Extracts from the Minutes for 1955
List of Meetings
- Monday, January 17th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- Monday, January 31st, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- Sunday, February 27th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, March 28th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- AGM, Sunday, April 24th, 1955
- Monday, May 16th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, August 7th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
- Sunday, August 21st, 1955 at the Clubhouse
- Monday, October 17th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
- Monday, December 19th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
Monday, January 17th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Annual Dance had made a profit of £44-11-1.
The application of the Professional/Greenkeeper for an increase in wages was the subject of a lively discussion. It was generally agreed that, although there had been an improvement in the first few weeks, it had not been maintained and an increase could not be granted retrospectively, but in view of the cost of living continually increasing the Committee is prepared to raise his wages to £6-7-0 per week from February 1st. This proposal was rejected and it was decided that Dedman be asked to appear before a full committee in a fortnight’s time.
The Secretary reported that he had been informed that the tractor was out of commission. Messrs Lennox Motors of Southsea had examined the tractor which needed a re-conditioned engine. A reconditioned tractor would cost £80 with a allowance of £20 for the old machine. A sub-committee would inspect the tractor at Southsea and report back to the Committee.
It was agreed that Mr Hall be allowed to run his sheep on the barley field and any other part of the course that can be suitably fenced.
A letter from Mr Reeves and Mr S Clark was read regarding the installation of a fruit machine on the club premises as at Waterlooville, Hockley etc., the club and the owners to take 50% of the profits for the first year and afterwards terms to be arranged. The proposal was agreed to.
The following applications for membership were approved: H French of Botley, Lionel French of the same address, M W Over of Waterlooville, James A Langley of Thornhill.
It was agreed that permission be granted to the Hants Alliance to use the course on October 19th for a 27 hole Greensome Medal.
Monday, January 31st, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Secretary stated that the meeting had been arranged to meet Dedman, the Professional/Greenkeeper. On the 29th he had received a letter from Dedman giving four weeks notice of his intention to leave the employ of the club. It was unanimously agreed that Dedman’s notice be accepted, the reason why he had been called this evening be explained to him and that a testimonial as requested be given to him.
Mr Dedman was then called into the room and explained why he had come to his decision. He stated that he had heard that his job had been offered to two others and he thought he would get in first. The Chairman pointed out to him that surely his duty was to report this matter to the Committee and not listen to rumour, also that the purpose of this meeting was to straighten out matters for the benefit of the Club. Dedman then left after saying he would supply names etc of the persons who had offered his job to others. After further discussion it was agreed to write to the Professional Golfers Association about a Professional/Greenkeeper and to write to the British Golf Greenkeeper’s Association asking advice on how to fill the vacancy.
It was agreed that a letter be sent to members stating that the Committee regrets that the Professional has handed in his notice and in view of his long term of service with the Club (22 years) some form of appreciation be made. Replies to the Captain or Secretary with a maximum of 5/- per member.
It was agreed to ask the Ladies to arrange a Whist Drive and social evening for the Presentation of Trophies on March 9th.
Sunday, February 27th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
An emergency meeting of the Committee was held with the Secretary reporting that he had written to the P G A and the Greenkeepers Association. The latter had sent a list of greenkeepers and three residing at Woking, Salisbury and Croydon had been written to giving particulars of the job but no replies had been received. The secretary of the P G A had asked for full particulars of wages, the course etc for inclusion in the P G A weekly bulletin. After consulting with the Captain the secretary had given the wages for the Professional/Greenkeeper as £6-10-0 per week. Two applications were received: Mr Robertson from Moortown, Leeds and Mr Callaway from Blackmoor and late of North Middlesex GC. After consultation the Secretary had invited Mr Callaway to be present at the meeting and it was unanimously agreed to appoint Mr Callaway as the Professional/Greenkeeper on the terms stated. Mr Callaway said he would commence duties on Monday, March 7th, 1955.
A request had been received from Mr Dedman for the club to purchase his working stove, table tea urns for the sum of £8 and the Committee agreed to the purchase.
Monday, March 28th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The Secretary stated that the testimonial fund for Dedman had reached the sum of £12-15-0.
Mr Lewis, the honorary auditor attended and presented and explained the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts for the year ending December 31st, 1954. It was stated that the club was in a good financial position having a net surplus balance for the year of £170-8-10. Mr Lewis enumerated the position of the Holding Company who were in a position to repay £70 to Debenture Holders, the Company hoping the club would repay £80 to this effect making a total of £150. It was agreed that the sum of £80 be repaid to the Corhampton Golf Club Estate and credited to the Clubhouse loan account.
It was agreed that the AGM should be held at the Clubhouse on Sunday, April 24th.
An application was received from the Professional for permission to enter in the following tournaments: May 3-6 Dunlop Professional at Wentworth June 8-10 Daks Tournament at Sunningdale August 17-18 News of the World Qual. Calcot This request was acceded to
A discussion on Tractors and Machines for the club ensued. The Captain stated that the Pro/Greenkeeper wanted a new mower for the greens. It was reported that it was unwise to fix motors to the old Pennsylvania mowers. It was agreed that an 18″ Ransomes “Auto-Certes” motor mower be purchased through our member, Mr Peterkin, who would supply it at cost the price being £65-17-6 plus transport carriage of £3-18-9.
Mr Parrett explained how we had lost the tractor offered by Lennox Motor Co. It was agreed that a sub-committee (Messrs Parrett, Reeves and Newbury) pursue the question of a suitable second-hand tractor with power to purchase the same for £50 with a tolerance of £10.
The Captain reported that the report from Messrs Fisons was already being acted upon by the Green Committee.
It was agreed that the Professional’s expenses of £2-10-0 for getting to Corhampton be paid.
A discussion then took place re the Bar and Catering. Bearing in mind that no permanent future arrangements could be made at present it was decided to leave the catering in the hands of the Ladies and the Bar to be run for the present on a rota system and reviewed within one to two months. A suggestion was also made that a supply of beer be made available in the Clubhouse either kept in a cupboard or in crates with a book to allocate its use.
AGM, Sunday, April 24th, 1955
The meeting took place at the Clubhouse and was attended by 31 members.
The Captain announced that the profit of £170 was the best in the annals of the Club. Eighteen club matches had been played which were thoroughly enjoyed. He announced the resignation of Dedman after 22 years and the appointment of Callaway who had made a good start in the Hants Alliance.
The Election of Officers took place with the following results; President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr JW Valentine, Vice-Captain – Mr F L Bunce, Honorary Secretary & Treasurer – F Lindley, Hon. Auditor – H G P Lewis.
It was agreed that the honorarium in respect of travelling and expenses of the Secretary be £25.
Under any other business the 6d machine was explained and the benefit it was hoped would accrue to the club.
Monday, May 16th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
It was agreed that the following persons became members of the club: Mr A D Neely of Droxford, Mr John Thompson of Fareham, Mr Jack Miller of Clanfield
The Green Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee and Bar Committee were appointed.
It was agreed to run a sweepstake on the St Leger with prizes and conditions as last year.
Mr Newbury and Mr Reeves reported that they had purchased a tractor for £18-10-0 and that it was the same type as the old one so the parts could be interchanged and one machine kept running.
A long discussion ensued regarding Teas, the Bar and cleaning the Club House etc. The Ladies had taken turns in providing teas on Sundays but now felt they couldn’t carry on indefinitely. A local woman and some members had cleaned the Clubhouse but the woman had now finished. Some members of the Committee had looked after the Bar but generally the position was not satisfactory. It was generally agreed that outside help in making teas etc was necessary even if it had to subsidised by the Club. The Secretary then suggested that he thought he could get a couple from Bishop’s Waltham to do the three jobs and it was left to him to engage them for a trial period to make the teas (taking the profits themselves), clean the premises and look after the Bar on Saturdays and Sundays, wages not exceeding 30/= per week being paid by the Club. This course was agreed unanimously.
It was agreed to hold the Annual Dance on New Year’s Eve if the hall at Titchfield could be booked.
It was also decided to fix starting dates for each round of the Valentine Trophy.
Sunday, August 7th, 1955 at the Clubhouse
It was agreed that Lieut-Cdr R A Lockhart-Smith of Swanmore be elected a member of the club.
The Secretary reported upon a verbal application from Lt-Cdr Lockhart-Smith to rent the field at the right hand side of the 4th, a strip to the cross-roads and a further strip to the extremity of the course parallel to the 9th for the purpose of exercising racehorses. The strip apart from the 4th would not be very wide and he would like permission to sand part of the entrance and erect hurdles south of the Clubhouse. The ride would be kept in a cut condition with no exercising after 10am. After a lively discussion it was agreed that a sub-committee should meet Lt-Cdr Lockhart-Smith and report back to the full Committee.
It was agreed that Miss Jacobs be allowed, at her expense, to provide a key to one of the sheds so that her golf trolley can be kept there.
It was agreed that the Green Committee should interview Callaway regarding his present work on the course and his winter programme.
Sunday, August 21st, 1955 at the Clubhouse
An emergency meeting was convened to review the report of the sub-committee appointed to meet Lt-Cdr R A Lockhart-Smith re his race-horse training project.
The sub-committee reported that they had met Mr and Mrs Lockhart-Smith on Wednesday last on the course. The applicants wished to rent the eight acres and a ride from the southern extremity of the course. There would be no riding on Sundays and it would be finished by 8:30am. It would mean that a lot of rough would be kept cut. They were prepared to rent to Mr Collett the rest of the eight acres less a 60 foot strip parallel to the road. For this they were prepared to pay £30 per annum. The sub-committee met with Mr Collett later that evening. At the onset he said that the eight acres less the strip would be useless to him. Further he was prepared to rent the eight acres for £25 per annum, and if given 1 year’s free rent he would be prepared to cultivate the roadside portion of the 9th and thereafter pay at £3 per acre. In addition he would look after the rough as he had done this present year. The sub-committee recommended that Mr Collett’s offer be accepted. The Secretary stated that Mr Collett had put his offer in writing mentioning that the letting of the eight acres etc was subject to a gentleman’s agreement to vacate, without compensation, subject to 2 year’s notice.
It was unanimously agreed to accept Mr Collett’s offer.
Monday, October 17th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
Arising from previous minutes it was agreed that the amount of land to be cultivated alongside the 9th would be decided by the Committee bearing in mind the needs of car-parking space on Open Days etc..
It was agreed that the following person be elected members of the club: Mr W G Jeffery of Fareham, Mr & Mrs Norman Burke of Portchester.
The Secretary reported that the St. Leger Sweepstake made a profit of £20-2-6 whilst the Open Day made a profit of 11/-.
The Secretary made a brief report about the arrangements for the Annual Dance. The hall had been booked, the orchestra engaged, the bar fixed up also the caterers.
The question of the Steward’s remuneration was then discussed. Everyone agreed that the experiment had been a success but whereas teas were not required during the winter months, the Clubhouse etc would still need cleaning and the bar attending on Sunday lunchtimes. It was agreed that the services of Mrs Street be continued at the same rate of 30/- per week with the question of teas during the winter months being entirely left to her.
The Captain brought forward the question of lighting the Clubhouse and dressing rooms when he suggested that the Calor gas lighting might be extended. Mr Newbury enumerated his scheme of electric lighting, the power being provided by a windmill. It was agreed that the matter be left to Messrs Newbury, Banting and Reeves, with power to act.
During general discussion the condition of the course was verbally appreciated as was the attendance by the Steward and it was agreed that the Chairman should convey the views of the Committee to the persons concerned.
It was agreed that as the Professional has been with the Club for more than six months he be granted one week’s leave. Also that the greens be attended to the day prior to commencing leave.
It was agreed to exhibit the Xmas Gratuities box in the Clubhouse on November 4th. Payments to be made to the Secretary and divided one third to the Steward and two-thirds to the Professional unless other proportions were specified by the donors.
The Captain mentioned that he was prepared to show some golf films on Sunday, November 20th and this was accepted with thanks. The venue i.e. Bucks Head or Crown to be decided by him.
Monday, December 19th, 1955 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
The question of the Xmas Gratuities decided at the last meeting was reopened and it was agreed that the previous minute be rescinded and that the fund be divided three-quarters to the Professional and one-quarter to the Steward unless other proportions are specified by the donors.
The following were accepted to become members: Miss H W Jackson of London, Mr and Mrs C R Kent of Bishop’s Waltham, Commander and Mrs G V A Philips of Purbrook.
The Secretary reported that 13 members had not paid their subscriptions and had been communicated with.
The Secretary reported that the Planning Authority has renewed the temporary consent for the Clubhouse etc to September 1960 subject to the buildings being repainted externally and the roofs repaired within twelve months. After discussion Mr Bunce said he might be able to get some second hand corrugated asbestos sheets for about 2/6 per sheet and it was agreed that Mr Bunce should look further into the matter. Mr Clark thought Mr Chester might do something about the painting.
The Annual Dance was discussed and Mr Higgins agreed to make enquiries re the decorations. It was also agreed to run a raffle and have spot prizes (lady and gentleman) for two dances.