Extracts from the Minutes for 1958
List of Meetings
- Sunday, April 6th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
- AGM, Sunday, May 4th, 1958
- Sunday, May 25th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, June 22nd, 1958 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, October 5th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, November 23rd, 1958 at the Clubhouse
Sunday, April 6th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
Mr F P St Maur of Swanmore, Mr Harrison of Fareham were elected members of the club and Mr Goodall a junior member.
The Secretary submitted the account re the Annual Dance which showed a profit of £69-14-9 and the meeting agreed it had been a very successful dance from all points of view.
Mr Lewis, the honorary auditor, and Mr Goodall, Chairman of the holding company attended the meeting. Mr Lewis said the annual surplus for 1957 was £75-15-2 which was satisfactory although less than the previous year. There was an all-round increase in most items for expenditure and in addition the Club premises had been painted at a cost of £40.
It was agreed that the AGM should be held on the first Sunday in May with the usual items on the Agenda.
The Secretary stated that he had made enquiries regarding the repair of the gang mower and that Mr K A Roseblade of Waterlooville, a mower specialist, said it would cost approx £150 to repair and in view of the type (wartime aerodrome use) he did not think it was justified. A new set would cost £285. The question of a tractor was then discussed an it was pointed out that Collett had used his own tractor which was now out of commission. It was though that of the two items the tractor must come first and it was agreed that we must make do with the gang mower for this year. the auditor thought that with the club balance and if no debentures were redeemed this year a tractor costing up to £250 could safely be purchased. Finally it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed with power to act. It was thought Mr Silvester and Mr Wheatley could be asked for advice.
The cultivation of the three portions of the course now vacated by Collett was then discussed. Mr Clark said he knew of two farmers, Mr S Horn and Mr Hall who would at least take on the eight acres adjoining the 4th, free for this year and paying a contribution in the following years if the cultivation was profitable. Mr Goodall gave the view of the Company and pointed out the question of termination of tenancy was the stumbling block. It was agreed that this should be left until the AGM and an item put on the Agenda.
The Secretary reported that the Droxford Tennis Club had given their hut to the club and that it had been moved to the course. All arrangements had been made by Mr Freemantle and a vote of thanks was agreed should be sent to the Tennis Club. It was decided that Mr Banting should have it erected.
AGM, Sunday, May 4th, 1958
The meeting was held at the Clubhouse and 35 members attended.
The Captain gave his report upon the last year’s activities mentioning the financial position of the Club, the successful New Year’s Eve Dance, the agricultural policy pointing out that despite the doubts and fears expressed by some of our members that Collett has given up the ground for reasons best known to himself. Regarding competitions and matches the Captain mentioned the successful open meeting last September but said out of ten matches only two had been won and one drawn. In conclusion the Captain paid a tribute to the Committee and thanked them for their cooperation and assistance during his term of office.
Mr Lewis, the honorary auditor, reported that although there was an all-round increase in expenditure on most items and although the profit was not as great as in the previous year the Club was in a sound financial position.
The Election of Officers for the ensuing year took place with the following results: President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr S Clark, Vice-Captain – Mr R G Reeves, Hon. Secretary & Treasurer – F Lindley, Hon Auditor – H G P Lewis.
It was agreed that the honorarium to the Secretary in respect of travelling and expenses be the same as last year i.e. £25.
It was also agreed that Mr Lewis be presented with twelve Dunlop 65 golf balls.
The Secretary said the members were aware that two parcels of land on the course had already been ploughed up and he apologized for taking actions without the direction of the meeting but he felt sure his action would be confirmed after hearing his explanation. Almost a month ago the Committee had discussed this subject at a meeting where the Chairman and Secretary of the Holding Company present as it was apparent something must be done to keep out picnickers etc and prevent complaints of weeds from adjoining owners. Two offers were received from farmers to cultivate the main road plot either on tenancy agreement or on a voluntary basis. the difficulty of the Club obtaining possession when required and possible compensation was the stumbling block bearing in mind the views expressed at the previous general meetings. Finally it was decided to leave it till this meeting. The Secretary continuing said that shortly after Easter Wing Cdr Wynne Owen of Hazelholt had approached a member asking what the club was doing with the main road plot as he had counted up to thirty cars on it on Easter Sunday and had spent all the holiday chasing people from his property. When later he was told that Collett had given it up and that two local farmers were interested in it, he was rather upset as he said he was vitally concerned and had helped the club by becoming a large debenture holder. He was prepared to use the land and accept any terms offered either renting or otherwise and would give up the ground on short notice without compensation. The Secretary discussed this with Committee members he had met and agreed that Cdr Wynne Owen should immediately plough up a narrow strip parallel to the road to prevent car parking. To his surprise the whole had been ploughed and he left it to the members whether he had acted in the best interests of the club.
The discussion was opened by Mr Goodall who said although he agreed with the result he thought the decision should have been left to this meeting. Mr Bunce and Mr Brooks also spoke on similar lines the latter also requiring a proper legal agreement. The Chairman and Secretary of the Holding Company that Cdr Wynne Owen could act as the Club’s agent and make a donation in lieu of rent and it was approved that an agreement be made on these lines.
The retiring captain presented the cups and trophies for the 1957 season at the conclusion of the meeting.
Sunday, May 25th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
The chairman welcomed the new members and congratulated Mr Hall on being elected chairman of the District Council.
The following sub-committees were elected: Green Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee, Bar Committee.
The report regarding the purchase of a tractor was given and Mr Pink said he and the Hon. Sec. had visited Hendy’s at Chandler’s Ford and examined a Ferguson costing £170 which was in excellent condition apart from the front tyres. It was thought some decent tyres could be put on. It was agreed that it should be purchased but before that it should be brought to the course and inspected by the Green Committee.
It was agreed that the gang mower should be examined by the Fareham Engineering Co. who were a very reliable firm and it would be interesting to compare the report with that of Mr Roseblade of Waterlooville.
The Captain said he had seen Mr T Duke who was prepared to spray the fairways for daisies and buttercups if the Club paid for the spraying mixture. Mr Valentine said this had been done some years ago and that as this would not cost more than £10 it was agreed to have this done.
A discussion took place about the condition of the course and all members expressed dissatisfaction with the present greenkeeper Collett. It was finally agreed that Collett be given notice to terminate his job in the near future. A letter was read from Mr R G Reeves saying that from June 15th he would be free to take the appointment of greenkeeper plus bar steward with Mrs Reeves doing the catering. After a long discussion it was agreed that Mr Reeves be offered the appointment at the same inclusive wages as at present i.e. £8 summer and £7-10-0 winter. An amendment to pay £8 per week all the year round was carried.
Under any other business Mr Pink brought forward the subject of ball finding and Dr Mitchell’s dog. It was said he should be stopped from doing this as it was against the wishes of most members. The point of the Doctor’s long membership and age were mentioned and finally it was agreed that the Doctor should be written to officially asking that the balls found should be handed to the new greenkeeper as part of his perquisites.
Mr Parker brought forward the defective drainage to the kitchen and it was agreed that a new soak away should be dug.
Sunday, June 22nd, 1958 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary stated that after examining and testing the Ferguson tractor it was agreed to send it back. Mr Pink promised to loan a Fordson Major for the season so that the Club would not be rushed into buying an unsatisfactory tractor. In the meantime until it was ready the Greenkeeper had borrowed one from Mr Minor.
Regarding the gang mower, this had been inspected by Mr Pearce of Fareham Engineering Co. who thought that, subject to the cost of the spare parts not being excessive the total cost of repairing them should be about £50. The action of Mr Pink and the Secretary on ordering this to be done was confirmed. The Secretary said he had borrowed a set of gang-mowers from the Warnford Estate until ours were ready.
The Secretary reported that when he had given Collett one week’s notice, the greenkeeper had packed up there and then and therefore he had not paid him for the week under notice. He had received a registered letter from Collett saying unless he was reinstated certain club members would call a general meeting also certain other threats. The Committee were agreed apart from acknowledging the letter no other action should be taken apart from an agreed plan that Collett be paid a week’s money in lieu of notice which could cover any question of holidays.
It was reported that Mr Reeves had started work on June 9th and it was thought that the terms of service i.e. period, insurance and tax should be defined.
The Secretary said he had written to Dr. Mitchell as agreed who had immediately replied saying he had kept an account of monies received always intending to give the money to the club and he enclosed his cheque for £20-17-0. It was agreed he be thanked and to await developments re his handing of golf balls to the new professional.
The Secretary reported that a well organized burglary had taken place on June 3rd/4th and that about 70/- green fees and £28 in beers, minerals, crates, bottles etc. stolen. The two thieves had been apprehended by the Police but only a few cases and empty bottles had been rescued and these were still in Police hands. Mr Hall thought that strong external shutters should be fitted to the bar windows but after hearing various views it was decided that hardboard panels or curtains be fitted in the bar which would prevent peeping Toms.
It was agreed that no sweepstake be held during this year as all people concerned were getting tired of it.
The Secretary report that the Drill Hall at Titchfield had been booked by the Bonfire Society for Dec 31st and it was agreed to hold the annual dance at Titchfield on a suitable Friday in November or early December.
It was agreed that an Open Meeting be held in September as last year and that all arrangements would be left in the hands of the Secretary.
Under any other business Mr Hall suggested that the old cricket pavilion which was falling down should be ???? and a suitable shelter made in that position. It was agreed that this should be left with the Green Committee who would co-opt Mr Hall for this purpose.
The Secretary brought forward the use of the land between the 6th and 8th holes as something should have to be done re the weeds. He said Cdr Wynne Owen would plough the land and re-seed it if the club paid the cost of the seed estimated to cost £21. It was thought this would be very good if the club wanted to extend the playing course but the expense was not justified otherwise. Finally it was decided to allow Cdr Wynne Owen to farm the land on the same terms as the other two pieces but the Green Committee should meet and reduce the area of ploughed land compared with the portion previously ploughed by Collett.
Sunday, October 5th, 1958 at the Clubhouse
It was agreed that the repair account for the tractor on loan from Mr Pink be paid by the Club. It was thought that this would amount to £8.
The Secretary presented the accounts for the recent Open Meeting. The loss was £7-15-8 but this was attributable to the increase in cost of prizes which were much better compared with last year when the loss was £3-10-6. Everyone thought the meeting had been a great success and Mr Banting though the gap could be narrowed if the present modest entrance fees 3/6 and 2/6 were increased. This point to be dealt with next year.
The Secretary reported that the Annual Dance had been arranged for Wednesday Dec 3rd at Titchfield and the orchestra had been booked. It was agreed to have a further meeting in about a month’s time to settle formal details.
Mr Higgins asked for a report upon the meeting re the old pavilion and this was given by Mr Banting. This was to halve the pavilion to make a shelter for the 6th green position. It was though the cost would be from £15-£20.
A discussion was started upon the greens and winter feeding. It was regretted Mr Valentine was not present and the greenkeeper mentioned he had commenced aerating them. It was agreed to get some fertilizer at once also to attend to the tees.
It was agreed to purchase two paraffin heaters for the Clubhouse and not to use the stove at present.
Sunday, November 23rd, 1958 at the Clubhouse
Mr Valentine, who was elected chairman for the meeting, referred to the sad loss sustained by the Club on the death of its Captain, Mr S Clark. The members stood in silent memory and it was unanimously agreed that a letter of sympathy be sent to Mr D Clark and also to the Clark family.
Arising out of the last minutes it was reported that a mechanical spreader for fertilizer had been purchased at a cost of approx. £5-10-0.
A discussion re the Captain and Vice-captain, both offices being vacant, then took place. The Chairman mentioned that Mr Reeves, now the Greenkeeper and the officially elected Vice-captain of the club might continue as Captain until the next General Meeting. Several members said this was impossible and contrary to the views when the Greenkeeper was elected i.e. that he must resign as Vice-captain. Finally it was agreed unanimously that Mr Valentine be appointed acting Captain until the next General Meeting.
The request of the Hants Alliance to hold two meetings in 1959 on March 5th and November 26th was granted.
The Secretary reported upon the Dance to be held on Dec 3rd saying the only items outstanding were the raffle and decorations. It was decided to spend up to £10 on items for the raffle as required. Also members of the Committee would donate a prize. It was also agreed to purchase novelties from Uneedus, Portsmouth as last year.
A discussion on the Fruit Machine was inaugurated. It was thought now that one of the original owners had passed on the Club should become the sole owner. It was agreed that the Secretary make an offer of £20 to the promoters to buy them out.