a Junior Member, E J Gelps of Church Cookham, Capt Fenn Smith of Swanmore.

The Secretary reported upon the arrangements for the Annual Dance to be held on New Year’s Eve and similar arrangements as last year were agreed to.

It was reported that the Holding Company asked to hold a joint meeting with the Committee and it was agreed that this should take place at some convenient time and place.

Various matters were brought up by members as follows: Condition of Greens – would be having the autumn feed as soon as possible. Temporary membership fees etc were discussed and agreed that further consideration should be given to this in time for the next AGM. Entrance to Club Premises – agreed that Mr Banting should be asked to fill up the various pot holes. Stove – agreed to purchase a similar Fyreside stove for use in the Ladies’ Room. Furniture for Club Premises – agreed to accept Mrs Banting’s offer of a settee, the Club paying for loose covers. Also that Mrs Banting and Mrs Valentine should prepare a report for submission to this Committee upon the necessity for repairing, renewing or providing extra furniture for the Clubhouse.

Monday, November 16th, 1959 at the Clubhouse

Mr F G P Lewis and Mr R G Reeves representing the Holding Company were also in attendance.

Mr Lewis gave a detailed explanation regarding the debenture holders and their willingness or otherwise to extend the debentures for a further period. He said that Cdr Wynne Owen (£1000) and Mr R P Chester (£1000) were willing to extend for a further period of ten years and five years respectively but Mr Bond and Mrs Ashton who each held £50 debentures wished to be repaid in Jan 1960 and Mr Ashton in Jan 1961. In addition Mr J R Brooks had been non-committal regarding his £100 debentures. The holding company had approximately £100 in hand and he wanted to hear the views of the Committee regarding repayment. After various people had stated their views it was finally decided that the debentures of Mr & Mrs Ashton and Mr Bond be repaid as soon as possible. It was unanimously agreed that the Club should pay £150 to the Holding Company to enable this to be done.