Extracts from the Minutes for 1954

List of Meetings

  • Monday, March 15th, 1954 at Park Lane, Droxford
  • AGM, Sunday. March 28th, 1954
  • Sunday, April 11th, 1954 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, July 5th, 1954 at the Clubhouse
  • Sunday, August 1st, 1954 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, August 30th, 1954 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 18th, 1954 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford
  • Monday, November 15th, 1954 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford

Monday, March 15th, 1954 at Park Lane, Droxford

The profit from the Annual Dance held on December 9th was £41-17-2.

The Honorary Auditor, Mr H.G.P. Lewis, reported on the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for 1953 which showed a balance of £62-18-6.

It was agreed that, following advice received from the Hampshire Agricultural Committee that barley be sown and special fertilizer at the rate of 3cwt per acre. It was also agreed to under sow with suitable grass seed from Messrs Duke & Son and drilling to be performed by Mr S R Horn of Meonstoke.

The following applications for membership were accepted: Mr G McGreevy of Fareham, Mr Askham of Southampton.

A letter was read from Mr E G Collett of Skeins Farm asking to rent the portion of the 9th between the road and the fairway. It was agreed that the Chairman should discuss the legal position with Mr Carpenter.

It was agreed that Mr Weston be allowed to take all the hay this year, he providing all labour and machines.

It was agreed that this year’s club sweep should be on the St. Leger and not the Derby.

AGM, Sunday. March 28th, 1954

The meeting took place at the Clubhouse and was attended by 30 members. Apologies for absence had been received from the President.

The captain gave his report stating that he thought the year and been the best for many years. Nine matches had been won, six lost and one halved. To commemorate his year of office, Mr HW Clarke stated that he and his family proposed to put up a cup to be known as the Clark Cup for foursomes knockout.

After the Balance Sheet and Statement of Accounts was presented a series of questions were asked and it was stated that the answers would be dealt with by the committee.

The Election of Officers took place with the following results; President – Mr R P Chester, Captain – Mr JW Valentine, Vice-Captain – Mr F L Bunce, Honorary Secretary & Treasurer – F Lindley.

It was agreed that the honorarium and travelling expenses to be paid to the Secretary for the past year be £20.

It was agreed that the purchase of club ties be left to the committee.

It was agreed that two huts be made from the old cricket pavilion, which should be moved, and used as shelters on the 3rd and 7th holes, it being hoped that members would volunteer to do this work especially our builder members.

Sunday, April 11th, 1954 at the Clubhouse

Mr J Stammers of Fareham was elected a member of the club.

The election of various sub-committees took place – Greens Committee, Handicap Committee, Social Committee and Bar Committee.

The prizes for the sweepstake for the St Leger would be £8, £4, £2 and £1. Tickets would be in booklets of six which could be sold to one person for 2/6 or 6d each.

It was agreed that tie type number 1 be adopted and that 5 dozen be purchased.

The following items were discussed: a new tee for the 6th, L G U markings and markings of holes and tees.

A vote of thanks to Mr Reeves for providing and fixing the seat at the 7th tee was agreed upon.

Monday, July 5th, 1954 at the Clubhouse

The booklets of sweepstake tickets were in books of 5 and so far 2300 had been sold.

The application by Mr Collett to rent the grazing on the 9th hole was rejected.

Mr Weston had been prevented, by bad weather, from collecting the hay. He would like to have a rick temporarily on the 9th. It was suggested that the club should have a mower of its own.

The application of Miss Linda Davies of Fareham to be a member of the club was accepted.

A letter from the Honorary Auditor was read in which he hoped it would be possible for the club to redeem one £50 debenture this year.

Sunday, August 1st, 1954 at the Clubhouse

This extraordinary meeting was held to discuss farming activities.

An offer had been made by Cdr Wynne-Owen to harvest the barley crop giving the club the best prices obtainable, taking over the vacant parts between the 6th and 8th and the 9th and also the hay position generally. It was decided that the barley crop should be harvested as last year leaving it to Messrs Dukes to buy the barley.

Prices for reimbursing the barley should be obtained from Mr P S Silvester, Mr E Silvester, S R Horn, M Gamblin and J Underwood.

It was agreed that the remainder of the hay be cut (between 6th, 8th and 9th) the arrangements for this to be left to Mr Clark.

The meeting agreed that Dedman’s holiday be from August 22nd to 29th.

The following applications for membership were agreed: Mrs M L Hall, Bishop’s Waltham, Mrs E Lloyd, Sarisbury Green, Mrs M Sydes, Bishop’s Waltham, Mrs E Carter, Droxford, Mr Lewis Stowe Brook, Portchester.

Monday, August 30th, 1954 at the Clubhouse

Mr H W Clark reported that the barley crop had been gathered and he thought the 6 1/2 tons would make £130 less the cost of carting and drying. The straw would be offered free first to Mr Parrett and then to Cdr Wynne-Owen. If neither wanted it, it would be burned.

The secretary said he had only received two prices for combining and it was agreed to accept the lower price of £3-10-0 per acre plus the services of one man.

A discussion re the Open Meeting took place. Messrs Watneys had agreed to loan a 40′ x 20′ marquee and tables. There would be the same number of prizes as in the previous year. The catering would be in the hands of Priory Café, Bishop’s Waltham.

It was agreed to inspect the Victory Hall, Wickham as a possible venue for the Annual Dance.

Monday, October 18th, 1954 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford

Mr Clarke had sold the straw to Mr Collett for £2-10-0. The St. Leger Draw produced a profit of £34 whilst the profit from the Open Meeting was £14-1-11.

After inspecting the Victory Hall, Wickham it was deemed unsatisfactory as a venue for the annual dance. The Secretary reported that he had tentatively booked the Upham Hall for December 8th. A long discussion took place about whether the dance should take place at Upham or at the T A Hall, Titchfield which several members had visited recently. In the end it was decided to try and fix up within the next 7 days to hold the dance at Titchfield.

The following applications for membership were agreed: Nora Alice Wilson of Burridge, William H Wilson of the same address, L F Lutman of Swanwick, Mrs J m Lutman of the same address, Keith N Abraham of Hedge End.

The Secretary reported that he had been approached by the Greenkeeper/Professional for an increase in his wages and mentioned that he had had no increase for several years and the necessity of his running a car in the interests of the club. The subject was debated at length and finally it was agreed “that this Committee is far from satisfied with the present condition of the course but if a decided and marked improvement was effected by Dedman by the end of the year, the question of an increase will again be considered with retrospective effect”.

The question of the club’s typewriter was considered as it was in a bad state of repair. It was agreed that it should be repaired by Messrs Gears of Southampton at a cost of £6-15-0.

The Captain submitted a report from Messrs Fisons upon the condition of the greens and it was agreed that Mr Cave of Fisons be asked to come down and inspect the greens.

The Captain reported on the cutting of the greens and the implements used for the purpose suggesting that a new Pennsylvania with motor be purchase. It was stated that the club had two Pennsylvanias which could be adapted by providing a motor. It was agreed that a report on this suggestion be made at the next meeting.

A discussion ensued regarding teas and catering generally at the clubhouse particularly with regard to the type of teas, use of teapots, spoons etc and it was agreed that the Captain would pass the Committee’s views on to Mr and Mrs Dedman.

It was reported that Mr E Sylvester had donated £11-8-2 being the balance of the old Corhampton Cricket Club and this was received with thanks.

Monday, November 15th, 1954 at the Baker’s Arms, Droxford

The following applications for membership were agreed: Mrs Langley of Bitterne, Mr Wade Brown of Swanmore.

Arrangements for the annual dance were discussed.

Three members of the Green Committee reported that Dedman had requested an interview following receipt of the letter from the Secretary. After discussion it was agreed not to move on the matter but await developments.