Tankard Foursomes Trophy

Foursomes Medal Competition

Donor:Mrs. Molly Henning
Object:To introduce a Foursomes Competition
Format:Medal Foursomes – drawn partners
 1 high and 1 low player as per draw.
Trophy:Was two Silver Cups with tall twisted stems but changed in 2002 to two silver tankards purchased by the Ladies’ Section.
Invite Molly Henning to present trophy.

Tankard Foursomes

1970Mrs G Pickett & Miss L Fletcher1992Mrs A Elliott & Mrs B Byers
1971Mrs P Fletcher & Mrs A Blanchard1993Mrs B Johnston & Mrs P Yeates
1972Mrs M Henning & Mrs E Hale1994Miss G Curtis & Mrs P Yeates
1973Mrs P Linnell & Mrs A Blanchard1995Miss L Fletcher & Mrs E White
1974Mrs P Linnell & Mrs M Lindley1996Mrs K Morton & Mrs A Elliott
1975Mrs N Wilson & Mrs G Pickett1997Mrs E Ralls & Mrs D Gibson
1976Mrs G Sjoberg & Mrs J Lutman1998Mrs R Elly & Mrs M Martin
1977Mrs M Lindley & Mrs K Smith1999Mrs S Cope & Mrs J Nevill
1978Mrs J Young & Mrs E Dowding2000Pauline Thew & Nora Butt
1979Mrs B Sharrock & Mrs B Sage2001Denise Starkie & Margo Glover
1980Mrs J Johnston & Mrs E Dowding2002Maggie Howard & Jane Moody
1981Mrs J Johnston & Miss Y Willett2003Kathy Sankey & Greta Thornton
1982Miss L Fletcher & Miss Y Willett2004Maggie Howard & Margo Glover
1983Miss Y Willett & Miss D Starkie2005Sue Mundy & Tricia Hill
1984Miss L Fletcher & Mrs F Johnson2006Dale Hinton & Ruth Moore
1985Mrs M Henning & Mrs V Andrew2007Gill McMillan & Greta Thornton
1986Miss Y Willett & Mrs M Collins2008Irene Hind & Chris Cheesman
1987Mrs J Buchanan & Mrs I Heathcote2009Pamela Bullock & Pauline Bentote
1988Mrs V Wrate & Mrs J Imrie2010Pauline Raymond & Irene Hind
1989Mrs E Ralls & Miss K Barter2011Denise Starkie & Nicola Fogg
1990No Competition2012Cancelled
1991Mrs S Flesher & Mrs N Butt2013Cancelled & Discontinued