Minutes 1953

Extracts from the Minutes for 1953

List of Meetings

  • Monday, September, 21st, 1953 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 5th, 1953 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, October 25th, 1953 at the Clubhouse
  • Monday, November 30th, 1953 at Droxford

Monday, October 5th, 1953 at the Clubhouse

The grass mower had not yet been returned. It was agreed that a letter be sent to Messrs Wheatley when it was returned.

The Open Meeting produced a net profit of £19-3-11.

The following applications for membership were accepted: Mr J Peterkin of Swanwick, Mrs E McNeil of Droxford, Mrs E Banting of Hambledon, Miss J Clarke of Droxford and Mrs Neely of Droxford.

It was agreed that the Club Dance be held at the Upham Village Hall in early December on a Wednesday or Thursday from 8pm until 1am. The price of admission would 7/6 each and tickets would be sent to the members. The selection of an orchestra had yet to be decided.

It was agreed that the annual trophies would not be presented at the annual dance but at a social evening to be held before Christmas at the Club House and arranged by the Ladies.

It was agreed that the field adjoining the 4th fairway be ploughed forthwith and that the Secretary instruct Mr Gamblin of Bishop’s Waltham to do the work.

Monday, October 25th, 1953 at the Clubhouse

It was agreed that Messrs Wheatley be asked to remove the grass mower themselves when they were in the vicinity. It was decided to ascertain from Mr Dedman the position re green fees payable by prospective members.

The orchestra for the Club Dance would be Billy Ivills Band from Fareham. Catering would be provided by Messrs Lowmans of Southampton. A raffle would be held instead of a tombola. The bar arrangements would be left to the Chairman and Secretary.

A burglary had taken place on the night of October 25th/26th with a total amount of damage of approximately £3-4-0.

It was agreed that the Club should purchase a miniature cup and spoon for presentation to the winners of the annual club trophy competitions.

A general discussion on the condition of the course ensued. It was agreed that the Professional/Greenkeepers spend two full days on the bunkers and that they should be raked regularly for weekend play; the yew on the 5th fairway be cleared for a height of two feet; the oak in line with the 5th tee be lopped; the undergrowth on the fairway side of the 4th fairway to be cut and cleared; the rabbit scrapes be attended to; the tee-balls be repainted. It was agreed that a quantity of worm eradicator be purchased from Messrs Suttons and applied as soon as possible also that a tee mat be purchased for use on the 7th tee. The Secretary agreed to arrange for the moles on certain fairways be gassed.

Monday, November 30th, 1953 at Droxford

The grass mower was still at Corhampton. Green fees were not requested by the Professional as soon as application forms for membership of the club were posted on the notice board in the club house.

It was agreed that miniature cups be presented to the winners of the main trophies (Valentine, Presidents and Cooper) and that spoons for foursomes or doubles competitions (Watney cup and Rose Bowl). The samples submitted by Messrs Bannisters of Petersfield (cups 15/= and spoons 5/9) be accepted.

A second burglary had taken place on the night of November 21st/22nd when 400 cigarettes had been stolen at a cost of approximately £3-10-0. The Professional reported a loss of equipment valued at £30. A statement in the Suggestion Book signed by nine members that a Whist Drive be held in aid of the loss sustained by Dedman. It was thought that the profit would be only £5 so it was decided that the box for Xmas Gratuities be place in the club house with an appropriate notice asking members to give generously in addition towards Dedman’s loss.

The following applications for membership were accepted: Mr G.H. Parker of Fareham, Mr N. Kimber of Fareham, Mrs Collins of Soberton.

With regard to the purchase of worm eradicator it was decided to wait for the observations of Messrs J. Duke & Son. It was agreed that the field adjoining the 4th fairway be given a second ploughing by Mr Gamblin of Bishop’s Waltham before the end of the year and that it be declared “Out of Bounds”.