Extracts from the Minutes for 1956
List of Meetings
- Monday, January 30th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- Sunday, March 4th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, March 28th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- AGM, Sunday, April 29th, 1956
- Tuesday, May 22nd, 1956 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, June 4th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, July 30th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, November 19th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
- Wednesday, December 12th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
Monday, January 30th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Secretary said Mr Newbury reported the lighting set ready but he was waiting until the roof was repaired before installing it. The Secretary passed round a statement re the Xmas Gratuities showing that £9-7-0 had been paid to the Professional and £3-10-0 to the Steward. He also stated that the New Year’s Eve Dance had made a profit of £72-13-4. All agreed it was a tremendous success and it was agreed to try and book the Hall for next New Year’s Eve. With regard to the report on outstanding subscriptions for 1955 it was agreed that with possibly the exception of Mrs Neely, the others would be written off.
M Bunce gave a report on the roofs and said he would get the asbestos sheets for £10. It was unanimously agreed that this should be done and further the order to put them on be given to Mr Banting to be dealt with in the ordinary way of business. After further discussion it was suggested that a verandah should be put along the front of the Clubhouse and the dressing rooms which should be moved in line possibly leaving room for a store for trolleys. It was agreed that a sub-committee should meet at the Course at 3pm the following day, with power to act.
The following new members were elected to the club: E W Wheatley of Wickham, J P G Evans of Fareham.
The Secretary reported that he had received a letter from the Hants Agricultural Committee saying that rabbits and occupied holes were in evidence on the course and that they must be got rid of by June 19th. He said that three attempts at night shooting had been tried and that he and R T Hanham had spent one afternoon gassing and filling up holes. Despite this, the County Pests Officer, after a further visit, said all the rabbits had not been removed but the Secretary said all he proposed to do was to arrange further nights shoots. The action of the Secretary was confirmed.
It was reported that Mr Collett had commenced ploughing alongside the 9th hole and wished to plough part of the area between the 6th and 8th fairways in the same terms i.e. free for one year and then £3 per acre. It was agreed to allow this, the area to be determined by the Secretary.
The Secretary reported that under the Rating and Valuation Act, 1955 the new assessment of the club was as follows:
New RV Old Rates 55/6 Parish of Corhampton and Meonstoke £14 £5 £5-0-20 Parish of Droxford £38 £26 £26-8-8
Totals £52 £31 £31-9-6
Concessions for at least a period of three years can be obtained under Section 8 of the Act for charitable and other organisations and it was agreed that application should be made to the Rating Authority for this concession. It was generally felt that the new assessment was not unreasonable.
Sunday, March 4th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
An emergency meeting was convened to deal with the resignation of the Professional/Greenkeeper Mr Callaway. Notice had been given to take effect from February 27th and he hoped that he would be released before the end of the month.
After an open and free discussion it was unanimously agreed to advertise for a Professional/Greenkeeper and that particulars be sent to the Professional Golfers Association and the British Greenkeepers Association.
Regarding Callaway’s request re termination of notice it was agreed that when the peat was put on the remaining greens and thee machinery cleaned he could leave at his convenience.
Wednesday, March 28th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Secretary reported that the T A Hall, Titchfield, was booked for 31-12-56, the alterations to the Clubhouse were in hand and a further letter had been received from the Hants Agricultural Committee.
The following applications for membership were approved: C W Power of Meonstoke, J Farmer of Park Gate, G Thorne of Droxford.
Regarding the vacancy for the Professional/Greenkeeper it was reported that an enquiry had been received from F R Rosser of Queensbury Golf Club and an application from Mr D Wilson late of Mitcham Golf Club. A letter had also been received from the Greenkeepers Assn saying the vacancy would be advertised in their April issue. It was agreed that Mr Wilson’s application, although very good, showed he was not altogether the type of man required and it was decided to wait further applications. In the meantime Mr Clark mentioned that he had broached the subject of looking after the course to Mr Collett who was prepared to look after the course under instructions for £5-10-0 in the summer and £1 per week in the winter. It was generally thought this would be satisfactory temporarily and it was agreed that a sub-committee be formed to interview Mr Collett with power to act. The possibility of acquiring the tenancy of a house in Droxford for a Professional and/or greenkeeper was mentioned and it was left in the hands of Mr Clark and the Secretary.
The honorary auditor, Mr Lewis, then presented his report and balance sheet for the year 1955. He explained the report and said that with one exception it was a very good year with a profit or surplus of £112-12-0. The extract of bar purchases and sales showed a very disquieting result. The gross profit was £14-10-11 on sales of £384-18-11, a percentage of profit of 4%(approx) and as in past years the profit was 16% it showed a difference of £45 – £50. He had re-examined the accounts once again which still showed the deficit. The Secretary stated that since Mr Lewis had reported this to him he had gone into the question minutely but without success. The only item which should not have been charged to the bar account was one for £1-13-1 for brooms, soap etc. He also stated that a statement had been prepared for the period from January 1st 1956 to March 21st which showed similar results to 1955. A long and frank discussion took place and finally it was agreed that the sub-committee interviewing Mr Collett should pursue the possibility of Mr & Mrs Collett replacing the present stewards.
The date and venue of the Annual General Meeting was fixed for April 29th with the same items as last year for the Agenda. The Social Evening for presentation of Trophies was left to the Ladies.
AGM, Sunday, April 29th, 1956
The meeting took place at the Clubhouse and was attended by 33 members.
The Captain gave his report saying it was his swan song after 10 successive years as Secretary and Captain. He briefly recalled the position during this period, the financial position in 1946 being very precarious and that for two years he personally guaranteed an overdraft at the Bank to pay wages. Now the assets of the Club almost amounted to £700, he was please to have associated with others in the purchase of the course. He then turned from this pleasant picture and mentioned adverse criticism which sometimes had been the lot of the Secretary and Committees over the years and stressed the point of making or voicing a complaint through the proper channels. Mr Valentine reported upon the club matches and competitions which had been most successful. A start had been made on improving the Clubhouse and increasing dressing-room amenities. He regretted we had no Professional/Greenkeeper but temporary arrangements had been made. The Captain’s report was received with acclamation.
The Balance Sheet and Auditors reported was then presented with the Honorary Auditor saying it was very satisfactory with the exception of the Bar Account. Many questions were asked and the Secretary read out the minute of the last Committee meeting dealing with this point which stated the actions taken to stop the discrepancy.
The Election of Officers took place with the following results; President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr F L Bunce, Vice-Captain – Mr S R Higgins, Secretary & Treasurer – F Lindley, Hon Auditor – H G P Lewis
A ballot then took place for the remaining members of the committee.
It was agreed that the honorarium in respect of travelling and expenses of the Secretary be £25.
Under any other business, Miss Jacobs brought forward the nuisance caused by dogs stating that quite a few members took their dogs round with them. It was agreed that dogs not under control should be reported to the Committee.
The question of playing matches under handicap was brought forward by Mr Brooks and it was agreed that it would only apply in the case of Portsmouth matches.
Mr Brooks brought up the ploughing of parts of the course saying that five years ago the Company had paid large sums in compensation to the tenant farmers. He depreciated the fact that the Committee had let three portions and that two of them had been ploughed up. Mr Silvester stated his views from the agricultural angle and that rolling should be done. It was proposed that a proper agreement should be drawn up by a solicitor for a term of seven years. A proposal that proper legal opinion be sought was agreed and an extraordinary General Meeting be held to consider the results.
Tuesday, May 22nd, 1956 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary reported that two enquiries from members of the Greenkeepers Association had been made but after being informed of the housing position in the district nothing further had been heard. It was agreed that the PGA and Greenkeepers Association should be approached again when the Club was in a position of offering housing accommodation.
The Secretary reported that Mr & Mrs Collett had agreed to act as Stewards of the Club on the same terms as the previous occupiers i.e. 30/- per week.
Mr H Phillips of Sarisbury Green was elected a member of the club.
The question of Agricultural Tenancy, ploughing up parts of the course etc as instructed by the AGM was then discussed but it was finally agreed to defer the matter until the details of the Agricultural Act were understood.
A letter was read out from the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd regarding the possible redemption of further debentures and this was also deferred to the next meeting.
Monday, June 4th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
After discussion about the cultivations and the letters from the solicitor, Mr Carpenter, the matter was deferred again until the question had been dealt with by the Holding Company who were personally responsible although all arrangements had been made by the Club.
A letter had been received from the Corhampton Golf Club Estate Ltd enquiring whether it was intended to repay any sums this year with the possible redemption of debentures. After discussion about the cost of improvements to the club house it was decided not to make any repayments but to review the position at the end of the year.
The Green Committee, Handicap Committee. Social Committee and Bar Committee were elected.
Mr Valentine proposed that a Sisis Hand Lawnman costing £35 and consisting of five machines in one be purchased. Mr Collett was asked for his views. The proposal was defeated but it was agreed that the Secretary should enquire from the manufacturers where one could be seen and demonstrated before proceeding further.
The question of the Fruit Machine was discussed as the trial period of twelve months had passed. The Secretary stated that 50% had been given to the Club and 50% to the owners and the amount in 1955 was £55-8-0 and £16 so far in 1956. Certain members held the view that they understood that the machine would be given to the Club when the cost of purchase had been recovered by the owners. It was agreed to approach the owners to split the takings to the end of 1956 so that two-thirds went to the Club and one third to the owners. It was also agreed that the machine, apart from breakdowns, should not be opened when the club was ordinarily in use and also the profit should always be ascertained by the owners when the Secretary was present.
Monday, July 30th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
It was agreed that, as no communication had been received from the Holding Company re the cultivations, the matter would be deferred until a reply had been received.
The meeting adjourned to witness a demonstration of the Sisis Hand Lawnman by Messrs Wadhams and after resuming it was agreed to purchase one for approx. £38.
A report regarding the greens had been received from Messrs Fisons and it was agreed to leave this until the new machine had been tried out.
The question of the Fruit Machine was discussed and it had been agreed that the Club would get 60% of the profit and the position would be reviewed again prior to December 31st.
Mrs J Norgate of Titchfield and Mr & Mrs Churchill of Fareham were elected members of the club.
It was proving difficult finding someone to paint the outside of the Clubhouse so it was agreed that Mr Clark and the Secretary should try and find a local man to do it.
Monday, November 19th, 1956 at the Clubhouse
The Secretary stated that he had not yet heard from the Holding Company re the ploughing up of a portion of the course.
Mr Clark reported that he had been unable to find anyone to paint the Clubhouse so it was agreed to leave it until the Spring.
Mr & Mrs Blanchard of Thornhill were elected members of the Club.
The Secretary reported that 20 members who had not paid their subscriptions had been written to.
The profit from the St Leger sweepstake was £22-19-0 and the Open Meeting recorded a loss of £10-0-11. A major reason for the loss was that for the first time the Club had to pay £10 for the hire of the marquee.
Since the last meeting the Clubhouse and dressing rooms had had Calor gas lighting installed at a cost of £29-10-6 and six chairs had been purchased at a cost of £7-10-0.
A report about the New Year’s Eve Dance was given and it was agreed that novelties be purchased.
Under any other business, Mr Valentine reported that he had heard that the gang mower had been loaned to an outside club and if so on whose authority and was any arrangement made for repairs or replacement in case of damage. The Secretary stated that he was the guilty person and that the gang mower had been loaned for three hours on a recent Saturday morning to the Hambledon Football Club. He felt sure that in the event of any damage the fathers of two members of the football club who were prominent members of the Golf Club would have stepped in. After a general discussion it was agreed that loaning equipment was opening up a wide field and that in future any equipment should not be loaned without the prior consent of the Committee.
Mr Valentine drew attention to the fact that the Clark Cup and the Valentine Trophy competitions for 1956 were not completed. The position re the former was explained and it was agreed that it should be left over until next Spring. Regarding the Valentine Trophy it was decided that Messrs Reeves and Wilson be informed that their match be completed by December 2nd.
Wednesday, December 12th, 1956 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Secretary stated that the primary reason for the meeting was to discuss the wages of the groundsman, Mr Collett. He stated that at the meeting held on March 28th when the groundsman was appointed it was agreed that he be paid £5-10-0 for the summer months and £1 for the winter months. This question had been raised by Mr Collett at a recent meeting of the Bar Committee saying he did not know then the type of work required during he winter and if it included repairs to greens and tees then the remuneration was inadequate. Further he thought the rough should be taken with the smooth and a flat rate of £5-10-0 per week be paid all the year round.
A full discussion took place and it was agreed that the weekly wage of the greenkeeper be £5-10-0. During the discussion, the winter programme of work on the course was mentioned and also, in view of petrol rationing, it was agreed that Mr Wilson and Mr Banting be co-opted on to the Green Committee.
The Secretary reported the serious infestation of moles on the course and that Messrs J Picton & Sons were prepared to destroy them for a sum of twenty guineas. He thought he could get the Council Rat-catcher to poison the moles, in his spare time, at a cost of £3 or £4 and this course of action was agreed to.
A report was received on the arrangements for the annual dance and these were agreed to. The Committee decided to give prizes for the Raffle.