Summer Rolling Competition

This is the summer rolling competition. It consists of both Medal play and Stableford competitions between May and September. There are 3 Medal rounds and 7 Stableford rounds. The Farmer score is the best TWO net Medal scores minus the best FOUR Stableford scores. The player with the lowest Farmer score receives the Farmer Shield, irrespective of handicap/Division. The winner of the other division receives The Hansley – Farmer Salver.

Phil Farmer was the senior captain in 1984. He was an influential member of the Seniors’ section committee for several years. He was also a member at Fairthorne Manor Golf Club. Phil was captain of the Chandlers Ford Cricket team that won a county competition in 1953.

Farmer Shield

Phil Farmer

1983P. Farmer2005C. Garrod & G. Staley
1984T. Prentice2006J. Yeates & T. Honour
1985T. Prentice2007A. Deuchar
1986T. Prentice2008D. Western
1987R. Grier2009D. Searle
1988T. Prentice2010Dave Searle
1989P. Farmer2011Mike Pack
1990R. Curtis2012David Western
1991L. Weaver2013Barry Rowe
1992A. Pearce2014Jim Addison
1993R. Day2015Stan Taylor
1994D. C. White2016Stan Taylor
1995A. Canessa2017Jim Yeates
1996D. Frost2018Keith Norman
1997A. Holland2019Tony Aldrich
1998R. Curtis2020Not Played (Covid-19)
1999T. Dominy2021John Stubbing
2000A. Canessa2022Tony Aldrich
2001L. Weaver2023Tony Aldrich
2002G. Staley2024Tony Aldrich
2003G. Staley2025
2004G. Staley2026