Bronze Cup

Bronze Division Competition

Donor:Miss P. Jenkins (known as Jenny Jenkins)
Object:Knockout matchplay between the ‘best’ Bronze Division of the previous year.
Format:Bronze (division 2) player with best net score in either a medal or stableford between January and December qualifies for entry in the following year’s Bronze Cup.
No competitor may qualify more than once. A handicap reduction from Bronze to Silver (division 1) may qualify.

Bronze Cup

1972Mrs N. Butt1992Mrs V. Wrate2012Anne Luetchford
1973Mrs G. Sjoberg1993Mrs D. Hinton2013Margo Glover
1974Mrs N. Butt1994Mrs E. S. Butcher2014Jan Norman
1975Mrs P. Fletcher1995No Competition2015Jan Norman
1976Mrs G. Sjoberg1996Miss E. White2016Nicola Fogg
1977Mrs P. Linnell1997Mrs K. Morton2017Anna Jacobs
1978Mrs B. Sharrock1998Mrs D. Barrett2018Janet Armitage
1979Mrs M. Collins1999??2019Margo Glover
1980Mrs M. Henning2000Mrs L. Harvey2020Not played due to Covid
1981Mrs E. Ralls2001No Competition2021Olivia Diment
1982Mrs F. Johnson2002Mrs E. O'Meara2022Sandie Sleight
1983Miss D. Starkie2003Mrs P. Bentote2023Julia Ward
1984Mrs B. Wood2004Mrs S. Jarman
1985Mrs B. Johnston2005Mrs Margaret Collins
1986Mrs G. Pickett2006Miss M. Glover
1987Miss K. Barter2007Mrs P. Bentote
1988Miss K. Barter2008Mrs V. Andrew
1989Miss S. Flesher2009Julie Martin
1990Miss G. Curtis2010Margaret Collins
1991Mrs D. Hinton2011Greta Thornton