Joyce Hyde Putter Presentations

Joyce Hyde Putter 2016 – Winners

Jackie Feltham, Greta Thornton, Brian Harvey and John McStravick

Joyce Hyde Putter 2017 Winners

Theresa Barber and Bryan Fribbance with Ladies Captain Jackie Richards and Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2017 Joyce Hyde Putter 2nd place

Aely Emmett and John Bingham with Ladies Captain Jackie Richards and Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2017 Joyce Hyde Putter 3rd place

Kathryn Holladay and Chris Richards with Ladies Captain Jackie Richards and Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2018 Joyce Hyde Putter Winners

Liz Butler & Denny Carter winners with Ladies Captain Jackie Richards and Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2019 Joyce Hyde Putter winners
Jackie Richards and Bryan Fribbance with Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2019 Joyce Hyde Putter 2nd place
Greta Thornton and Ian Ellis-not present – with 3rd place Julie Morgan and Ken Gatrall and Pamela Bullock – Granddaughter of Joyce Hyde

2020 1st place Joyce Hyde Putter

Sandie Sleight and Barry Painter with Ladies Captain Jackie Kershaw

2020 Joyce Hyde Putter 2nd place
Anna Jacobs and John Ellis with Ladies Captain Jackie Kershaw

2020 Joyce Hyde Putter 3rd place
Margo Glover and Ian Ellis with Ladies Captain Jackie Kershaw

Joyce Hyde Putter 4th place 2020
Linda Eales and Mike Pack with Ladies Captain Jackie Kershaw

Joyce Hyde Putter 2020 Ladies and Senior Men in Clubhouse

2020 Joyce Hyde Putter Ladies and Senior Men in Clubhouse .

2021 Joyce Hyde Putter Ladies and Senior Men in Clubhouse.
Presentation not carried out due to Covid-19 restrictions

2021 Joyce Hyde Putter Ladies and Senior Men in Clubhouse.
Presentation not carried out due to Covid-19 restrictions

2021 Joyce Hyde Putter Ladies and Senior Men in Clubhouse.
Presentation not carried out due to Covid-19 restrictions

2021 Joyce Hyde Putter Results
1st Julie Milligan & Jeff Evans
2nd Sarah Smallwood & Keith Day
3rd Yvonne Richardson & Chris Tarmey
4th Margo Glover & Larry Hudson

2023 1st place Joyce Hyde Putter

Margo Glover/Judy Andrews/Anna Jacobs & Ian Ellis presented by Margaret Nobes (Lady Captain) & Steve Ward (Senior Men’s Vice Captain)