Ladies Index

A history of the the Corhampton Golf Club Ladies Competitions can be found by clicking on the Trophy and Cup prize links below. Discontinued competitions (or those where there was a significant change in format) are listed separately below.

Current Competitions

1975 TrophyStableford, single division
Anniversary CupGreensomes Medal
Autumn Closed – Taylor TrophyLadies Autumn Closed - Div 1
Autumn Closed – Leggett TrophyLadies Autumn Closed - Div 2
Away-day TrophyCorhampton Ladies 'Away Day' competition (various formats)
Birdie TreeMost Birdies (summer season)
Banting TrophyBest 3 Medal Rounds (Annual award)
Bronze CupBronze Division Knockout Matchplay
Ladies Championship - Scratch36-hole medal - Scratch
Ladies Championship – Silver Nett36-hole medal - Division 1 Nett
Ladies Championship – Bronze Nett36-hole medal - Division 2 Nett
Centenary ShieldFoursomes Eclectic Medal (Open)
County (HLCGA) Centenary Foursomes (qualifier)Foursomes, stableford
Coke QuaicheMedal Round (commemorative)
Cooper TrophySingles Knockout Matchplay
Copper Bowl TrophyStableford
Coronation Foursomes (qualifier)Foursomes
Daphne Jacobs TrophyStableford
England Golf Women’s MedalEngland Golf Medal (Annual Award)
Elizabeth West Summer EclecticSummer Eclectic
Fletcher Handicap Trophy – SilverBest handicap reduction (Div 1)
Fletcher Handicap Trophy – BronzeBest handicap reduction (Div 2)
Garside CupFoursomes knockout matchplay
George Davis FlagFlag competition, one division
Grandmothers CupSingles knockout (restricted entry)
Haigh Ladies Masters'Champion of Champions', medal
Joyce Hyde PutterLadies Section and Senior Men's Section Competition
Lady President’s PutterMedal, one division
Ladies Captains Day TrophyLadies Captains Day (various formats)
Martin TrophyClub Captains Day: Best score by a lady
Par TreeMost Pars (summer season)
Past Ladies Captain’s TrophyStableford (Past Ladies Captains only)
Ping 4BBB (qualifier)4BBB Stableford
Reeves Trophy (Ladies)Stableford, one division
Senior Ladies Trophy – Div 1Stableford, Senior Ladies - Div 1
Senior Ladies Trophy – Div 2Stableford, Senior Ladies - Div 2
Silver Division TrophyMedal, restricted entry (division 1)
Stella Wright Ladies InvitationLadies Invitational
Sue Harris TrophyMedal, one division
Thora Lomax TrophyMedal, commemorative
Valentine Key TrophyMedal, one division
Winter Eclectic (Ladies)Winter eclectic
Winter TripleInter-club match

External Competitions (nominated)

HLCGA Hull ShieldCounty medal competition, 2 combined scores from each club
HLCGA Knight CupCounty interclub knockout. Foursomes
Daily Mail FoursomesFoursomes (had qualifying competition until 2013)

Discontinued Competitions

Lindley PuttingPutting competition2018
LGU Pendant MedalBest overall, September Medal.
Replaced by Breakthrough Brooch
LGU Breakthrough BroochSuccessor to LGU Pendant Medal
Played as 'Breast Cancer Now' in 2018
Marlborough TrophyInter-club friendly match2011/2012
Red Cross MedalRed Cross Charity fund-raiser2014
LGU Silver MedalLGU Silver Medal (Annual Award)2009
LGU Bronze MedalLGU Bronze Medal (Annual Award)2009
Tankard Foursomes TrophyFoursomes Medal, drawn partners2014
Golf Foundation Medal (Silver)Charity Medal on behalf of the Golf Foundation2013
Golf Foundation Medal (Bronze)Charity Medal on behalf of the Golf Foundation2013
Silver Trophy (Ladies)Medal, Silver/Div 1 players only
(Relaunched 2013 with new Trophy)
Spring (Ladies) InvitationLadies Invitational, 4BBB2009
Ladies Championship – 18 Hole Trophy18-hole medal - Nett1984
NSPCC Ladies Golf Classic (qualifier)4BBB stableford2010
Age Concern Hampshire (qualifier)Stableford2018