Year | Event |
1953 | Moles and worms are a problem Clubhouse is burgled again. £30 of professional’s good are taken. Miniatures to be presented to winners of Valentine, Presidents and Cooper trophies. |
1954 | The Hampshire Agricultural Committee request that barley be sown. Club ties purchased. 6.5 tons of barley harvested. |
1955 | Mr Hall is allowed to run his sheep on the course. A fruit machine is installed in the clubhouse. Bert Dedman resigns as Professional after 22 years’ service. Mr Callaway appointed as the Professional/Greenkeeper. Gas lighting in Clubhouse is extended. The Planning Authority renews the temporary consent for the Clubhouse to September 1960 |
1956 | The Hants Agricultural Committee request that rabbits be removed from the course. The rates payable by the club are £52. Mr Callaway resigns as the Professional/Greenkeeper. Mr Collett appointed to look after the course. The club has assets worth £700 |
1957 | 30/- paid for getting rid of moles on the course. Water is now on tap in dressing rooms. The Tennis hut donated by Droxford Tennis Club is moved to the golf course. |
1958 | Mr Collett’s employment is terminated. Mr Reeves is appointed as Greenkeeper. Cdr Wynne Owen is allowed to plough various parts of the course. Half of the old cricket pavilion is moved to near 6th green. Two paraffin heaters are purchased for the clubhouse. |
1959 | The club’s attempt to purchase the fruit machine in the clubhouse is thwarted. The club has a surplus of £21-3-0. Miss D Jacobs’ golf trolley is stolen. £150 paid back to the Holding Company. |
1960 | Mr Newhouse becomes the new owner of Hazleholt Park and continues to look after cultivated land on the course. Extensive alterations to the club house are to be made. It was proposed that tees, balls, cigarettes and matches be made available all the time. New additional tee positions are approved thus creating 18 tees. Hambledon Hunt damage the course. Dogs are no longer permitted on the course. |
1961 | The front of the club house is to be paved. The club becomes a member of the Meon Valley Rabbit Clearance Society. An application is made to divert Footpath 5 from crossing the course to following its southerly boundary. |
1962 | Mrs Valentine elected a life member. The bar and kitchen is to be extended. New licensing laws for the sale of alcohol are introduced – club rules changed. Mr Newhouse gives up cultivating the three portions of land on the course. |
1963 | Mr Lewis reports a nett surplus of £641. Green fees are increased to 10/- a round for non-members at the weekends. New members are to pay £5 entrance fee. Discussions start on the acquisition of the land to the south of the course, sufficient for eighteen holes. Discussions start on the provision of mains water to the club. A scheme to lay water to the club is agreed at a cost of £1807. |
1964 | Membership is 124 men, 25 women and 15 junior members. A scheme to have mains electricity is agreed. |
1965 | The Ministry of Housing and Local Government grant permission to sink a bore hole. The new S.S.S of the course is to be 69. Leaflets on golf etiquette are to be placed next to the green fee box. Mr Reeves agrees to give up his job as Greenkeeper to give more time to being the Steward. Mr Crockford is appointed Greenkeeper. Mrs Reeves is appointed Stewardess. Membership is 188 including 33 unpaid members. Apart from staggering the cross-roads, the B2150 road is to be raised eight feet. |
1966 | The possibility of five-day membership is discussed but not implemented. A strong room costing £105 is to be built in the clubhouse. Discussions start on building a bungalow for the professional. The cladding of the clubhouse is completed. Membership is 226 (186 men, 40 women). It is agreed to install a coin-operated telephone in the clubhouse. The club buys the fruit machine from Mrs Reeves. The Hambledon Hunt is told that the course is ‘out of bounds’. Green fee players are forbidden to play on Sundays until after noon. |
1967 | Membership discs are purchased. It is agreed to decorate the clubhouse at a cost of £62. Some heifers badly damage the 5th green. Mr J W Valentine is elected an honorary life member. Mr Parrett suggests the formation of a veteran’s section. The possibility of a practice ground is aired. A new fruit machine costing £435 is purchased. |
1968 | A decision is taken to wind up the holding company. The building regulations for the bungalow are approved. Parking alongside the first fairway is causing a nuisance. A short history of the Holding Company is given at the AGM. It was agreed to dig a trench alongside the first fairway and green to stop cars driving on to the course. It was agreed to form a board of four trustees to take over the club from the Holding Company. |
1969 | Mr D W Baber is appointed Steward. The bungalow is occupied by Mr Crockford, his family and Alsation dog. Mr Crockford becomes a professional golfer. Subscriptions are raised to 10 guineas for men and 9 guineas for women. It is proposed to provide members with diaries at a cost of 1/-. |
1970 | The cricket pavilion roof is repaired with corrugated iron. Mr P Reeves suggested extending course to 18 holes. Mr F Lindley resigns from being Hon. Secretary and Treasurer since 1952 and is elected President. Carpet ordered for the clubhouse. Mr Rowsell of Shepherd’s Down farm agrees to sell land to the Club. Cotton, Pennink and Lorne and Partners selected to design the course extension. Mr E P H Payton selected and appointed to be Hon. Secretary and Treasurer as friom 1 January 1971. Mr Charles Lawrie visits club as golf architect from Cotton, Pennink and Lorne. |
1971 | Mr Rowsell willing to sell 40 acres at £500 per acre. After negotiations Mr Rowsell agrees to sell at £400 per acre. At an EGM in June, a proposal to enlarge course was agreed by 65 votes to 41 against. Mr Lindley states that, as there had not been a two thirds majority, the vote at the EGM was illegal. At an EGM in August, a proposal to enlarge course was defeated by 78 votes for to 43 against – 2 less than the required two-thirds majority. At an EGM in October it was agreed that postal votes could be used if six members or more request a postal ballot. At an EGM in December it was agreed to raise the green fees to £1.00 per round on weekdays and £1.50 at weekends and Bank holidays. |
1972 | At the AGM in April the workings of a “Phantom Scribbler” are reported. At the same meeting it was agreed to extend the course to 18 holes. Mr Rowsell is now unsure if he will sell the land to the Club. Watneys Red Barrel is now available. Mr Rowsell agrees to sell approx. 34 acres at £575 per acre Contracts are drawn up for purchase of the land with a completion date of 30th September. 1000 tons of soil delivered. Mr Rowsell threatens to withdraw his offer. Barclays Bank as Custodian Trustees of the Club are informed of this development. Mr Rowsell withdraws his offer and sells land to Chappell’s. Barclays Bank blamed for delay in handling contracts. |
1973 | Decision taken to use existing land for course extension. An EGM is held to tell members about the course extension possibilities. Lawrie provides design of new course. At the AGM it is agreed to construct a shelter as a memorial to Peter Dacombe. Mr Wilson is employed as Course Manager. Decision taken to appoint four Club members as Trustees. Plans for a new clubhouse are drawn up. Lin-Hire have started the course extension. |
1974 | Four Club members appointed as Trustees. Problems with Crockford’s dog. Trees are planted down the Bishops Waltham road. At AGM members are told why Crockford is to be dismissed as Greenkeeper and hired as a Professional. Planning permission obtained for new Clubhouse. Contractors finish course extension. Mr Wright proposes £500 20-year memberships to raise money for the new Clubhouse. The Club transfers its banking to Lloyds at Fareham. At EGM in December subscriptions to be Men £30, Ladies £27 with an Entry Fee of £50. |